Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 107 The power of the four ancient elephants

"Don't listen, don't ask,"

"Don't listen, don't ask,..."

Ye Tianxing talked to himself a few times, and the two continued to move forward, keeping these four words in their minds, moving forward indomitably.

All kinds of genius treasures, celestial spirits, fairy gold, purple gold cold iron, and spiritual weapons all appeared one by one during the two's journey, and every time they appeared, there were countless arrogances vying for them.

In the end, those Tianjiao who chose to compete for the treasures of geniuses and treasures all died in a strange way.

Ye Tianxing seems to gradually understand that everything in front of him may not be what the eyes see at all. It should be said that all of this is illusory.


This is another test,

Exam question, is greed.

"It's so lifelike, it's extremely realistic, how could Tianyongcheng dare to let so many heavenly prides be damaged here? It turns out that everything is illusory!"

The two suddenly became clear, and they moved forward without any scruples.

"Then these ancient remnants are also fake?" Mu Qingying asked, especially the previous ancient flame sparrow, the scorching heat flow is by no means comparable to ordinary flames, and it is not like a false phenomenon.

"It's false, and it's true. If I expect it to be correct, it's not the real ancient relic, but some kind of remaining power that is transforming everything. Therefore, the burning power of the ancient flame sparrow before will be as real as it is." generally!"

"In the dark, there is an invisible force manipulating everything in this space, but they can't detect it." Ye Tianxing suddenly raised his head, staring at the vast depths of the void, above the sky, there seemed to be a pair of eyes, Since they entered this world, they have been staring at all of them.

This Daoist Taixuan is not powerful, he has opened up such a large space, set up a large formation, and left such a powerful force here to control everything, such a method, even a strong person in the Immortal Realm, would find it difficult to do it .

On the top of Taixuan Peak, an ancient temple stands tall, and there are three or two people sitting in the temple, their pupils as deep as the sky are gazing at the Daoist picture above the light curtain, their hearts are calm like withered wood and unmoved, like a pool of stagnant water , but at this moment aroused a wave of waves.

"These little guys, what are their backgrounds?" In the main hall, an arc of light flickered in the hollow eyes of an old man, staring at a group of five people on the light curtain.

Beside him, sat a middle-aged man, whose appearance was somewhat similar to the old man, and when facing the old man, he was extremely respectful.

"Returning to father, if the guess of these five children is not wrong, they should be descendants of Qi refiners from the lower plane, a special existence that once caused huge waves in Buzhou, and now has a territory in God's Domain! "The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, and when he said the word "God's Domain", his eyes couldn't help becoming sharper.

"Aura refiner?" There was a pensive look on the old man's old face, "Are they the one who broke through the planes and entered the world of the heavens more than ten years ago?" The old man in this ancient palace seemed to be moving , all the information comes from his son, who is also the city lord of Tianyong City.

"Exactly." Upon receiving the answer from the middle-aged man, the old man was finally moved, "Qi practitioners, is this kind of existence finally reappearing in large numbers? The ancestor once predicted that this kind of existence may reach its peak and appear in the heavens Some cultivation rules of Myriad Realms."

"Why did the father make such a statement?"

"My son, do you remember that my father told you about that person. A hundred years ago, my father was only 40 years old. I was lucky enough to witness that person's demeanor. He was born in the sky, and he came here after the traces of Taixuan Daoist. But his background has swept away the masters of different generations, no one can be his enemy, that kind of domineering and heroic!"

"I can't forget the imperial spirit of the king's land, and those eyes!" Recalling the glorious years in the past, who has never been young and frivolous, looking forward to the king's land, but this strong desire was completely defeated when he met that person, a cycle of reincarnation The guy at the eighth level of the realm, but mobilized the power of the heavens, the earth and the stars, and beheaded the pursuer of the Void Transformation Realm in front of countless heavenly prides.

