Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 124 The Black Hand in the Darkness

"It's God's punishment again! Labor and management have been surprised for decades, and they are all together today!"

"I call myself the pride of heaven, what am I compared to these perverts?" The feast of the stars, countless blows to the pride of heaven, this is more frustrating than defeating them.

"If there is a mountain in front of you, then climb over it. If you are cowardly, how can you become enlightened?" In the ancient vision, Zhuang Xuan, who was submerged by the punishment of the barren body, was bleeding all over his body, and his skin that was originally shimmering with metallic luster had appeared. Signs of anxiety, he looked at Master Taixuan's divine punishment, and stepped in.


"Let him go, his way is not something we can shake!"

Those who can still stay on the edge of this divine punishment are all existences at the level of the Holy Child. Mo Ruyuan did not hesitate, and the jade spirit bowl burst into golden light, and she indifferently stepped into the most violent place of divine punishment.

On the top of the sky, visions of heaven and earth are vying for supremacy.


Out of the sky, suddenly a black light flashed away, and it went straight to Yang Nianxi.


Yang Sirui sensed this crisis at the first moment, she moved like a mountain and opened instantly, blocking the black light. The black light churned on the golden bell, leaving a scorching trace. Yang Sirui noticed in this black light There was a strange and eerie force.


At this moment, on the top of Taixuan Peak, Yang Ping'an frowned, while Qi Qi kept calling.

"Deputy City Lord, can you reopen the formation, I want to go in and protect my nephew Zhouquan!" Yang Pingan said in a deep voice, the strange blow just now was unusual, and Yang Nianxi was at a very critical moment when he was crossing the catastrophe .

Huangfu Li frowned, "Everything under Taixuan Peak was arranged by Master Taixuan. At this moment, they look like they are on the mountainside of Taixuan Peak, but in fact they are in another space opened up, and they entered with your strength. Among them, they will only be rejected, and besides, they are all submerged in God's punishment now, and it will be useless for you to go in, once a catastrophe is triggered, you know the consequences best!"

Yang Ping'an clenched his fist slightly.

God's punishment submerged everything between heaven and earth, and the power of heaven was rampant, and the arrogance of this space was inevitable.

"Someone is secretly interfering, trying to make them pass the tribulation and fail!" Meng Shuxian frowned, her beautiful eyes scanning the four directions.

Yang Chen, Yang Fan, and Mao Lanlan were very worried, but at this moment they couldn't cross the thunder pond at all. They were only in the early stages of the state of concentration, and their strength was not enough for divine punishment.

"Get out, once you are affected, you will be destroyed!" Ye Tianxing stepped forward and persuaded that the ruthless power of heaven is far from what they can bear at this time.

"But, my brother and the others..."

"Don't worry, I will protect them!" Ye Tianxing promised, with a wave of his right hand, a powerful force wrapped them up and sent them out.

"Gu Hao, Brother Lu, Brother Qin, don't get too close, this place is too dangerous!" He said in a deep voice. Although Gu Hao, Lu Songxian and Qin Xiaoran are good in strength, they have not yet reached the point where they can withstand the power of divine punishment. .

"Brother Ye, be careful!"

"I will, you bring the three of them!" After saying that, Ye Tianxing took a deep breath, wanting to be punished by God.

"Tsk tsk, brother, where are you going?" Suddenly, a playful voice sounded in my ear.

Long Shengnan stepped forward and blocked Ye Tianxing's way, with energy surging all over his body, full of fighting spirit.

"Get out of the way!" Ye Tianxing shouted coldly, his indifferent eyes glowed with dark arcs, the domineering voice, the sound waves shook Cangyu.

Facing Long Shengnan's provocation, Ye Tianxing acted very aggressively, which made Long Shengnan very upset. Never before had anyone dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

Immediately with a cold snort, he stepped straight towards Ye Tianxing, this foot contained the true meaning of Dao.

