Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 111 God's Punishment, Taixuan 1 Pulse

"My way is unshakable!"

In front of Lei Ting, the thunder billowed, and a low and flat voice suddenly sounded.

"What is that?" Gu Hao stared fixedly at the central area where the thunder was raging, his scalp tingling for a while.

A ray of brilliance shot out from Ye Tianxing's eyes, and amidst the thunderbolt, there was a figure looking up at the sky, standing majestically.

At this moment, countless dark clouds gathered in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, completely covering the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a flash of lightning flashed, followed by a flash of lightning in the sky tore open the dark sky and drove the darkness away.


At this time, endless thunderbolts fell from the sky amidst the interlacing of dark clouds, and in an instant, this place turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

"God's punishment!!"

Looking at the endless thunder, both Ye Tianxing and Gu Hao were shocked to the extreme, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they gasped.

The so-called divine punishment can only be triggered by the rare ancient wizards who break through the great realm after reincarnation. This requires huge opportunities and talents. exist.

The appearance of divine punishment also means the recognition of its strength.

Ye Tianxing was shocked.

He had read the introduction to God's Punishment in the classics, but had never seen it before. Seeing this now, he was shocked to the extreme.

The avenues criss-crossed, the dao marks intertwined, endless thunder bombarded the earth continuously, the entire void turned into an endless sea of ​​thunder, the void was shattered, everything was submerged by thunder, it was extremely terrifying.

There stood a young man with torch-like eyebrows, flames and thunder coexisting, ice and strong wind intertwined, covering the sky with one hand, turning the clouds and rain!

He stared at the endless sea of ​​thunder indifferently, his arrogance remained forever, the sea of ​​thunder was criss-cross, and the waves remained the same!

But seeing him with cold brows and black hair like a waterfall, he walked in the thunder without fear of anything, allowing the thunder to baptize himself and endure the test of thunder punishment.

"Boom boom boom!"

The thunder baptized his whole body, and the blood was dripping instantly. He walked in the blood, dark and deep, like the eyes of the vast galaxy, exuding thunder and flames, looking up at the void, piercing the void.

"Okay... so overbearing!" Gu Hao was so shocked that he trembled all over. Just looking at the thunder punishment from the outside made his heart skip a beat. One could imagine how terrifying it was. I am afraid that if you enter it, you may not be safe and sound.

He walked forward while bathed in a sea of ​​thunder, without fear of pain, blood, life and death.

"Come on! Come on as much as you want!" He raised his head to the sky and screamed, furious.

The sky seemed to have heard his response, the endless black thunder slowly turned from black to purple, and a terrifying pressure crushed down from the sky.

Ye Tian took action, walked into the illusory sea of ​​thunder, endured the baptism of thunder punishment, and felt his own way.

This is a great fortune.

Gu Hao moved. After Yang Rui, he stepped into the sea of ​​thunder, and the violent thunder instantly engulfed her.

Naturally, no one would miss such a good fortune.

Except for Ye Tianxing and Ye Tianxing, in this good fortune, Ye Tianxing and the others met the Yang brothers and sisters again, and they also walked in the thunder, without fear of anything.

The pain from the body made De Guhao scream again and again.

The body was scorched, shaped like charcoal, and blood flowed into the sky.

"Don't be afraid, all this is illusory, feel all this fearlessly!" Ye Tianxing's voice sounded in Leihai, he followed the footsteps of the young man, bathed in thunder, his black hair was like a waterfall, and his crown was full of anger.

Yang Nianxi stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

His whole body was cracked under the baptism of thunder, his body was scorched and horrible, and the sea of ​​thunder was stained with blood. However, he was still fearless and followed the footsteps of the young man. The black thunder turned into purple thunder, and its power was even more terrifying.

Bathed in a sea of ​​thunder, Ye Tianxing struggled to move and lost consciousness all over his body.

It was hard for him to imagine, if he really faced such a thunder and punishment, would he be able to resist it?The answer is obviously no.

"Who is this man, and how strong is he?!" Yang Rui was shocked, the young man in front of him went forward without looking back, and his whole body was numb, unable to move at all.

"No, this is not enough!!"

Even if his body was broken, he couldn't stop Ye Tianxing's heart from becoming stronger. He raised his numb and anxious leg and moved forward again.

When waves of thunder raged down, the young man's body gradually became extremely anxious under the baptism of thunder.

"Purple Thunder Punishment!" Ye Tianxing and the Yang brothers and sisters looked up at the void in a moved expression, looking at the black-haired young man, their breathing almost stagnated, "Even the real king will use the power of space when he experiences thunder punishment. , to avoid Lei Ting, but he actually faced Lei Ting directly."

He couldn't imagine how powerful that young man was!

"In this world, is there any existence that can stop his footsteps?" Ye Tianxing's heart shuddered, and his heart was shocked. There is such a powerful existence in this world, but in this realm, it has more terrifying combat power than him.

Endless thunder baptized the young man. He didn't say a word, as if he couldn't feel a little pain. His whole body was chapped and blood flowed like a river. At that time, a golden light surged, the golden light talisman lingered, and the Tai Chi gossip hung in the sky, resisting the baptism of thunder, and his body was slowly recovering at this moment.

Ye Tianxing and the others followed behind the young man, witnessing how he resisted the thunder punishment, they were extremely moved.

The avenue is in harmony, against the sky, thunder and punishment are overwhelming, but still can't drown out his dazzling brilliance.

"Qi Refiner, who is he?!" The five Yang brothers and sisters were astonished, staring at this scene, dumbfounded.

