After everything was under control, Ye Tianxing's palm was completely attached to the heavy stone gate, and Yuanli flowed into it along the restrictions of the stone gate, and immediately activated these restrictions, and the whole formation trembled completely. Invisibly, a great power Pressure came from all parts of the formation, and the Tianjiao on the edge retreated in palpitations.


A violent and piercing coercion was pressed down from the eleven stone pillars, and all the eleven arrogances changed their colors.

With a wave of Mo Ruyuan's jade sleeve, the jade spirit bowl shone brightly, blocking all the coercion, and Xi Mengzhu lightly tapped his fingertips, also blocking the coercion.

Compared to them, Gu Hao and the others are facing even more terrifying coercion at this moment, the gate of death is extremely dangerous, and their strength is much lower than that of saintesses like Mo Ruyuan.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Gu Hao's face was covered with blood, and he almost knelt down under this coercion.

"Gu Hao." Gu Tiange said worriedly, but in the next moment, Ye Tianxing's seal method changed, erasing one of the incomplete restrictions, and suddenly reversed the restriction, and the coercion on the eleven pillars also disappeared. This moment transfers.

Gu Hao only felt that the coercion from just now had dissipated a lot, and he was panting triumphantly, but the expressions of Mr. Yuan's few people in the Shengmen suddenly changed.

"what happened!?"

Before a Tianjiao had time to react, he was hit hard and nearly fell out, seriously injured.

"The formation is reversed, be careful!" Ye Tianxing reminded,

In fact, as Yang Nianxi said, the prohibition reversal formation was also reversed. Yang Nianxi broke the formation, and before leaving, he did some tricks on the restriction to facilitate Ye Tianxing's reversal of the formation. Helped him a lot.

This mysterious guy showed him kindness from the very beginning and helped him a lot. He should have been grateful, but Ye Tianxing felt a little wary in his heart.

In this world, there is obviously no free lunch. The other party can help him so much, I'm afraid it's because of something in him.


In the sky above the sky, a brilliant radiance pierced down in an instant, all the arrogances retreated at this moment, the radiance pierced through, and in the next moment, there was a short gap in the formation at this moment.

"It's broken! It's really broken!" Everyone was overjoyed, and the Tianjiao in the periphery all swooped towards the big formation at this moment.

"Time is limited, let's go!" Ye Tianxing pulled Mu Qingying, Gu Tiange brought Gu Hao, and the dozen or so people who broke the formation rushed into the gap first.

"Go away!"

From behind the crowd, there was a loud shout suddenly, and a savage aura rushed over, knocking away the Tianjiao beside him, and rushed into the gap at top speed.


Many Tianjiao who were affected did not have time to enter, and the formation healed again, and they were completely left outside the formation, cursing continuously.

"Boy, you have some skills, I appreciate you very much!" The visitor was dressed in a beast robe, a robe made of monster leather armor, which was quite eye-catching, and everything in his body gave off a feeling of strength.

He grinned at Ye Tianxing, a seemingly friendly smile, but full of playfulness, he glanced at Ye Tianxing meaningfully, and then swept towards the front.

"Hidden Heart Sea!" A faint voice sounded from the side.

"Beichenxing's sea of ​​hidden hearts?"

"That's right, it's this guy. I didn't expect him to come too!"

"This person is very well-known in Beichenxing. It is rumored that he had a proud record of defeating the strong in the reincarnation realm when he was at the peak of the concentrating realm. , I am afraid that there will be no opponents!"

Under reincarnation, invincible hand?

Ye Tianxing stared at the direction where Zangxinhai was going away, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fighting in his heart. This feast of stars is really like a cloud of masters. These arrogances are placed in any domain, and they are definitely top-notch existences in the same realm.

"He came for the talents like Long Shengtian and Yifeng. This guy came to Buzhouxing a few days ago, challenged everywhere, and defeated many talents. Now, the famous talents who heard that he was going to challenge all of them Avoiding and not fighting, it can be seen that this person's strength is too abnormal!"

"I'm looking forward to it. If he fights against masters like Yifeng and Long Shengtian who are comparable to reincarnation, what will happen."

Suddenly, the crowd went away.

On the top of Taixuan Peak, countless masters stared at the projection screen on the peak, all kinds of shocks were self-evident.

"The strength of this son is probably not inferior to Long Shengtian and Yifeng." A strong man looked at the position where Ye Tianxing was, and said with emotion.

"I don't think so. His strength is indeed not weak, and he has the combat power of the Holy Child. However, Long Shengtian, Yifeng, and Beichenxing's Cangxinhai are all proud people who are comparable to reincarnation and have the ability to overcome reincarnation masters." Their record, their strength can break into the cycle of reincarnation long ago, they are just waiting for the coming of heaven's punishment, thus forging the Dao foundation, their strength has already broken away from the category of opening the sky, even if they are in the reincarnation state, it is not an exaggeration."

"This son wants to compare with them, there is still some distance."

While the outside world was discussing, Ye Tianxing led Hanlinxuan people into a circle of light again, and the light surged in the circle of light, and the scene in front of them changed like this.

In the next moment, a virgin forest came into view. In the center of the virgin forest, there was a thick green pool. The pool was surrounded by medicinal herbs. times.