In this regard, Ye Tianxing raised his hand indifferently to fight back, and he waved back the devastating kick, "You are not weak, but you chose the wrong opponent!"

He punched down suddenly, carrying the power of heaven and earth, and instantly blasted Long Shengnan into the air. Such a scene stunned everyone.

Long Shengnan came back to his senses, and the playfulness on his face disappeared in an instant, "Sure enough, you have some skills, labor and management have underestimated you!"

I saw his hands suddenly formed seals, and a pressure from Moshang suddenly descended. Long Shengnan held a white sword, and his power was unparalleled.

"I said before that you chose the wrong opponent. A guy who can't even recognize his own strength is not worth my time with you!" Ye Tianxing shouted in a low voice, and opened his right hand. At this moment, it swept across Kaili, and the strength was urged to the extreme. With a blow of a domineering fist, the void collapsed directly, and Long Shengnan almost fell into the turbulent flow of the void.


"You are not my opponent!" The moment Ye Tianxing uttered these words, Long Shengnan's face was ashen to the extreme, and he used Qianlong Jue to urge Yuanli to abolish Ye Tianxing here. But Ye Tianxing at this time is no longer the Ye Tianxing who fought with him outside Tianyong City that day. After refining the power that was devoured, his strength has improved. To deal with Long Shengnan, even if he holds a white sword. , mother and child twin swords, only one power will be greatly reduced.

The eternal heavens suppressed him, and Long Shengnan's face changed suddenly again, his pupils suddenly shrank in shock, "It's you!"

"Yes, it's me!"

On the verge of divine punishment, Ye Tian moves like a firefly blooming in the darkness, and the terrifying aura emanating from his body is dreadful. He fought fiercely with Long Shengnan, punching and punching, causing him to bleed into the sky.

"Brother! Help me!"

Ye Tianxing was unmatched, and Long Shengnan's bones were brutally broken, and only then did he realize the horror of the person in front of him.

Long Shengtian was bathing in God's punishment, consolidating his way. Seeing this, his expression froze, his eyes under his disheveled hair were extremely frightening, "Move him, you are looking for death!" The indifferent voice resounded, Long Sheng The sky became murderous.

Ye Tianxing was indifferent and silent, not afraid of Long Shengtian, looked at Long Shengnan indifferently, stared at him, pierced the sky with one hand and grabbed him, and then suddenly shook his right hand, Long Shengnan's screams and wailing came from above the sky .

"Don't try to provoke me, this is the price of provocation!" His strong and domineering voice made many Tianjiao shudder,

"This kid actually ignored Long Shengtian's words and seriously injured Long Shengnan in front of him!"

"It's really overbearing!"

Meng Shuxian stared blankly at this figure. If she was only suspicious before, she is now sure that the person in front of her is the guy who helped her that day.

"It really is you." She whispered.

"Who?" Jiang Ziyan was puzzled by Shishi, she shook her head without explaining too much.

"I'll make you pay ten times the price!" Long Shengtian shouted coldly, his voice full of anger and killing intent.

"As I said, provoking me will not lead to good results, including you!" The last three words are extremely provocative. How many people dare to provoke Long Shengtian like this?

"Is this self-confidence, or conceit?" Some Tianjiao suspected that although Ye Tianxing was strong, comparable to the level of the Holy Son, in their eyes, Long Shengtian and Yifeng were the people who stood at the top of this realm.

After defeating Long Shengnan, Ye Tianxing once again bathed in God's punishment, and suddenly he punched a chaotic land outside the sky, a terrifying explosion swept across, and a deep voice sounded in the chaos,

The chaos dissipated, and two black shadows stood majestically, staring coldly at the direction of Ye Tianxing with their hands behind their backs.

"Hiding your head and showing your tail, and using black hands behind your back, is it considered a gentleman's behavior?" The indifferent voice approached the two of them.

