Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 144 Four Elephant Wheel Chapter Tribulation

"Boss, someone is manipulating the speech behind your back, trying to harm you!"

Between the sea and the sky, Ye Tianxing stood majestically, looking at the dark sky, and asked Yu Tian.

"Or, I'll deal with it?" Wu Ting said with serious eyes, with a slight killing intent.

"Don't worry about it, just wait and see what happens." Ye Tianxing was meaningless and fearless, and the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, and at worst he ordered a killing ring, "Take care of everyone, I will be less active in the near future, and concentrate on cultivation. I am worried that some people will not dare to do anything to me. Get on them."

"Yes." The two retreated.

At this time, Ye Tianxing was concentrating on his cultivation. Since he fought with Cheng Lu that day and established himself in the absolute realm, he has been focusing on this, so as to understand it. If he can control it well, it will become another one for him Big hole card.

He dived into the deep sea while walking, walked on the deep and dark seabed of Ruyuan, restrained all his breath, let his body touch the sea water, and listened to the most natural and true voice of the sea.


In the depths of the sea, a pair of lantern-sized eyes opened at this moment, sending out sound waves that humans cannot hear, sending a signal in the fear of the deep sea.

Ye Tianxing encountered a terrorist attack, and countless deep sea monsters attacked him, opened their bloody mouths, and a storm blew up in the deep sea, sucking him in.


Ye Tianxing let out a low growl, and the unrivaled coercion swept across the sky, shaking the sky completely. This low growl carried rolling sound waves, which had the power to shatter mountains and seas, and countless deep-sea creatures retreated in fright.


Rolling huge waves rushed, and a terrifying sea monster that had touched the peak of reincarnation came to kill Ye Tian. The bloody breath covered thousands of feet. A giant tooth was as big as Ye Tianxing's body, and it could swallow a lake with just one mouthful.

Ye Tianxing raised his hand and punched without using any power, relying only on the physical strength of the prehistoric body, split the thousand-foot sea into two, the deep-sea monster was knocked over with a punch, and a huge hole was blasted out of the giant mouth of swallowing the sky. Blood flowed like a river.

The sea monster screamed in pain, but it did not escape, and still rushed towards Ye Tianxing regardless of its life. What kind of horror lurks in the deep sea, Ye Tianxing does not know. From ancient times to the present, no one has explored the deep sea. clear too.

Groups of deep-sea giant monsters are attacking him in an orderly and accurate direction, Ye Tianxing frowned, and the next moment, the divine baby in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness opened his eyes, and the terrifying consciousness moved towards the depth of the sea in an instant. Covering everywhere, a gloomy aura, undetectable, was completely hidden under the cover of his consciousness.


"Cheng Lu!" Ye Tianxing stepped down, and the huge waves soared into the sky. The faint breath remaining in the deep sea was undoubtedly Cheng Lu, who was actually hiding in the deep sea.

Only then did Ye Tianxing remember that Cheng Lu was carrying a sea float, which could control monsters in the deep sea. In the unknown deep sea field, no one knew what level of terror he could control.

He didn't pursue him deeply, not to mention that Cheng Lu had a fairy weapon by his side, the effect of just a floating bead in the sea gave Ye Tianxing an extremely headache.

Cheng Lu's aura disappeared, Ye Tianxing left the deep sea, and continued to ask, he stepped up the sky, walked on the starry sky, watching the changes of the wind and clouds and the stars looming.

The Four Elephant Steps are pushed to the extreme, his speed is unbelievably fast, his physical body cuts through the void, runs in the turbulent current, and sets off a turbulent storm, his speed is too fast, his physical body is powerful and unmatched, for an ordinary Tianjiao If there is no support from the origin force, walking in such a turbulent storm, the physical body would have been torn to pieces, but the barren body was unscathed.

