Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 145 Invincible in the flesh

During the divine punishment, light and shadow intertwined, and the two people who fought fiercely through the barriers of time and space set off a boundless storm.

The same overlord, the same domineering, the two fought in the midst of ignoring God's punishment, the body and God's punishment brand shattered and reunited, and continued to shatter after the reunion, the god baby coughed up golden blood, He was severely injured during the punishment, Ye Tianxing's sea of ​​knowledge was surging, and his injuries were not serious.

"The imprint of divine punishment left by Peerless Tianjiao is too terrifying, Master Ye was actually injured!" Xuan Kong witnessed this scene, if this continues, Ye Tianxing is likely to be seriously injured by the Heaven and Earth Dao, and it is difficult to recover.

"I can't intervene in his ways. To fight against the ancient Tianjiao, we can only rely on him to take that step!" Yang Nianxi said.Although they know that this battle is difficult, Ye Tianxing may be seriously injured or even leave hidden dangers, but such a level of divine punishment brand, it is extremely dangerous for ordinary people to enter it.

The majesty of the heavenly way is different from others, even if the sharp weapon of the divine weapon is touched under the majesty of the heavenly way, it is likely to injure the spirit of the divine soldier, and the same is true for the barren body.

"The barren body is bleeding out. Who is the person in the residual brand of divine punishment? It's so powerful that it forced the barren body into such a situation!"

The celestial light was shining brightly, as if a fairy gate was wide open, the mist and chaos slashed down with a blow from the sky, Ye Tianxing's protective qi was split, and the body comparable to a high-grade spirit soldier was torn apart at this moment.

The power of heaven is extraordinary, no matter how strong the body is, it will hurt it. The dark red blood paints the sky, and the blood qi soars to the sky in an instant, and the prehistoric qi and blood are extremely majestic. The momentum, the punch that opened the blood of the prehistoric, can now kill the masters of the eighth heaven of reincarnation.

Ye Tianxing was sitting majestically, with glowing brows, piercing the chaotic void, splitting the emptiness, and breaking through the present and the earth. The divine infant made a formula, and a golden pagoda emerged, which was indeed Ye Tianxing's natal magic weapon. tower,

The desolate pagoda is bathed in God's punishment and rises up. Four terrifying attributes of thunder, fire, ice, and wind emerge from the tower. The inscriptions are trembling, like living creatures devouring the power of heaven in God's punishment, and various visions appear in the world. , making this space extremely lively.

"Ancient Tianjiao, that's all!" Ye Tianxing stood up suddenly, his black hair danced wildly in the robbery, his clothes were smashed to pieces, leaving only the magic weapon for body protection, his body was bruised and blood was still flowing , This is enough to make the peerless Tianjiao's mind and soul die, but it is not enough to shake his foundation.

This is his way, the invincible way!

"The power of the way of heaven, what can I do!" Ye Tianxing clenched his hands suddenly, and a soaring momentum pierced the sky like a sharp blade, splitting the chaos again. Injured, unrivaled coercion still shows the arrogance of the barren body.

"It's a pity that it's just a brand of divine punishment, so I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest!"

Tian walks four elephant steps, Ye Tian walks with radiant feet, which contains the law of the avenue, he goes retrograde, and the divine punishment bombards his body, his skin is torn, but this does not stop him. The powerful healing ability of the barren body is at this moment. manifested,

"Open it for me!"

The divine baby and the main body shouted violently at the same time, the majesty of the emperor and the aura of the overlord were fully displayed at this moment. With one foot breaking through the galaxy, Ye Tian was moving like a broken bamboo, unstoppable, just like a king who looked down on the world, standing in the invincible On the road, he overcame thorns and thorns all the way, the brand of divine punishment was blasted, the chaos dawned, the clouds receded, and the laws of heaven merged into his body.

In an instant, the world was clear, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Tianxing stands in the invincible field, with black hair hanging down his shoulders, eyes filled with flames and thunder, the luster disappears, replaced by darkness, as dark as an abyss,

The faint light is shining, sometimes like a vast galaxy, sometimes like an endless black hole, a pair of eyes, like two stars, hiding too much depth.

The heavens and the earth are cleared and returned to silence. If you ask today, stop here.

Ye Tianxing panted slightly. No matter how strong he was, he still couldn't hide the fact that he was injured. The power of heaven was too terrifying. After all, he was made of flesh and blood and could not compete with Tian Wei.


He walked down the sky, blood flowing from the palms and the cracks on his body, the blood was very surging,

All the arrogances are trembling. After such a catastrophe, they have not turned into ashes, but broke out. Who among the peerless arrogances present can guarantee that they can do it?



In the dark and lonely night sky, a wave suddenly appeared, and Ye Tianxing's frantic black hair was lifted by a sharp edge.

Suddenly, the void exploded, and a shocking attack reached Zhan Yetianxing's eyebrows,

"Someone took action on the barren body!"

The shattered void, the turbulent flow, and several people hidden in the darkness, armed with magical weapons to attack and kill Ye Tianxing, jointly launched an offensive, intending to kill Ye Tianxing while he was seriously injured.

"Boom!" Ye Tianxing blocked this ultimate move, staggered back a few steps in the void, and managed to stabilize himself.

Countless Tianjiao were shocked when they saw it,

Seeing this, Tianjiao's eyes lit up: "Good opportunity!"

"The barren body is dying, today is the perfect time to kill him!" A voice sounded from the depths of the dark void, encouraging all the peerless arrogances who had murderous intentions towards Ye Tianxing.

"Are you crazy to attack and kill the barren body? The Qinghuang ten cavalry were forced to retreat and Cheng Lu's defeat hasn't made you give up yet?"

