Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 190 The Peak Showdown

Snow fell all over the sky, burying everyone, and the whole world was turned upside down.

The bones buried in the depths of the ice and snow have seen the light again after experiencing countless years of darkness.

Behind every bone, there is an unknown story.

Only these bones know how many arrogance and monsters are buried in this world.

Ye Tianxing scanned the white and icy world, and the movement of Yuan force was obviously restricted. In the extremely cold place, there was an extremely strong force intertwined in the cold.

This force is difficult to detect and invisible to the naked eye, but they cannot hide under the eyes of nothingness.

A slight wave splashed in the void, and the demon body Ye Tianxing swept into the distance.

In the upside-down world, under the cover of ice and snow, everyone in the Yang family was attacked by Cheng Yuan again, and a big battle broke out.

"Don't give up yet." The demon body Ye Tianxing locked a position, his hands suddenly formed seals, and his feet were black, spreading to the depths of the earth at a speed invisible to the naked eye.


A low shout resounded,

Under the darkness, a hole was broken in the devouring barrier that Cheng Yuan had opened up, and Ming Yuexin, who was trapped in the devouring barrier, was wrapped in black runes and disappeared in an instant.

Cheng Yuan wanted to intercept it, but it was obviously too late.

The void surged, and in the next second, Ming Yuexin in white appeared beside Ye Tianxing.

The latter's slightly pale pretty face was full of panic, and after seeing the person who appeared was Ye Tianxing, her frail face showed a long-lost slack.

After half a month, the tense nerves finally relaxed.

"Thank you." She whispered and saluted slightly, Ye Tianxing saved her from Cheng Yuan's grasp.

Ye Tianxing, the demon body, did not answer. A pair of indifferent eyes swept across her body, and Mingyue felt a sense of strangeness and astonishment in her heart. The person in front of her was a little different from the person she knew.

Ye Tianxing just looked at her like this, everything about the latter seemed to be revealed in front of his eyes, and there was nowhere to hide.

"Tiannvjing, it's really ordinary." As soon as the words fell, the figure in front of Ming Yuexin turned into a phantom.

Then completely dissipated.


A storm of ice and snow was set off below, and the snow in a radius of several miles was swept up by the storm, sweeping in all directions, shaking off a figure, and in an instant, the earth was vast.

Everyone's figure appears.

There was Tianjiao who was covered in ice, his body was frozen stiff, and without the supply of energy, it was difficult to even maintain his body temperature.

"Brother Ye!" Yang Nianxi propped up a small barrier to envelop everyone, and the fire attribute force barely drove away the cold surrounding.

He was also very weak.

Ye Tianxing didn't look at Yang Nianxi, but just glanced at the crowd indifferently. Yang Sirui was very happy to see Ye Tianxing appearing at first, but when he saw Ye Tianxing's indifferent face, he immediately lost interest.

With a thought in the sky at night, the flame sparrow appeared in the sky, the scorching flames contrasted sharply with the extreme cold of the world,

The flame sparrow croaked, and as it fluttered its wings, strands of dancing flames turned into layers of fiery red veils, covering everyone's bodies. Suddenly, the coldness between the world and the earth disappeared.

"The formation has been broken, you can leave." Ye Tianxing said coldly, and then stepped indifferently into the depths of the ice and snow, and the overwhelming coercion swept away.

Fighting intent!

"Why, I'm here, and you still plan to hide?"

From the depths of the ice and snow, Cheng Yuan came out, with a hint of gloom on his half-smile face.

"It's really you!"

"I specially set up this game for you. I never expected that you would appear in front of me alive." Cheng Yuan tried every means to set up this game, and even trapped everyone in the Yang family and some of his close friends in the big formation. The result still didn't go as he expected.

"It's just strange, the group of people you're looking for is too useless, and I can't even catch a single move." Ye Tianxing's mouth curled up with a wild arc, and he was suppressed by the eternal heavens, and Cheng Yuan was blasted into him with a palm. In the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Tsk tsk, you're really weak." Seeing this, Ye Tianxing shook his head boredly, "I'll give you enough time to rest, rest well, and fight me again."

He stopped attacking and let Cheng Yuan cultivate.

This scene puzzled all the Tianjiao present. Cheng Yuan is weak at this moment, and this is a good time to kill him.

"Brother Ye, this guy's strength has improved a lot, and he is very difficult to deal with. Don't push him too hard!" Yang Nianxi worried.

"Tell you to leave, where is there so much nonsense!" Ye Tianxing said impatiently with his back to them.

This caused Yang Sirui's dissatisfaction, the little girl was about to have a fit, but You Ruo lightly pressed her shoulder, and You Ruo shook her head at Yang Sirui, "Let's go, don't worry about him."


Yang Nianxi also seemed to see the clue, and said, "Leave first."

"Don't you care about him?"

"Didn't you see that? He doesn't need our help. We will only become a burden here." You Ruo deliberately raised his voice a little. He said this to Ye Tianxing, but the latter was indifferent. All he could think of was the confrontation with Cheng Yuan.

"Ruirui, let's go." Yang Nianxi patted Yang Sirui's shoulder, and led everyone into the air slowly.

"Brother Ye, what's wrong with you? Why are you so indifferent to us?"

"He is not the one we know, his breath is very different." Gao Tian said in a deep voice, with the power of an ancient demon ape in his body, his perception is different and higher than that of ordinary people.

"Indeed, from the moment he appeared, I sensed a familiar but unfamiliar fluctuation in his body. This body is undoubtedly his, but..." Ming Yuexin did not continue talking.

"What happened to him? Why did it happen!" Everyone was puzzled.

Between the words, Yang Nianxi led the crowd to leave the place of right and wrong.

