"Your Excellency?" Ye Tianxing looked at the young man with a beautiful face and a fine robe. He was sure that he had never seen this face before.

"I'm Zheng Can, someone asked me to deliver a message to you."


At this time, who will send him a message,

As soon as he finished speaking, a sound transmission of spiritual consciousness rushed into his mind. After listening to the sound transmission, Ye Tianxing suddenly understood that it was the formation-breaking message left by Yang Nianxi and five people.

"This guy, what is his origin? Why does he know everything?" Ye Tianxing became more and more curious about the Yang brothers and sisters and the spirit refiner they were talking about.

"That brother said, tell Your Excellency what you said, and you can break the formation. If Brother Ye needs any help, feel free to speak up!"

Yang Nianxi was obviously worried that Ye Tianxing would waste too much time before the formation, so he directly told him the most direct way to break the formation.

Except for Tiangang Beidou and Jiugong Bagua, the remaining eight marble pillars from left to right are Kaimen, Shuumen, Shengmen, Shangmen, Dumen, Jingmen, Deathmen and Shockmen!

According to what Yang Nianxi said, if you want to break the formation, you must move all the marble pillars at the same time, and then reverse the restriction on the gate, and there will be a momentary air strike for everyone to enter.

Reversing the ban is not easy, this Yang Nianxi thinks highly of him.

All the arrogance stayed here for a while, but no one could find a way to break the formation in a short period of time, and everyone was in trouble for a while.

"This array is just like what is written on the array pillars, implying Tiangang Beidou and Jiugong gossip. It is definitely not easy to decipher."

"Let me try it!" A young Tianjiao walked out of the void, his strength was unfathomable, the young man glanced coldly across the crowd, and paused for a moment on Ye Tianxing, with a smile that was not a smile.

The young man wandered over the formation three times, observed it carefully, and finally landed at the main entrance of the castle. He took a deep breath, and kept making secret formulas with his hands. The dense patterns were written into the giant marble gate bit by bit. Unknowingly, Sweat was pouring down his forehead, and his expression became more and more ugly.


At this moment, the two lifelike stone lions in front of the marble gate suddenly turned into spirit bodies and roared loudly, and the old man was suddenly thrown backwards, bleeding into the sky.

"I'm coming!" Mo Nian stepped out, caught a glimpse of some information, and suddenly darted towards the heavy stone gate. The big formation showed signs of being broken, but in the next moment, Mo Nian's body was blown away by an invisible force, and then, another white light pierced through the void, shooting at Mo Nian, if this blow is carried out , the latter must be seriously injured.

At a time of danger, a golden bowl swooped in and struck the white glow. Mo Ruyuan frowned slightly, and with a wave of his sleeve, he urged the spiritual bowl to break through the formation forcefully.


The golden light is shining brightly, and the golden bowl exudes supreme power, and the power of aura is undoubtedly displayed.

The terrifying and powerful attack was unparalleled, but it failed to break through the formation. Instead, the formation launched a powerful counterattack. The spirit bowl was blown away, and an arc of light shot straight at Mo Ruyuan.

Ye Tianxing made a move, and the black halberd in his hand pierced the sky, blocking that ray of white light.

"You can't force your way into this formation!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice, the stronger the attack to break the formation, the stronger the counterattack made by the formation, which will only increase the number of wounded.

"Then how do I break the formation?"

"I have a way to break the formation, but I need the cooperation of all the geniuses, and I should be able to break the formation!"

As soon as the words were blurted out, all the Tianjiao's eyes focused on Ye Tianxing.

"So many arrogances can't find a way to break the formation, do you have it? Why do I not believe it?" Long Wu squinted at Ye Tianxing, his eyes were full of resentment, and the group of them all held a grudge against Ye Tianxing .

"Since Xiongtai has a way to break the formation, why don't you tell it for everyone to hear?"

"It's simple, but it's not simple. You should have seen the eleven marble columns in front of you. Three of them are the main columns, and the remaining eight are from left to right. The door, the door of death, the door of shock!"

"If you want to break the formation, you need to activate them at the same time, and then one person can reverse the restriction on the stone gate, and you can break the formation!"

"Hmph, who will believe your nonsense? Just now everyone has seen it. Once you inject energy into this formation, you will be attacked more fiercely by this formation. How do you plan to activate it? I think you want to be here at all." Pit us!"

Ye Tianxing glanced at him coldly, this kind of person is not generally disgusting.

"There is not much time. If you have other ways to break the formation, you can try it yourself."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, without speaking.

"Brother Ye, if you have something to do, just tell us what to do, we will do it!" Gu Tiange and the others believed in Ye Tianxing very much.

According to Yang Nianxi's explanation, when activating the eleven formation pillars, the power of each formation pillar should not be too much or too little, and should be similar to the energy used to activate the other formation pillars, otherwise it would lead to unbalanced power. If there is a large backlash, it will only cause serious injuries to everyone.

The eleven formation pillars must be activated at the same time, and at the same time, there must be a restriction on the stone gate. A total of 12 people are needed, including Zheng Can, plus Han Linxuan and his party, there are only seven people in total. Besides, Mu Qingying suffered a lot. Not a small injury, but the strength is greatly reduced.

"A few, are you willing to try?" Ye Tianxing pointed his eyes directly at Xi Mengzhu and the others. If they can help, the chance of success will be much greater.