Birds fly high, savage beasts run rampant, Ye Tianxing has an illusion of returning to the primitive prehistoric era.


Between the heavens and the earth, a huge wild beast attacked, with bright arcs flashing all over its body, fairy lights emerged, and pure power swayed from it.

"It has the pure power of the Dao!" Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were awe-inspiring. Suddenly, a strong man took action to encircle and suppress the wild beast.

"A spiritual beast evolved from the power of the Dao, this is a huge fortune!"

Fierce battles are happening everywhere in the forest. There are more than one spirit beasts evolved from the power of the Dao. Among them are not only pure Yuan power, but also the power of Dao marks and Dao. The base has huge benefits.

"Spiritual Spring Pool!" Gu Tiange's eyes fell on the spring pool. The spring pool is only a few tens of feet in diameter, and it has been occupied by the crowd at this moment.

"No, this is not a simple Lingquan pool!" Mu Qingying noticed something strange. If it was just an ordinary Lingquan pool, these realms have already reached the peak of opening the sky, and even the supreme genius who can enter the realm of reincarnation at any time, would not Waste time in this spiritual spring pool.

"This is the derivative spring!"

Ye Tianxing's perception covered the spring pool, and he felt a pure life force, which was the same as the Lingquan pool in the falling emperor's abyss. The breath of life in the pool water can wash the human body and make people's physique Rejuvenate, become more powerful, and the pool water is full of spiritual power, which can also be used by people to practice.

"This Lingquan pool is not comparable to the Lingquan pool in our sect. If we can practice in it for a while, our strength may improve a lot!"

"Then go in and practice for a while!" Ye Tianxing's current realm is only one step away from reincarnation. His cave sea is extraordinary, many times larger than ordinary people's cave sea, so the accumulation of spiritual power required is far beyond ordinary people. It is necessary to consolidate the realm here and prepare for entering reincarnation.

Immediately, the six of Ye Tianxing walked to the side of the spring pool, where there were fewer people and could be used by the six of them for practice.


Suddenly, in the spring pool, a young Tianjiao who had entered into a state of concentration opened his eyes, and there was a frightening fluctuation all over his body.

"There are people here, you should find another place." The man said coldly.

"But your place is clearly very spacious. It would be too domineering for the few of you to occupy such a wide space!" Gu Hao said in a deep voice. If this was in the Tianhe Star Field, he might have already done it directly, but this is the stars. Feast, those who can enter here in the field are all top existences among the arrogance, and they are definitely not easy to mess with.


The young man smiled, with a playful arc on the corner of his mouth, "I'm not like others, and it's the utmost justice to expel you by violence." The young man glanced meaningfully at the area near the center, where there were many arrogances, Yu Chenqiu Waiting for a group of holy sons to appear, at this moment, several Tianjiao who had just entered this place with them were looking for a place to practice, but they were brutally expelled by a young man in a blood robe.

The blood and hostility that surged all over his body made many Tianjiao afraid of it.

In the middle of the spring pool, Yang Nianxi seemed to have sensed Ye Tianxing's arrival, opened his eyes, smiled and nodded at him.

"According to what you mean, I should be able to violently seize this area, right?" Ye Tianxing said casually. Since the entrance of Taixuan Peak was opened until now, he has also seen a lot, and he wants to make a difference in this trip. If you want to win, you must be more powerful than others. If you are too low-key and forbearing, you will only suffer yourself.

Ye Tianxing's words not only shocked the young man in front of him, but also caused quite a stir by this quiet spring pool.

"I wonder who is so arrogant, so it's this kid!" Someone recognized Ye Tianxing.

"This guy's strength is not bad, comparable to that of the Holy Son. This Ye Shaoyang is famous among the many arrogances of Beichenxing. His own realm is only half a step away from reincarnation. He has never been defeated in the same realm. Now he is here to challenge everyone from all walks of life. Tianjiao! It is obviously unwise for this guy to provoke him!"

"Boy, this is Beichenxing's territory, I forgive you, you'd better get out of here!" One person sneered.

"If you want to get a place, it's better to go to the place that belongs to you."

"Obviously, he doesn't have the guts to go to other places. He thinks that our people from Beichenxing are easy to provoke, doesn't he?" Several Beichenxing's arrogance smiled lingeringly.

It was only then that Ye Tianxing realized that this spring pool had been divided up by the Tianjiao from the three star fields, and the place where they were now had been taken by the Tianjiao of Beichenxing.

However, they carve up the spring pool in private, and it seems that they have nothing to do with him.

"Is there any place here that says it is the territory of Beichenxing? Also, are the people of Beichenxing dead? Or are you the only people in the entire star field? Do you want to represent Beichenxing?" Gu Hao retorted Said, with Ye Tian walking by his side, he has a lot of confidence in his heart.

"Heh, kid, who gave you the courage to be arrogant here!?" Gu Hao's words instantly aroused the anger in the hearts of the Beichen stars beside him.

Gu Tiange signaled to Gu Hao to tell him to talk less.

"Brother Ye told you to leave, it's already giving you some face, don't be so ignorant!"


This shout, carrying a terrifying sound wave, came straight to the souls of several people.

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