That battle overturned all Tianjiao's views on the two realms of reincarnation and illusory transformation. There was a difference of one realm, which should have been like a gap, but was subverted by that man with terrifying and abnormal strength.

The name of Qi Refiner resounded throughout Bu Zhou Xing in that year.

"The lineage of Qi practitioners has completely walked out of the plane ten years ago, breaking the shackles of the plane. Those people from the lower plane conquered the sky all the way, killing countless invaders from the plane, blood staining the world, shaking all directions , followed by the revival of spiritual energy, their strength soared, and they have formed a force that even my Heavenly Embrace is far from being able to match!" The middle-aged man sighed, it is unimaginable that so many terrifying existences were born in a lower plane.

The lineage of Qi practitioners has almost subverted their understanding of cultivation.

Now the appearance of these few people reminded the old man of the past.


The ancient sea is churning, ancient creatures are rampant, and the four terrifying forces between the heaven and the earth have blocked the way of countless Tianjiao.

Deep into the marrow of the bone-chilling black ice, scorching flames whizzed like the sea, the wind swept the sky and the earth, the waves swept the quicksand, and the thunder was thunderous, completely submerging the way forward.

Thunder, flames, ice, and strong wind, four completely different powers carry this world, making countless arrogance daunted and stopped in front of these four powers.

"The Feast of the Stars, this is the first time I've heard of such a situation, you and I have resisted the demons and greed, but now we are blocked in front of these four berserk forces!"

"Climbing to the peak is difficult, but it is difficult to ascend to the blue sky!"

The pride of heaven sighed.


In the distant sky, the blue dragon roared, turned the clouds and rained, and its body that covered the sky and the sun exuded a terrifying coercion, making countless arrogance tremble, and the indomitable arrogance in his heart fluctuated at this moment.


In the sea of ​​flames, the flaming sparrow croaked, its wings trembled, and the flaming waves that incinerated everything burned everything in the world. The scorching heat made the scalps of the arrogances numb even before they got close.


The wild leopard condensed and galloped between the heaven and the earth, between the rush, the angry wolf swept across, and the raging wind could tear everything apart.


The ice phoenix spreads its wings, and between the vibrations of its wings, the ice phoenix thousands of miles away, the icy coldness of the forest, pierces the soul of Tianjiao, the kind of cold that penetrates into the bone marrow, is also daunting.

"Canglong, Flame Sparrow, Ice Phoenix, Wild Leopard!"

"Hiss~~!" Seeing the phantoms of these four ancient holy beasts, a chill rushed straight to the sky.

"The phantom of the ancient four elephants actually appeared here. Could it be that Master Taixuan really captured the ancient four elephants?" Someone couldn't help asking, and his heart was full of turmoil.

"The illusion of the ancient four images is so lifelike, such a method is simply against the sky!"

"Although this is not the ancient four elephants, it possesses the four divine powers of the ancient four elephants. It is extremely terrifying. I am afraid that I will stop here." , It is difficult for ordinary people to reach, he is independent between the heaven and the earth, facing the blazing flames and the surging thunder, his brows are slightly frowned.


"Heh, why don't you stop talking about the journey of Taoism, we have nothing to fear, so we should go forward bravely!"

The void was torn apart, and a young man stepped over, his aura was restrained, as if he was integrated with the world, his aura already had the taste of reincarnation, as soon as he appeared, many arrogances who knew him in the world stepped aside Come.

"That's true. It's just an illusion of the ancient four images. I'm sure I have nothing to fear!" Another young man in a white robe stepped forward, wrapped in white light. He held a three-foot Qingfeng in his sleeve. Tactfully, he cut a path in the sea of ​​fire in an instant.

"Spirit weapon!" Everyone was startled, the seemingly ordinary three-foot green sword contained a powerful breath of life, this sword was an understatement, but it was enough to obliterate a master at the peak of the concentration state.

This is a true arrogance of heaven, and there are obviously rivals in the same realm.

"Kite crossing, a hundred flowers are wrong, a thought of flowers blooms on a windy and snowy road!"