The avenue is in the heart, Ye Tianxing upholds the original heart to be fearless and fearless, the way of heart is slow, the way of heaven is vast, the stars are retreating under the feet, the clouds and smoke are curling up on both sides, look up, and see the heavenly soldiers swimming in the galaxy in the distance, look down , but seeing the evil spirit lingering between the dark and the dark.

"My heart is firm, magnanimous and unyielding!" Ye Tianxing murmured, indifferently shuttled through the galaxy, seeking the way of the true self.


Suddenly, he walked to a dilapidated fault space and felt a great coercion. There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and the brand of divine punishment remained. The earth is connected, the galaxy is broken, and the avenues are crisscrossed. The young man raised his eyes to the sky and looked directly at the divine punishment.

I saw his eyebrows raised, and the slender sword eyebrows shot out a ray of sky light, like a sharp blade piercing the sky, and it was so cold in an instant!

"With this sword, try to ask the sky!"

The deep and domineering voice resounded here, Ye Tianxing's heart was awe-inspiring, and he was moved by it.

This is a peerless arrogance, with unparalleled combat power, Ye Tianxing's blood is boiling, and he has a strong fighting spirit.

The brand of divine punishment left by this world is engraved by the way of heaven, and only the same peerless arrogance can trigger it!


The blood of the barren body is burning, and suddenly, a natural vision, the power of thunder penetrates the sky, and a golden light flashes from Ye Tianxing's eyebrows,


A terrifying catastrophe is brewing, the four elephants, the Canglong, the Flaming Sparrow, the Ice Phoenix, and the Wild Leopard, are entrenched, and the majesty of the sky is so overwhelming that it is hard to breathe!

In the golden light, the baby god opened his pupils, looked at the sky, and climbed upwards.


The sound of the heaven and the earth being torn apart rang out from the sky. When the divine baby thought, the golden light filled the sky, and he recited Buddhist scriptures against God's punishment, stepping into the sky!Compete with the way of heaven, and compete with the ancient peerless arrogance.

"What is this movement?"

In a distant place, countless Tianjiao were shaken by this terrifying wave, and woke up from the samadhi.

"God Punishment?"

"Who is going through the catastrophe?!" There was a loud shout under the starry sky, like thunder piercing the ears, and suddenly, a light and shadow rose into the sky.

The galaxy is endless, gathering countless arrogance.

In the place where the divine punishment gathered, a body sat cross-legged with its pupils closed tightly, exuding immortal holy light all over its body. At the same time, a divine infant shrouded in a golden light was fighting against the divine punishment with the power of the avenue.

Through the long river of time, the two visions of the heaven and the earth are colliding, and the two divine babies are colliding,

"Reincarnation Tribulation!"

"Four Elephant Reincarnation Tribulation!" A peerless arrogance was moved and shocked!

"Who is crossing the catastrophe?"

"Could it be the existence of the peak of reincarnation of the Yang family, who survived the tribulation here?"

"Impossible. Once you step into the emptiness, you will be expelled from the heavenly road. Above the emptiness, you are not allowed to participate in the battle for the celestial road! The one from the Yang family has stood at the end of reincarnation for too long, and he can break through the cocoon with a single thought. Experience calamity on the road to heaven!"

"But if it wasn't him, who would it be? This level of divine punishment... hiss!" Countless Tianjiao gasped, and the divine punishment at this moment could no longer be described in words.

"Among the peerless arrogance, is there anyone who has stepped into the eighth heaven of reincarnation?

"Stepping into the eighth heaven of reincarnation and triggering reincarnation robbery, how terrifying is this talent?"

"The Tribulation of the Four Elephants Reincarnation, this is the prelude to breaking the emptiness, it is too terrifying, could it be that a peerless arrogance who cultivated in seclusion, has never fought in the heavenly road, and is now crossing the tribulation here? Everyone is guessing in their hearts, and there is no answer.

At this moment, a peerless Tianjiao approached the edge of the Four Elephant Reincarnation Tribulation with a divine weapon, and a terrifying divine punishment fell, almost seriously injuring him.

