I don't know when, Mu Qingying believed in this man who gradually became acquainted with him from a stranger.

The strength of the latter, she is sure, is invincible in the realm of reincarnation.

"Brother Ye, there won't be a problem, right? Chen Gang's physical strength is a bit abnormal." Qin Xiaoran was still a little worried, after all, the opponent was Chen Gang, who had the identity of the Holy Son of the Nine Holy Nest, and the physical strength of the latter was comparable to that of a barren body. , has the title of the ninth barren body.

"No problem, if you really want to talk about physical strength, Brother Ye's physical body is definitely not weaker than him. Don't forget how easily Brother Ye smashed the earth-level treasure." After Gu Tiange reminded them, several people just remembered, Ye Tianxing's physical body is abnormal.

"Uh... I almost forgot."



The void shattered in the fierce battle between the two, and the two fought to the edge of the sea of ​​flames. The howling flames were burning, and the two were dripping with sweat. Just leaning against the edge, the barrier they propped up was still shattered instantly under the erosion of the flames. , It can be seen that the dominance of this flame.

"Your physical strength is good, but it's still far behind me!" Ye Tianxing said coldly, and suddenly withdrew his breath, the muscles all over his body shone with a metallic luster in the flames, like a deserted body overbearing.

This kind of words, if he was facing such a desolate body as Zhuang Xuan, he would naturally be unable to refute, but now he is an unknown guy, this is simply an insult, how can Chen Gang bear it.

"When I tear your mouth apart, you will know who is stronger!" With a roar, he suddenly put away his war hammer, and swung his right hand arrogantly towards Ye Tianxing. During the swing, the void was covered by his slap The terrifying brute force is enough to shatter a mountain.

Facing this kind of domineering power, Ye Tianxing didn't back down at all. He slapped him with his sleeves and used violence to counter violence. The strength of those who are stronger.


Slapped with two palms, the space where the two are located was directly blown up by the brutal physical power, without the power mixed with the power, but it still made the scalps of Gu Tiange and the others numb. This kind of power is enough to slap the real Ning Shen to death Realm peak master.

"It's terrible, what on earth do these guys do? This kind of physical strength can really be achieved by the state of concentration?" Gu Hao swallowed a mouthful of saliva while taking a breath.


There was only a crisp bone breaking sound, and Chen Gang's hand bones broke suddenly, and the sharp bone stubble pierced through the flesh and blood, this scene was extremely bloody.


"Impossible, impossible!" Chen Gang roared, his eyes were about to burst, he was so proud of his powerful physical body, even Zhuang Xuan dared to fight, but now he was defeated by a little-known kid in Hanlinxuan Here, how could he tolerate it!

My heart suffered the strongest blow since I practiced Taoism.

The proud son of heaven is high above others, and has never been weaker than others.

"You have good strength, but it's a pity that you met me, and you are destined to lose!" Ye Tianxing's voice was flat, seemingly calm, but full of clangs, giving people a force that could not be refuted,

He moved forward domineeringly, his hands suddenly formed seals, and the eternal heavens suppressed him again, followed by a domineering fist, which completely ended the battle.

Chen Gang was defeated and fell into the sea with serious injuries.

Ye Tianxing did not kill, and there were still people watching the battle, and he knew clearly that there was a pair of eyes staring at them all the time in this void.

"Desolate body, you must be a waste body!" From the depths of the sea, Chen Gang's unwilling roar and roar came, carrying terrifying sound waves and instantly swept through the hundreds of feet of waves.

Ye Tianxing glanced at it indifferently, and ignored him. Mu Qingying and others stepped lightly and landed beside him. Qin Xiaoran and others were shocked in their hearts, and there was a trace of awe in their eyes looking at Ye Tianxing. This is the awe of the strong.

"It's over..." Jiang Ziyan couldn't believe the facts before her.

"Unexpectedly, I won." Shishi's beautiful eyes were full of splendor, and she was even more shocked. She couldn't imagine that this person actually possessed a combat power comparable to that of the Son of God. She even used a charm on him yesterday...

"It seems that yesterday, he showed mercy."

Dongfang Chongming frowned, and his fists tightened at this moment. The trash he was talking about was definitely stronger than him.

"I'm afraid only Shuxian can handle this guy." Jiang Ziyan clicked her tongue.

Meng Shuxian stared blankly at Ye Tianxing, did not speak, and shook her head after a moment of silence, "This Chen Gang makes me very difficult, if I face him, I have no chance of winning." Meng Shuxian said in a deep voice, If the opponent is that person, her chances of winning will be even lower.

"This Hanlinxuan has a few geniuses. This person's combat power is already comparable to that of the Holy Son. How strong is Gu Tiange, who is known as the number one master of Hanlinxuan's younger generation?" Shishi was very curious. There is some faint expectation.

"Hanlinxuan is the number one master of the younger generation?"

"Well, I also heard from Sister Luo that the master of Hanlinxuan and our deputy city master are old friends, and this Gu Tiange is Hanlinxuan's nephew, with extraordinary talent, he is the number one master of Hanlinxuan's younger generation. "She gestured to the handsome young man standing beside Ye Tianxing with her chin.

"His strength is indeed not weak. He has already comprehended the true meaning of reincarnation, which is comparable to the level of the Holy Child. This feast of stars is a bit interesting."

It's just that what Meng Shuxian cares about now is not the strength of the two of them, but wants to know who is the person who helped her that day.