Between heaven and earth, a woman dressed in white, the moment she saw the young man in white, her eyes changed slightly and she muttered to herself.

The youth is unrestrained and unrestrained, with a refined style, and the side bun flutters in the breeze. The beauty of the prosperous age is difficult to pile up with words, and it has attracted countless beautiful girls from the sky.

"Snow City, Yishui listen to the wind!"

"The white-haired girl from Qingcheng, Xuehai Yishuifeng, I never expected that he would come too!" Countless stars Tianjiao's heart trembled and they were so excited that they could meet the rumored Tianjiao here.

"Hasn't he already stepped into reincarnation, why, the realm is hovering on the edge of reincarnation!" Someone asked in surprise.

"He has forcibly suppressed the realm, but he has not yet reached reincarnation, but he is already comparable to reincarnation. With just one thought, he can reach the sky in one step!" A Tianjiao revealed the secret, which caused countless Tianjiao to sigh.

I saw the young man stepped into the sea of ​​flames one step at a time, and the sea of ​​flames opened up a path between the three-foot green peaks in his hands. He held his sword in his hands, squinted his eyes, and stepped into the sea of ​​flames without hesitation.

The sea of ​​fire roared, and for a moment, it engulfed him again.

Without screaming, or even noticing any wave of resistance, the young man walked into the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

"Yishuifeng, he's here." This person who has been in the hearts of the beauties of countless days is now in this world, making the beauties of these days admire him endlessly.

"When I was not in Zhou Xing, I heard the name of Yishui in Fengxuecheng, and I heard the name of Fengfeng. Now I can see it. It is really dazzling. Among the arrogances, the elegant and elegant Liberty has a domineering arrogance that looks down on the world." When the Tianjiao of the Holy Land came, Xi Mengzhu looked at the elegant young man who was going forward, under the light veil, a touch of grace appeared on his pretty face.

"He is very strong, and in the future he will be a strong opponent for my generation in the journey of proving the Dao." Mo Ruyuan murmured, speaking highly of this young man from Snow Wind City.

"If you have a chance, you must fight him!" Bai Yefei, who was also dressed in white, stepped forward, with a refined figure, and a cold brow in the white robe.

"Let's cross the sea." In Mo Ruyuan's deep voice, a golden bowl emitted a bright holy light, and smashed a path in Senhan's black ice, "This is my way, everyone please!" Indifferently, Mo Ruyuan stepped into the land of mysterious ice that made the soul tremble.

"As expected of Fairy Mo, men with such courage are inferior to me." Gu Yao ran smoothly, the golden holy sword behind him split a path in the sea of ​​flames, and stepped into it without hesitation.

"I am in the thunder, tempering my body!" Zhuang Xuan stepped forward domineeringly, his body was full of muscles and horned dragons, exuding a bright metallic luster, without any external objects, he stepped into the sea of ​​thunder and let the thunder wreak havoc , looking up to the sky with a long roar, bathed in thunder and going up.

"That is, the Saint Son and Saint Daughter of the Milky Way Starfield?" Many arrogances looked at this group of people, their hearts trembling slightly. Those who dared to step in like this were all invincible existences among their peers.

"It is indeed powerful. The talents of the Tianhe Starfield have withered over the years, but it is still not comparable to some small starfields!"

"This time the stars compete for the throne, we will compete with the talents of all domains! Let's go!"

A loud shout resounded, and many top talents from outside the sky stepped into the power of the four elephants. There were screams of varying degrees in the sea of ​​thunder, sea of ​​fire, strong wind, and black ice.

"Brother Yu, don't you want to go?" There was a questioning voice in the void.

Yu Chenqiu's eyes fell on several figures in the void below, his face showed a touch of indifference, "I met some acquaintances, and I want to say hello to them." He smiled coldly, and there were several people standing as far as he could see , it is Gu Tiange and his party from Hanlinxuan.

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