At this moment, Ye Tianxing's aura is extremely tyrannical, and his majestic majesty has shocked countless arrogances. This guy who didn't speak much from the beginning is one of the most terrifying people among the countless arrogances.

Bathing in God's punishment and walking, the whole body is full of blood, Ye Tianxing's body, the power from the prehistoric is slowly awakening,


Raising his hand is the power to suppress the sky, the young man in black is also attacking forward, the dark power is lingering around him, even the power of God's punishment on the edge has a faint tendency to be swallowed.

They also have devouring power in their bodies?

Ye Tianxing frowned, in the bodies of these two guys, there was the same power as his body.


On the top of the sky, on the edge of God's punishment, afterimages pierced the sky, leaving arcs of light before the turbulent flow of the void, no one would have thought that whether it was the man in black or the unpopular Ye Tianxing, what they had The strength has far surpassed that of the arrogance of the same generation, bathing in divine punishment and fighting, this kind of courage is obviously not something ordinary people can do.


A ray of black light with a little bit of black flame, although its power is much weaker than the devouring flame in Ye Tianxing's body, it also has a great corrosive effect on Yuanli, and the protective energy all over his body is also instantly swallowed out a hole.

"Hey, you're quite vigilant." The young man smiled playfully, his figure disappeared in place strangely, and a powerful black energy suddenly came towards Ye Tianxing's shop.

"What is that? It's so weird, why is the energy in my body trembling, as if I'm afraid of something."

The crowd is all talking.

On Taixuan Peak, Yang Ping'an's palms were sweating a little, "Swallowing Yimai, these guys are really courageous, dare to attack my Yang family!"

"Woof!" Qiqi revealed a fierce light, and his figure shook, turning into a human form visible to everyone's naked eyes.

"These guys have always wanted to hit my Yang family. If they are ill in the past, if they return to the family this time, we must make them look good!"

Yang Pingan suddenly made a tactic with both hands, drawing a square with his left hand and a circle with the right, counting in the air, and golden light talismans poured into the square and circle, and then disappeared into the void.

"I've already informed my second brother that guys of this line usually appear like ghosts and ghosts, and they don't appear here for no reason. There must be some reason!" He had a look of worry on his face, and there was a little arc in his eyes. Swipe slowly.

boom! ~

The terrible devouring power made Ye Tianxing very headache. The devouring power in his body was trembling, trying to roar out, but he suppressed it with all his strength. He dared not show this power easily in front of others.

"Heh, don't just hide, it will be very boring." The young man kept provoking.

"Like fun? That's okay." Ye Tianxing's hands were sealed suddenly, and the next moment, a terrifying fighting spirit from the prehistoric sky rose into the sky.

"Let me see how strong this eternally powerful prehistoric body is!"

The boiling blood in his body surged completely, Ye Tianxing's eyes turned scarlet in an instant, and a depressive force that could destroy the world made the sky tremble.

During the divine punishment, the blood in Zhuang Xuan's body began to stir. Affected by the Honghuang body, his blood danced wildly. He looked at Ye Tianxing with a fighting spirit like a rainbow.

"Desolate body!"

"Another barren body!"

At this moment, everyone is horrified, how many secrets are hidden in this unobtrusive guy.

"No wonder, this guy's body is so strong, even Chen Gang is no match for him, it turns out to be a barren body!"

Everyone in Meng Shuxian stared blankly at Ye Tianxing, especially Jiang Ziyan and Shishi. They had some conflicts with Ye Tianxing, and they didn't take Ye Tianxing seriously at first, but now it seems that they were a bit wrong ...

"Fortunately, this evil spirit didn't offend too much."

"The barren body, two barren bodies gathered in a feast of stars, it's scary, it's really scary!" At this moment, everyone fell silent, especially those who tried to deal with Ye Tianxing and them before.

Gu Tiange, Gu Hao and the people in Hanlin Xuan were all stunned to accept it at this moment. They never dreamed that this eternal barren body was by their side, spending time with them day and night.

"No wonder!" Zhu Yan slapped his chair and stood up, unable to maintain his composure anymore, "No wonder Master Xuan accepted him as his personal disciple." Now, everything is clear.

Wasteland, what this means, they know it well.

Not far away, the Tianjiao headed by Yu Chenqiu in the Nine Holy Nest had extremely ugly expressions on their faces, especially Yu Chenqiu's expression gradually became ferocious.

"Desolate body, hehe, you are actually a desolate body!?!" He clenched his hands into fists, his bones creaked, and every word came out viciously from between his teeth.

"Okay, very good, after today, I will never let you leave Buzhou Xing alive!" The killing intent in his heart has been decided, and he knows what the barren body means. to kill him.

The blood power of the Honghuang body gushed out, Ye Tianxing's strength soared, and the entire sky trembled with every step he stepped down, and an unprecedented powerful force swept his whole body.

This feeling of controlling power made him extremely enjoy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help curling up.

"Although the power in your body is strange, it's too weak." Ye Tianxing was telling the truth. Compared with the devouring power hidden in his body, the devouring power in the young man in front of him was nothing compared to the devouring power hidden in his body. There is no comparison.

The young man in black opened his eyes wide and smiled bloodthirstyly, "The ignorant are fearless. Every guy who jumps in front of me will know the fear of death only when he dies."

"I said before, you are mine!" Afterimages intertwined, the two fought together again, breaking through mountains and rivers and killing heaven with their terrifying fighting power, which made countless arrogances ashamed.

"The situation has changed, some terrible people have entered the Feast of Stars!" Huangfu Li suddenly said in a deep voice, at some point, the incomplete formation where Tai Xuanfeng was located had already been tampered with.

