The young man stared at the thunder seed, with a faint curve on the corner of his mouth, and a golden light in his eyes. These eyes seemed to be able to see through all illusions. He was bathed in the thunder, walking towards the star that exuded an astonishing light. The thunder seed of the power of thunder.

He grabbed the thunder seed with his palm. The seed seemed to have a spirit, and he wanted to escape, but he couldn't break free from the mysterious force coming from the young man's hand.

"Brother, your attainments in Thunder Qi are getting better and better, almost catching up with me." Seeing this, the little girl beside her pouted proudly.

Hearing this, the young man smiled wryly, "You are beautiful, if it weren't for the foundation your father left in your body in the early years, how could your attainments in Lei Qi be comparable to mine."

The young man happily accepted the seed of the power of thunder, and nodded happily, "Let's go, it's almost time, let's take a stroll in front, and meet these young talents of the younger generation." Between the words, his eyes moved He seemed to see through everything in the sky. With a wave of his sleeve, a hole was torn in the space, and a group of five people stepped into it.


The dark dense forest stretched as far as the eye could see. Ye Tianxing and Mu Qingying walked southwest for dozens of miles, but they still only saw a place where barrenness and chaos coexisted.

"Dead, or dead, how many cultivators have died here?" Ye Tianxing trembled, and the ground, which was stained red with blood, was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Save me, save me~" Suddenly, an extremely weak voice rang in the ears of the two of them. In the depths of the dark dense forest, there was a blood shadow crawling on the ground. His life breath was so weak that Ye Tian The two of Xing didn't notice him, and looked intently, his body was cut off at the waist, although the bleeding was stopped, the body was not far from death.

"What happened?" Mu Qingying asked in shock, wanting to move forward, but Ye Tianxing held him back, "Don't go." Ye Tianxing shook his head, he looked at the darkness behind the man In the darkness that cannot be seen by the eyes, he faintly felt a little uneasy, as if there was something terrible hidden in it, and even the spiritual sense could not touch that dark area.


Ye Tianxing can only be described with these two words.

Around that dark place was also full of blood and dead bones.

" me..." His voice was getting weaker and weaker, and his vitality was gradually disappearing.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qingying looked at Ye Tianxing who was blocking her.

"It's not safe there, don't go there, get out of here as soon as possible." For some reason, he told Ye Tianxing directly that there was indeed something terrible hidden in that dark place, waiting for their approach.

"It seems that this place is extraordinary, we have to be more careful!"

While pondering, Ye Tianxing and the two became more and more vigilant. Flame sparrows, one of the four ancient elephants, and various ancient relics appeared here. The terrifying darkness that could not be perceived, and the corpses of cultivators all over the ground seemed to come to a Ancient battlefield.

"Where is Taixuan Peak's teleportation array connected? It is clearly not in Taixuan Peak!"

The two moved forward for tens of miles again, and in the covered perception, they finally noticed the breath of living people. The two followed the breath of living people, and more and more living people appeared in their perception.

They came to a mausoleum, full of gloomy atmosphere everywhere, the ancient mausoleum has been bloody for a long time, and the blood is soaring, this is definitely a fierce place, the two stopped outside the ancient mausoleum, they can clearly feel that there is a killing array shrouded On this fierce land.

It is certain that this is a tomb of the dead, and it has been sealed here with great supernatural powers to prevent outsiders from intruding. Looking at the terrain, it can be seen that this tomb of the dead was originally underground, and it should have emerged from the ground not long ago and was discovered.

The fierce killing array outside the Mausoleum of the Dead still exists, but it is incomplete, corroded by the long river of time.

His divine sense swept across, Ye Tianxing's expression changed, his divine sense touched a barrier, and the endless killing intent hit his soul, almost driving him into madness. This killing intent is enough to disturb the mind of ordinary cultivators.

"Could it be that the person who set up this killing array is Master Taixuan?" Ye Tianxing was a little skeptical, this fierce array was completely different from the awe-inspiring righteousness he felt in the first pass.

But at this moment, in the killing formation, there are dozens of powerful auras, many of whom are top talents who have touched reincarnation.

Ye Tianxing and the two stopped for a moment, and a fierce battle broke out in the dead mausoleum.

"Go away, is it possible for ants to infect such a precious place?"

There was a loud shout, and a young Tianjiao was arrogant and domineering. With a palm, the void was distorted.

"Wei Zhong, don't bully people too much. This is a feast for the stars. If you hurt us, Heavenly Embrace City will definitely hold you accountable!" A young Tianjiao wiped a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, his voice full of anger.