"He is waiting for Cheng Yuan to recover. Cheng Yuan is full of tricks, insidious and cunning. If his strength returns to its peak, what will he do if he loses?"

"Don't worry, his aura is much stronger than before. Cheng Yuan's battles can't stop him. Cheng Yuan is nothing to worry about." Among the people present, You Ruo was very impressed with Ye Tianxing's current appearance. And the aura is relatively familiar, she has felt this domineering aura before, fighting Cheng Yuan in that fierce formation, and now, she seems to understand a lot.

In the body of the barren body, there was a terrible guy sleeping, and now, that guy has awakened.


Cheng Yuan tried his best to restore his strength, he knew very well that this battle was inevitable, he could only watch Mingyuexin escape from his palm, he wanted to take Mingyuexin down, and wanted to plant a seed in her body , as the capital to control Mingyuexin, fortunately, he will leave a lot of wealth for himself in the future,

It's a pity that Ye Tianxing destroyed his secret technique halfway through.

"Forget it, it's the same if you die by my hands!" He stood up, and a sinister force swept over him. Cheng Yuan's strength has improved compared to the last time he fought with Yi. Too much, as one of the most pure devouring bloodlines in the Cheng family, Cheng Yuan displayed the power of the devouring body extremely well.

"Hehe, do you dare to speak big words in front of me? Last time, if it wasn't for that guy in your body covering you, you would have been a dead body!"

Ye Tianxing sneered, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the domain stretched open, enveloping the breath of this world, "Let me see, how confident are you to say such big words."


Cheng Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the devouring enchantment, the devouring power swept out, and the devouring flames formed a terrifying dark behemoth raging in the domain, Ye Tianxing's fairy king domain was on the verge of collapse at any time.

"Hehe, not bad." Seeing this, Ye Tianxing showed a greedy look, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the sky will be thundered.

"Thunder God's Domain, open!"

Ye Tianxing bathed in the thunder and moved forward, swung his fist domineeringly, and with one punch down, the devouring enchantment that Cheng Yuan propped up was almost blown away. The fierce thunder power, to a certain extent, had a little restraint on the devouring power , but this restraint is not great.

"Come on, this time, let's have fun fighting!" Cheng Yuan smiled, and in a moment, he stepped into a state of comprehension. The whole world seemed to be trembling under his feet, and nothing could stop him.

"Absolute Domain, your talent is not bad, it can be compared with the waste in my body." Ye Tianxing was not very surprised, on the contrary, he was a little excited.

"Really," Cheng Yuan smiled, "I have a question that I've always wanted to ask clearly."

"Ask, the question of the dead, I will try my best."

"Are you from the devouring lineage, or," "born with a devouring body?"

"Heh, you dare to fight me without even knowing this?"


A domineering fist slammed forward,

Both of them are based on the absolute field, the invincible way, the invincible way, fists and feet meet, and the world will continue to shatter.

Outside Changmei Xuefeng, as Yang Nianxi and others walked out safely, a shocking battle broke out in Xuefeng's large formation. The fluctuations that erupted within were no longer comparable to reincarnation, it was as if two truly peerless geniuses of the Void Transformation Realm were fighting.

This level of power has already transcended reincarnation.

"This may be the last battle at the end of the heavenly road!" The guard general whispered, and ordered, "You guard Changmei Xuefeng, I'll go in and have a look!" In the array.

Xu Yi, Xuankong, Duanshuiliu, Ning Canghai and other peerless talents also stepped in.

At the end of the Heavenly Road, all the arrogances came out of it, Chen Jingqiu and others hurried over and rushed into the formation, Wu Ting was covered in blood, and after a fierce fight, he still entered it.

"What should we do? Cheng Yuan is still inside, this time, he may be in danger!"

"Brother Lu, are we going to help?" the remaining Cheng family disciples asked worriedly.

"You are the opponents of the waste body?" Cheng Lu asked back,

Several people shook their heads when they heard the words, they didn't even have the courage to fight against the barren body, the Peerless Tianjiao was killed by one blow in his hands, let alone them.

"Then don't ask nonsense. Cheng Yuan has the ability to protect himself. If he dies here, there is nothing we can do. Let's leave the heavenly road and the Hui will report the matter truthfully!" A flash of light flashed in Cheng Lu's eyes. sly.

Before the eighth day of the human race, countless Tianjiao came to watch the battle, and the Tianjiao of the entire Tianlu basically gathered here.

"This guy, how dare he brazenly set foot at the end of the Heavenly Road to start a war with people!" A figure in a black robe appeared outside the Eighth Heaven Pass of the Human Race, completely wrapped up.

This person was none other than Gong Xianliang who had been on the run for a while. Yan Shuangfei searched everywhere for his traces, but to no avail.

"No, why did that guy only follow me, but not bother with the barren body?" Gong Xianliang was in doubt, and wanted to ask Ye Tianxing to clarify.

In the Great Formation of Changmei Xuefeng, the battle was earth-shattering, and the guardian of the eighth day pass of the human race was also awakened...

The demon body, Ye Tianxing, has never used the power of devouring, and there are too many people peeping, he doesn't want to expose it, but Cheng Yuan is different, he is a member of the Cheng family in the God Realm, and everyone knows that he has the blood of devouring, so he can use it recklessly.

"Hmph, if you don't use the power of devouring, what are you going to fight with me?" Cheng Yuan sneered, his killing intent soaring.

"Do you think that killing you really needs to use the power of devouring?" Ye Tianxing raised his hands and feet, thunder surged, and the next moment, a vision suddenly appeared, black clouds pressed over, and the monstrous devilish energy completely submerged the place at this moment!

"Guy who is overestimated, I will let you take a good look at what absolute power is!" The sound of the forest sounded, and there was only horror and fear in the world.

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