In another space connected by Taixuan Peak, the void is constantly collapsing. Ye Tianxing fought with the black-clothed youth until the sky and the earth were dark. Yang Sirui looked dignified, obviously meeting such a difficult opponent.

"Damn it, if my old man hadn't sealed part of my strength, you wouldn't be enough for me to punch you!" Yang Sirui muttered, swinging the fist wrapped in Thunder and Lie Yan to hit the front heavily.

"Three cups lead to the Dao, and one fight is natural!" In the sky, a resounding resounding sound resounded, and a majestic and majestic peak suddenly appeared from the haze. The clumsy peak shone with a cold purple light, making countless arrogance jealous.

"Purple Gold Cold Iron!"

"The ultimate material for casting magic tools, purple gold and cold iron!"

At this moment, countless Tianjiao suddenly avoided the edge of God's punishment and rushed towards this majestic peak, a battle for Zijin Hantie broke out again.

"It's messed up, everything is messed up!"

The crowd fought violently without any worries. This scene was completely beyond Huangfuli's expectations.

"Everyone in the Nine Holy Nests listen to me, at all costs, find an opportunity to destroy that kid!" Yu Chenqiu's eyes were full of sternness, and he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to deal with Ye Tianxing.

"Understood, this guy will definitely be a great threat to Nine Holy Nest when he grows up!"

"I really didn't expect that this guy turned out to be a barren body. If he had known it a few years ago, he should already be a thriving existence in the Nine Holy Nest!" He doesn't have that fate.

"Everything you should have is destined to belong to me!" The corner of Yu Chenqiu's mouth curled up, and in a thought, the Yin-Yang gossip mirror suddenly flitted out, heading towards Ye Tianxing to suppress it.


Ye Tianxing, who opened the prehistoric bloodline, is unmatched. With every punch, the young man in black will inevitably suffer trauma, but none of them can seriously injure him. The latter's movements are extremely strange, and even Ye Tianxing can't help him for a while.

In God's Punishment, Xi Mengzhu stood beside Mo Ruyuan, and the condition of the two women was not very good. After all, God's Punishment was God's Punishment. They didn't hit the center, but they still suffered heavy injuries from broken bodies.

"You, did you already know that he is a barren body?"

"It's not too early. I got a little insight when I played against him last time."

"Desolate body, Yu Chenqiu is probably so angry that his teeth itch."

"If I were him, I should be trying to kill him."

Darkness and scarlet filled the sky, and the power of the prehistoric and the devouring power competed with each other. The young man in black used a spiritual weapon to suppress Ye Tianxing, and the devouring power was urged to the extreme by him. nothingness.


A golden light pierced through the void and pointed directly at the back of Ye Tianxing.

Ye Tianxing's expression turned cold, "Yu Chenqiu!"

"Since you insist on looking for death, today I will settle the score with you!" He waved his palm wrapped in the prehistoric aura, and with one palm he shook Yu Chenqiu out from the other end of the turbulent void.

"Hmph, today is your death day!" Yu Chenqiu grinned, and activated the secret technique, using the Yin-Yang Eight Diagrams Mirror to kill Ye Tianxing.

"Only by you?" Ye Tianxing was unmatched, like a god descending, the unrivaled power of the king over the world erupted at this moment, and the black hair danced wildly in the endless wind.


He smashed the sky with one palm, and a Tianjiao who manipulated the heavenly magic weapon in the periphery of God's Punishment to kill Ye Tianxing in the Nine Holy Nest was bloody in the sky, and his bones were shattered by Ye Tianxing's brutal palm.

The prehistoric body is so domineering.

"go to hell!"

Another Tianjiao manipulated the magic weapon to attack, Ye Tianxing snorted coldly, grabbed the balance treasure in his hand with one hand, and then suddenly grasped it, as strong as the balance treasure was also squeezed by him He deformed, which shows how terrifying his physical strength is.

"Hmph, it seems that I am not the only one who wants to kill you!" The man in black smiled coldly.

"So what, the ending will never change!" Ye Tianxing was strong and confident, and he was fearless in controlling his power.

The prehistoric bloodline was activated, the blood was boiling, and even the silent devouring power in his body was at ease at this moment.


To truly destroy the world, the prehistoric power in Ye Tianxing's body was completely activated, and the supreme genius with a spiritual weapon was unable to do anything to him.


"Hanlin has taken in a good apprentice, with him around, why don't Hanlinxuan rise up!"

Facing many top talents without losing, this kind of record is enough to be arrogant, and many giants who dominate one side did not have such a record when they were young.

The sky is exploding, the turbulence of the void is howling, countless arrogances are vying for the purple gold and cold iron, and Ye Tianxing is fighting against the heroes alone, standing firm and unyielding.

"Long family, listen, kill!" Long Shengnan ordered, taking the opportunity to attack Ye Tian, ​​many people made trouble, after all, a person who is too dazzling will make other Tianjiao jealous.

"Brother Ye must not be allowed to meet the enemy alone!" Gu Tiange let out a long roar, his black hair danced wildly, and the sincerity of reincarnation erupted, attacking everyone in the Nine Holy Nest on the edge.

"Let's help too!"

Mu Qingying's beautiful figure had long since disappeared in place, and a guqin suddenly appeared, her green clothes flicked her sleeves, and she played on the edge of God's punishment.

A jade hand waved from above the sky, knocking away all the geniuses of the Long family. Meng Shuxian straddled the void, shining with divine light, blocking some of the geniuses from attacking.

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