The young man in the navy blue robe had the same aura and momentum as that person back then, but the Qingshui Bailing on the other person's shoulder made her a little suspicious.

"Would you like to go up and say hello?" Meng Shuxian was thinking in her heart, and Jiang Ziyan and the others beside her were already urging her.

"Let's go, we are already far behind." Ye Tianxing said.

"Brother Ye is really unbelievably strong, Qin feels ashamed." Qin Xiaoran smiled bitterly. When Ye Tianxing first came to Hanlinxuan, he was only at the peak of the Guiyuan Realm. At that time, he didn't take Ye Tianxing seriously. However, the strength of the latter has far surpassed him.

Thinking that this person was only 21 years old, the bitterness in his heart became more intense.

"It's just a lucky encounter." Ye Tianxing said modestly, but he still felt a little proud in his heart.

"Adventures are not something ordinary people can have." Among them, Gu Hao admired Ye Tianxing the most, treated Ye Tianxing as a big brother, and even ignored his cousin Gu Tiange.

"Next, how do we go?" Facing the remaining power of the ancient four elephants, several people felt very difficult.

"I want to bathe in the thunder and move forward, strengthen my body, and temper my body!" Ye Tianxing said, looking at the place ahead of him, his eyes were full of fire. The choice of thunder was not what he wanted, but what his body wanted. This thunder actually has a sense of longing.

The prehistoric body, after reincarnation, will awaken the attribute of thunder. Perhaps it is precisely because of this reason that his body desires the power of thunder so much.

"I want to bathe in the sea of ​​fire. If I can awaken the attribute of fire, it will be a great opportunity for me!" Gu Tiange said in a deep voice, looking at the burning sea of ​​fire ahead, his pupils were blazing with fire.

"I, choose the land of mysterious ice." When she came to this place, Mu Qingying had already made a decision in her heart. Her physique was cold, and it would be the best if she could awaken the ice attribute from this. "

"I'm walking with Tian Ge," Qin Xiaoran said.

"Then I'll go with Brother Ye," Gu Hao grinned and walked to Ye Tianxing's side.

"Thunder, for me, is the best choice for tempering the Taoist body, and I also want to pass through the thunder." Lu Songxian also chose to go with Ye Tianxing.

For a while, only Mu Qingying chose to bathe in the mysterious ice.

"By the way, where's Ye Changshun?" Only then did Ye Tianxing notice that without Ye Changshun, Jiang Zhongyue was trapped at the first checkpoint, and he didn't know if he could get out, but Ye Changshun walked with them, but no one was seen.

"This guy doesn't listen to persuasion, he's too greedy, he broke into a secret place, and he doesn't know whether he's dead or alive." Gu Tiange sighed.

"No wonder."

"It doesn't matter, he can't die. After the test is over, we will naturally see him." Everything in the second level is also illusory, and most of the scenes are illusions.

"Will it be dangerous for Qingying to go alone? Or, I'll go with you." Gu Tiange worried.

Mu Qingying shook her head lightly when she heard the words, "This is an excellent opportunity to hone your Dao body. You don't walk the same way as I do, so you don't have to walk with him. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Let's go, be careful."

After saying that, Mu Qingying took a deep breath and turned to face the Xuanbing area.

Between Ye Tianxing's thoughts, the spiritual armor that Gu Tiange gave him fell off from his body, and turned into a palm-sized armor suspended in front of Mu Qingying, "Put it on, this armor has the ability to resist severe cold, can help you."

"No, you don't have to worry." Mu Qingying smiled lightly, feeling very warm about Ye Tianxing's actions.

"In order not to worry us all, Qingying, you should put it on."

In the end, Mu Qingying chose to wear the armor of this defensive spirit weapon on her body, and there was still a trace of Ye Tianxing's body temperature on it.

"I left a thing in the armor that can help you resist the severe cold. In times of crisis, you can activate it for self-protection, but remember not to continue to activate it with yuan power."

Ye Tianxing didn't continue to say the following words. Mu Qingying understood what Ye Tianxing was talking about as he walked with Ye Tianxing all the way.

"Thank you." There was a warm current flowing in her heart, she lightened her feet, and without stopping, her beautiful shadow turned into a rainbow and submerged into the extremely cold place shrouded in cold dance.

"Let's act too."

The five people adjusted their state to the extreme and faced the sea of ​​fire and the sea of ​​thunder respectively.

"Everyone, see you on the way!"

Between the words, Ye Tianxing led Gu Hao into the sea of ​​thunder.

The thousand-thousand thunder came roaring like a torrent, shocking a whole world in an instant.

The two of them only felt that their scalps were numb, and their whole bodies were struck by lightning. The pain and numbness intertwined and paralyzed the nerves of the whole body. The pain was no longer as simple as physical pain. It penetrated deep into the bone marrow and stimulated the soul.

Gu Hao was the first to be unable to bear it, and let out a heart-piercing scream. There were signs of anxiety all over his body. Under this fierce thunder, the vitality of his body was slowly disappearing.

Ye Tianxing's eyes sank, and the strength containing anger and vitality entered Gu Hao's body, and the latter's face looked a little better.

"Steady your Dao heart, get rid of all distracting thoughts, don't stay too far away from me!" Ye Tianxing said through voice transmission, Gu Hao's face turned pale, and he was shocked for a while.

Ye Tianxing propped up a barrier, and the Buddha's light shone, covering the two of them. In an instant, the Buddha's voice filled the air, resounding through the thunderous thunder.

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