At this moment, the young man who was walking suddenly turned around, with thunder and flames flickering in his dark eyes, just one glance made Ye Tianxing's heart tremble, that domineering and kingly power, Faintly overwhelmed him.

Yang Nianxi and Yang Sirui stared at him, and when they saw his face clearly, their expressions suddenly froze, "It's him!"

The two said at the same time, "Inheritance of the Taixuan lineage!"

"Hiss~!" The two took a breath of air, having witnessed his demeanor before.

"Taixuan lineage?" Ye Tianxing and Gu Hao were beside him, listening to their discussion, they were also shocked.

"The same invincible demeanor as my father when he was young, this kind of divine punishment is extremely rare!" Yang Nianxi witnessed all this, his heart was awe-inspiring, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak, "Is this your way!"

Yang Nianxi murmured in a low voice, showing an invincible posture, the same domineering, black hair dancing wildly at this moment, he stepped forward indifferently, shining golden light surged, and walked side by side with the young man.

After a long river of time, the two looked at each other.

"You used to be able to do it, so can I!" Yang Nianxi was extremely determined, there was no wave in the ancient well, and he couldn't see the slightest wave on his face. At this moment, he calmed his heart and integrated himself into this space among.

Bathing in Zilei and feeling the Dao mark left by the youth, this is a huge wealth and a precious fortune.

Ye Tianxing is indifferent and silent, and he is also feeling to his heart's content. Such an opportunity is extremely hard to find, and this kind of fortune will have great benefits for breaking through reincarnation in the future.

Ye Tianxing stepped into the purple thunder sea, bathed in the thunder and went up, following the footsteps of the two.

"This is a guy with the same talent. With a little refinement, his future achievements will be limitless." Yang Sirui looked at Ye Tianxing, and suddenly changed her view of him. She also understood why her brother wanted to help him. He was doing it for him. Find your opponent yourself.

A journey of practice, the road of invincibility will be extremely lonely without the companionship of an opponent.

With a deep voice, Yang Sirui stabilized her heart under the violent bombardment of endless thunder, and she was no longer afraid in her fortitude.

Yang Nianxi, Ye Tianxing, Yang Sirui walked side by side with the young man, the domineering thunder crazily invaded their bodies, but they couldn't stop their way at all.

Finally, after a long time, the thunder calmed down a lot. The three of Ye Tianxing were bloody like the young man, and their skin was torn. He took a deep breath, and then exhaled a foul breath.

Looking at the dense thunderclouds, it seemed that there was no thunder coming down, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you know him?" Ye Tianxing asked Yang Nianxi beside him while panting.

"I know him, I was destined to meet him, and I witnessed his demeanor when I was practicing at Taixuan Peak on my home planet. He is known as the true inheritor of Taixuan's lineage. He has the invincible demeanor of Taixuan Daoist when he was young. , will be one of the most powerful opponents on our road to invincibility!" Yang Nianxi's eyes were filled with flames and thunder, and the two completely different forces shocked Ye Tianxing who was beside him.

A cultivator needs to go through the samsara to awaken the power of attributes, and whether it is the young man in front or the two brothers and sisters, they all have the power of attributes, but the two have not really stepped into samsara.

"Your strength is strange and powerful!"

"My generation of qi practitioners is different from yours, but all paths lead to the same goal. In our home planet, if we cannot awaken qi, which is the attribute power in your eyes, it will be difficult to step into the path of cultivators."

The word Qi is quite unfamiliar to Ye Tianxing.

"The way of practice is just different. Practitioners in the heavens and worlds pay attention to the cultivation of the realm. The power of attributes is generally awakened after the samsara, and the samsara stimulates the power that the human body can perceive!"

"This kind of power is called Qi by us, and we practitioners of Qi have already begun to feel this power before we set foot in the practice. Our ancestors have guided us like this for generations, so this is what we have before we step into cultivation. Before reincarnation, you have the power of attributes!"

Ye Tianxing seemed to understand what he said, but he knew very well that whether it was the afterimage of the Dao mark left by the young master who faced the real God's punishment in front of him, or the two brothers and sisters in front of him, they were all very powerful , so strong that Ye Tianxing didn't have any confidence when he faced them in the same realm.

"Is it over?" Ye Tianxing muttered to himself, turning his head to look at the fantasy of the young Daohen in the distance, his resolute face hadn't changed much from the beginning, and he was still calm after the thunder and punishment.

Just as he thought that the thunder punishment was over, the young man did not move, but looked up at the deeper part of the sky.


A flash of lightning split the sky.

All of a sudden, there was a burst of thunder.

"Is there anything else?" Seeing this, Ye Tianxing and the others frowned.

The purple thunder disappeared, and the moment the young man lifted his foot forward, the sky changed color again, and at this moment, there was a destructive pressure that made Ye Tianxing's heart almost burst.

"That is……!!"

The vast thunderclouds were densely covered, and there was another thunder suddenly. The black thunder was mixed with a layer of dark gold.


Ye Tianxing couldn't control the shock in his heart anymore, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Dark golden thunder!" the little girl Yang Sirui almost cried out.

Ye Tianxing has no concept of the color of thunder, but Yang Nianxi and the others understand it very well, because since the awakening of Lei Qi, they have been in contact with the power of thunder attribute, and they understand it very well.

Same as Lei Qi, it is divided into black, purple, and the legendary dark gold that is hard to find in the world!

Ye Tianxing was trembling all over, unable to move under this terrifying coercion.At this moment, the young man in the distance finally showed a hint of emotion.

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