"The barren body is too sharp to give the peerless arrogance a living. Today's calamity has been severely damaged by the power of heaven. It is an excellent time to suppress and kill him. Once you miss it, it will be as difficult as going to heaven to kill him!"

"The barren body must be killed. If he does not die, we will have no peace in our journey to heaven!"

"Yes, the barren body does not die, we wait for the Taoist heart to be unstable, it is inevitable every night, a big mountain is pressing on us, how can we practice with peace of mind!"

"Take this opportunity to kill the barren body!"

"Kill!" In the darkness, there were constant echoing voices, and in all directions, countless powerful auras were approaching the position where Ye Tianxing was.

Murderous intent.

"Taking advantage of his illness, kill him!" A shadowy voice sounded weakly from the darkness.

"It's destiny, he shouldn't live in this world!"

Countless killing thoughts locked Ye Tianxing, there was nowhere to retreat, surging in all directions, the invisible coercion made the four directions tremble, Ye Tianxing wiped a mouthful of blood, his face was calm, and his dark pupils could not see the color.

"If you're not at the peak, you can still suppress and kill you. Anyone who offends me will be killed. Everyone, think carefully!" Ye Tianxing advised, he didn't really want to kill.

"Hmph, you dare to speak out when you are about to die. Brothers, do it and kill the barren body here!"

"Don't be afraid, the desolate body baby was injured by divine punishment, and the scars left by the power of heaven will inevitably be severely injured. At this time, his combat strength is not even one in ten, and we can all kill him!"

No one retreated, and those faces full of murderous intent made Ye Tianxing sigh, "My physical body has been transformed into a void, even if I don't use my energy, I can still suppress and kill you, you must be prepared to be killed get ready?"

The deep voice came faintly, and the night sky was walking in the ancient well without waves, very indifferent, but when this indifferent voice sounded in the world, a solemn cold killing intent gradually surged into everyone's hearts.

It's cold in the sky.

"When I wait for a fool? How dare you speak boldly in front of me now! I want to see how long you can speak so hard, everyone, do it!"

Light and shadow flashed by, murderous aura filled the sky, one after another terrifying aura permeated the sky, and the whole earth trembled.

"I'll help him!" Gao Tian scratched his head, wanting to save Ye Tianxing in return for his life-saving grace.

"No need to go." Yang Nianxi said calmly.

"He was injured by Dao. If you don't help him, he will probably die here. You and him are friends. Could it be a superficial friend?" Gao Tian's eyes sank, "Could it be that you also want him to die in your heart?"

Faced with Gao Tian's questioning, Yang Nianxi was a little speechless, and smiled wryly, "That's not the case."

"Brother Ye at this time, as he said, his physical body has already ascended to the void. Although the divine infant was injured, his combat power is still not weak. He never wants us to help him. Invincibility is his way, and it is a kind of Faith, so, we'd better not disturb him, just wait and see what happens, and help him stare at the insidious guy hiding in the dark depths."

"Senior Sister, is what he said right?" Gao Tian scratched his head again with a naive expression.

You Ruo nodded slightly, "We'll just wait and see what happens here. If someone plots to kill him with a fairy weapon, it's not too late for us to take action!" She deliberately raised her voice, and her cold and domineering voice spread in all directions, to countless people. Tianjiao communicated her position.This is a warning to the evil hand hidden in the darkness, before making a move on the barren body, you have to weigh it carefully.

"Boom" "Pa"

The battle started in an instant, and Ye Tianxing raised his hand and slammed his body forward fiercely. Tianjiao's strongest blow at the seventh level of reincarnation was shattered by his punch, and the roar of the road merged into him under Ye Tian's fist In the strength of the fist.


The strength of the fist broke through one of Tianjiao's protective qi, bombarded his chest, and finally burst out from his back. His front chest collapsed, his back exploded, his eyes were dull for an instant, and he fell to the ground with a slam. cut off.

"The might of Void Transformation!"

Countless arrogance trembled!

"Don't be afraid, he is holding on, his body has been subjected to the power of heaven, this kind of offensive can only be used twice at most!"


Ye Tianxing indifferently faced the place where the attack was densest, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and lightly shattered the attack, his black hair danced wildly in the wind, his domineering side leaked!


There are no fancy moves, just a punch and a kick. All the offensives are worthless in front of him. He once again reached the invincible state, and no one can shake him.

Another punch, a Tianjiao couldn't escape, was blasted into a blood mist by Ye Tianxing's punch, a gorgeous blood flower bloomed, and died tragically in the sky.


Another Tianjiao was pinched by Ye Tianxing with one hand to explode his protective energy, his fingers were embedded in his flesh and blood, and his blood was soaring.


The screams resounded in the dark night sky, how frightening.

Many Tianjiao suddenly hesitated and did not dare to go forward.

"Don't be afraid, he is already at the end of his strength, he was seriously injured by the power of heaven, and his strength is running out. He is supporting us forcefully. We will definitely kill him after we make up our minds. If we miss tonight, we will never have such an excellent opportunity again!" Darkness The voice sounded again.

Many Tianjiao attacked again, suppressing and killing Ye Tianxing, and a peerless Tianjiao came to kill with spiritual soldiers, with boundless power.


The monstrous offensive, impenetrable, surrounded Ye Tianxing in a hurry.

"Boom!" It was still an indifferent punch. Ye Tianxing was like a machine without emotion. Between the strikes, there was death and no life. He stood in the invincible field with boundless power. No one was his enemy, including this one. A peerless arrogance who tried to make a move.


One punch exploded the attack of the two, and along the way, the protective energy of the two was also bombed. The two were bleeding on the spot, and fell into the sky, life and death unknown.

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