Xi Mengzhu frowned slightly, she couldn't see her face clearly under the light veil, so she didn't know what her expression was.

"Are you confident to break through this formation?"

Ye Tianxing hesitated for a moment, then nodded, he believed that Yang Nianxi would not lie to him, since Yang Nianxi could use this method to break through this formation and enter the next level, so naturally he could too.

"Your confidence is worthless!" Mo Nianchi Guoguo mocked.

"You're right, you really think you're a formation master?" Long Wu and the others echoed, taking every opportunity I could to mock Ye Tianxing.

"Believe it or not, is there a friend willing to help me?" He asked again.

"Count me in." Xi Meng took a step forward and stepped forward.

"Saint, this guy's words may not be credible. This big formation is very dangerous. If he cheats here and is backlashed by the big formation, it will be a disaster!" Taohualing Tianjiao worried.

"You don't even have the guts to measure him. Besides, if you don't believe him, do you have other ways to break the formation?" Xi Mengzhu's words made the Taohua Ridge crowd speechless.

"Give me some more time, and I can figure out a way."

"Too much time wasted, we don't have much time!" A group of Tianjiao had already entered the next level, and the situation was very unfavorable for them.

"Count me in." Mo Ruyuan said in a deep voice, if he looked at Ye Tianxing meaningfully, he stepped out.

Following the stepping out of the two women, among the remaining arrogances, some stepped out one after another, willing to try.

"Thank you for your trust, because I am not familiar with your strength, and the activation of the formation pillars requires everyone's strength to be balanced. The activation power of each formation pillar cannot be too large or too small. Progress step by step in Yuanli time!" Ye Tianxing took care of him.

Everyone nodded upon hearing the sound.

"Brother Gu, Brother Qin, and Gu Hao, the three of you go to die and scare the three gates. Brother Lu, you can choose one of the two gates of Du and Jing. Can be stationed!"

When Mo Ruyuan and Xi Mengzhu heard the sound, without hesitation, they stepped straight to the three gates of Kaixiusheng.

In an instant, the manpower was allocated.

"What about me?" Mu Qingying asked softly.

"Your injury is still not healed, stay by my side." Ye Tianxing said, Mu Qingying heard the words, did not refute, nodded slightly, and followed Ye Tianxing around.

The three gates of death and shock are fierce gates, the three gates of Kaixiu Sheng are Ji gates, and the second gates of Du Jing are Ping gates. The reason why Ye Tianxing arranges Gu Tiange and three people to the fierce gates is because once the formation is reversed, the fortune will change. Bad luck turns bad luck into bad luck. Saintess-level existences like Mo Ruyuan are obviously better at self-protection than them. Therefore, Ye Tianxing made this arrangement.

"The manpower has been arranged, let's start."

"Boy, I don't care how strong you are, you'd better not play tricks in front of us, otherwise, you won't be able to leave Bu Zhou Xing alive!" You Tianjiao threatened.

"Don't worry, I, Ye Mou, can act upright and sit upright, so I won't do some nasty things!"

During the conversation, Ye Tianxing tiptoed and skimmed lightly to the front of the stone gate, followed closely by Mu Qingying.

"Everyone, wait for my password, and use force at the same time to activate the force. It can't be too fast or too slow. The time is only a moment. You must maintain the balance of power. If there is a slight difference, the formation will not be broken, and you will be attacked by the formation Strong backlash, if something goes wrong at that time, don't blame me for not reminding." He took care again.

"Let's start." Xi Mengzhu said indifferently. Suddenly, a cold breath cleared away, and he was very comfortable in manipulating Yuanli. Among so many talents, only one can compare with her in the manipulation of Yuanli. .

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the people also began to mobilize their energy, and eleven powerful auras swept through this space, overwhelming many Tianjiao with difficulty breathing, as if the sky was about to collapse, making people feel tight in their chests.


Ye Tianxing focused, calmed down, and adjusted his state of mind to the best. In the next moment, in the sea of ​​consciousness, the small Ye Tianxing with closed eyes opened his eyes and manipulated everything in the sea of ​​consciousness. Waves, terrifying consciousness swept away at this moment.

"What a powerful consciousness!"

Everyone was surprised, Ye Tianxing's consciousness impacted their sea of ​​consciousness at that moment.

"Not only is the divine sense powerful, but the manipulation of the divine sense is so exquisite, this guy has really been deprived of his spiritual root?" Yu Chenqiu deprived Tianxing of his Tianling root.

Without the spiritual root, the control over the spiritual consciousness and the aura of heaven and earth will be greatly reduced, and the consciousness and its exquisite manipulation ability erupting from the sea of ​​consciousness in the sky at this moment are obviously not like a person who has lost the spiritual root.

Ye Tianxing's hands suddenly formed seals, and his ten fingers kept changing. Countless formulas were punched into the void, and then sank into the huge marble door. Zhu, this scene shocked even He Taiyuan. Not only did he have to control his consciousness to reverse the prohibition on the stone gate, but he also had to rely on his consciousness to control the balance of power on the other eleven pillars.

No one in the field dared to try such a method rashly.

Even those as strong as Mo Ruyuan and Xi Mengzhu did not have this confidence.

How many secrets are hidden in this mysterious guy who has suddenly emerged?

Xi Mengzhu looked at Ye Tianxing, under the light veil, the face covered with frost showed a hint of curiosity at this moment.

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