"Tricksters behind your back, you are looking for death!" Yang Sirui was furious, the sneak attack just now was clearly aimed at Yang Nianxi, once it succeeded, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Little girl, you have such a violent temper!" One of them stepped out and faced Yang Sirui, who was stronger than Yang Sirui's punch, but was actually blocked by him.

"Be careful, this girl's physical strength is comparable to that of a barren body, and should not be underestimated." One of them said.

"Don't worry, I won't be unable to handle a little girl." The man sneered, his cold laughter made people's hair stand on end.


The avenue of heaven and earth was trembling, and the young man exuded a palpitating power, wisps of black energy emanating from his body, feeling the black energy, the power in Ye Tianxing's body began to agitate.

"what happened?"

He frowned slightly, and there was a power somewhat similar to him in that person's body.

That ray of black air passed by, everything in the void was swallowed up in an instant,

Yang Sirui's expression froze, under the wisp of black energy, his Yuan Li was trembling involuntarily.

"Swallowing one vein!" At this moment, even Yang Sirui couldn't help but be moved. She knew these four words very clearly. There is such a terrifying lineage in God's Domain. Their ancestors used to be the owners of the swallowing body that disappeared forever. Now, endless years have passed, and there is no devouring body among the younger generations, but this lineage has successfully gained a foothold in the God's Domain by virtue of the devouring power left by the ancestors, and has become the overlord of one side.

"Hehe, you are indeed from the lineage of Qi refiners who actually know our identities. You must be from the lineage of the Yang family that is now flourishing in God's Domain." The man smiled playfully.

"It's your aunt's lineage!" Yang Sirui snorted, thunder and flames surged in a flash, she is also a full-attribute Qi practitioner, her talent is still higher than that of Yang Nianxi, her strength is so terrifying that Ye Tianxing Also fear it endlessly.


The thunder was raging vertically and horizontally, colliding with the black air, it was not weak at all.

"It is said that thunder is the nemesis of all evil forces, but seeing it now seems to be an exaggeration!" The young man's smile became colder and colder, and the two tore the sky apart, and fought against God's punishment.

At the place where the divine punishment is the most dense, Yang Nianxi and Xuankong are not in a good state at the moment, they are covered in rags, the visions of heaven and earth are submerged by the divine punishment, and they are enduring the baptism of the most terrifying power of heaven.


The blue dragon was roaring, entrenched itself, resisting all coercion, but finally couldn't help the horror of divine punishment, and cracks appeared.

"Yan Yun, it seems that God's Punishment is not easy, let me help you." Another young man sneered, and he was planning to attack Yang Nianxi who was under God's Punishment.

A ray of black air turned into a gloomy arc, piercing through the void again, and everything in this space was turned into nothingness wherever it passed.

"Brother, be careful!"

Yang Sirui's expression changed drastically, and he was caught by the opponent, and suffered a small loss, "Little girl, where are you going? Your opponent is me." The man smiled and pestered Yang Sirui.

Seeing that this blow was about to fall, a ghostly voice suddenly appeared in the center of God's Punishment, allowing God's Punishment to be baptized, and still remained silent.


There was a low explosion sound, and Ye Tianxing held the black halberd to defuse the blow, and the endless thunder and flames submerged him suddenly. He walked out bathed in flames and thunder, and a breath of dominance shook the world. .

"Such a despicable method, don't you think it is contemptible?" He walked out of the sea of ​​thunder and fire, his whole body shone with a metallic luster, and an aura from the prehistoric era suddenly swept across at this moment.

"This is..." The man's pupils shrank suddenly, and the power in his body was trembling. He suddenly smiled evilly, and the smile was extremely serious, "Okay, very good, today is not in vain!"

"You are mine!" He suddenly laughed coldly, black air burst out, his figure disappeared in place in an instant, and he came to kill Ye Tianxing.

Desolation, another desolation, he was shocked and happy at the same time, the devouring power in his body was extremely greedy.

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