"My mother, this is not a catastrophe that human beings can experience!" A Tianjiao screamed, and almost died in the sea of ​​​​thunder, but was contaminated with the corner of God's Punishment, and his body and spirit were almost wiped out.

"It's too scary. Who is going through the catastrophe? There are such peerless masters on the road to heaven?" Countless Tianjiao trembled, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.


Xuankong opened his eyes, and the golden light pierced through the mist and chaos created by the divine punishment. When he saw the towering figure entrenched in the place where the divine punishment was submerged, Xuankong couldn't help but gasp.

The scorched body was entangled with pitch-black light, and the light swallowed the sky and the earth, as if it had condensed into a vortex, and the endless divine punishment could hardly make waves in that vortex.

"It really is him!" He was as calm as Xuankong, and it was the first time he showed such a shocked expression.

"Master Xuankong, have you ever seen who it is?" Countless arrogances approached one after another, extremely curious, they couldn't break into this cataclysm that would destroy the world, once they were contaminated, life and death would disappear, just a ray of divine power in the catastrophe The avenue is enough to make it difficult for them to move forward.

"Besides him, who else!"

Everyone from the Yang family stepped forward and appeared outside the boundless catastrophe.

Yang Ping'an appeared, causing waves instantly.

"It's not the one from the Yang Clan, so who has this realm and talent?" Everyone looked curiously at Xuan Kong and everyone in the Yang Clan.

"Looking at the Heavenly Path, there is only one person with such divine power, but, unexpectedly, he has already glimpsed the true Heavenly Dao, and he is worthy of the seventh heaven of reincarnation. The talent of the barren body is unprecedented!" God's punishment edge, one The peerless Tianjiao escaped, his whole body was in a miserable state, his body was torn apart by the punishment of God, and even the divine soldier of his own destiny was penetrated, and he almost died!

When this person said a word, a shocking sound suddenly sounded under the starry sky.

"Waste body?"

"How could it be him? He is only in the Seventh Heaven Realm of Reincarnation Realm. How could he trigger the Four Elephant Reincarnation Tribulation? This is a calamity that must be passed through to transform the void!"

"In just a few days, could it be that the barren body broke into the realm of the eighth heaven, and could be glimpsed into nothingness?" Obviously, this is impossible!All Tianjiao didn't believe it, it was definitely not normal to make a breakthrough at such a time.

"His state is still in the seventh heaven of the reincarnation realm, but he has already glimpsed it. Yesterday I saw him asking in the sea and asking the sky. I am afraid that he has realized it a long time ago. Don't forget, the spiritual root of the barren body has already been perfected. !"

"That's right," Xuankong said, "Brother Ye has already realized the threshold of transforming the emptiness, triggering the divine punishment, and the four-element reincarnation calamity comes from this. It is not the real illusory transformation, but it has the power to transform the emptiness!"

"The seventh heaven of reincarnation will trigger the reincarnation calamity of the four phenomena. If it touches the emptiness, how terrible will his calamity be?" The Tianjiao dare not imagine.

"No, I clearly sensed two breaths, the other one is no weaker than the barren body, but it can compete with the barren body, who does it belong to?" Tianjiao, who escaped from the divine punishment alive, asked in a startled voice.

"What? There are still people in God's Punishment?"

Yang Nianxi shook his head, there was thunder in his eyes,

He explained, "That is a mark of divine punishment, engraved by the way of heaven, and it was triggered when he realized the way of heaven, and the two of them at this moment are competing with each other on the peak of divine punishment through the long river of time!"

"Peerless geniuses from ancient to modern times have been competing for power after years and years. This kind of peerless talent makes people jealous!" Everyone from Zhanshen Mountain stepped forward.

Gao Tian was by his side, full of fighting spirit.

"Xiaotian, you were saved by one of them." You Ruo said to Gao Tian.

Hearing the sound, Gao Tian calmed down his turbulent fighting spirit, and his expression warmed up a little.

He scratched his head and showed a rare silly smile, "If you have a chance, you must fight against him!"

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