"Hmph, as long as you don't die, Sky Embrace City won't be able to hold me accountable, so listen up, I'll take over this place, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

This is a group of powerful existences full of ferocity, unparalleled in strength, and the murderous intent radiating from them has made countless arrogance afraid.

"Shall we go in and take a look?" Mu Qingying asked, at this time she had already regarded Ye Tianxing as the backbone, and decided to let him handle it.

Ye Tianxing felt uneasy. At this moment, Qingshui Bailing, who had been sleeping in Mu Qingying's sleeve robe, was restless and chattering non-stop.

"Doo, what's the matter?"

I saw Dudu yelling in the direction of the undead, as if talking about something.

"What is it talking about?" Ye Tianxing knew that Mu Qingying could understand what Dudu was conveying.

"Dudu sensed the crisis in this fierce formation, there is danger here, let's avoid it."

Ye Tianxing nodded, "Since the little broken bird said it, it can't be wrong." Qingshui Lark is a well-known ancient spirit bird. Since it has sensed the ominous, it means that there must be some ominous in it.

Just when the two decided to leave, an auspicious auspiciousness arose under the fierce formation, and a treasure appeared in the world, which aroused the restlessness of countless arrogance in the fierce formation.

"Fairy weapon?!"

"My god, there is a fairy artifact here!"

"Auspiciousness descended from the sky, such a dazzling holy light must be a fairy artifact!"

The voices were endless, and countless Tianjiao showed ecstasy, and suddenly rushed towards the auspicious light.

"Immortal Artifact!" Ye Tianxing stared at the land baptized by the holy light, the holy light was washing away the filthy atmosphere of the fierce place, and the powerful breath of life was recovering, "It's really an Immortal Artifact!"

Ye Tianxing couldn't be more familiar with this kind of breath.

"Here, there is actually a fairy artifact!" He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a little greedy in his heart, a little unable to restrain himself, and almost rushed towards the auspicious land.

"Wait..." Suddenly, a sliver of rationality in his mind pulled Ye Tianxing back from his greed, he shook his head violently, his heart trembled, "How could there be an immortal artifact here? Waiting for the treasure, why don't the people of Sky Embrace City take it away, and wait for them to find it."

Here, there must be something strange.

Ye Tianxing calmed down, full of thoughts. Although he was very sensitive to the word "immortal weapon", his strong reason kept him calm.

In the fierce place, countless arrogance showed greed and rushed to the place baptized by the holy light. Ye Tianxing seemed to see them, like moths flying towards a flame, rushing towards an abyss of death.


It was like a whistling sound, but it sounded hoarse and gloomy in the place where the holy light was baptized. Immediately afterwards, the holy light suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding fields were cold and gloomy, and the incomplete fierce formation was closed at this time.



Ahead, the Tianjiao who were dazzled by greed suddenly screamed, and a terrifying explosion swept across the front.

"Ah, what is this?"

"Run, this is not a fairy artifact, this is a dead spot, we have been fooled!"

Many Tianjiao reacted and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

"Help... help... life!"

The screams and wailing continued, and after a while they turned into intermittent cries for help. Ye Tianxing and Mu Qingying were stunned, and their hearts were full of turmoil.

With just one thought, all the breath of life in the fierce formation suddenly disappeared, as if killed in an instant, leaving only endless blood in the air.

"Dead, all dead!" Ye Tianxing's scalp was numb, and his whole body was trembling. This trembling came from the soul. This is the time of a thought. If he hadn't had a little reason in his heart to overcome greed, he might be at this moment. It also rushed towards the deadly Jedi like a moth to a flame.

Here, what exactly is this place?

The two couldn't help asking themselves, if such a large number of casualties, if the powerhouses from various domains were to investigate, the Tianyong City, which hosted this feast of stars, would be attacked by countless powerful forces. Who could bear the responsibility.

But right now, it's obviously not the time to think about this.

"Go!" Ye Tianxing didn't dare to stop, greed and curiosity killed many people.

"Brother Tai is indeed an extraordinary person. This level of concentration is really good. He can still keep calm under such circumstances." The familiar voice came again, and the two of Ye Tianxing turned around. The five of Yang Nianxi didn't know where they were. Appeared not far behind them.

"It's you." Ye Tianxing exhaled heavily, his eyes swept over several people, and he was sure that they were human, so he relaxed his vigilance a little.

"Don't be nervous, we are not bad people." Yang Nianxi smiled kindly.

"Dare to ask brother, do you know what happened here?" Ye Tianxing couldn't help asking.

The young man smiled, "In the journey of cultivating the Tao, the most important thing is to cultivate the mind, followed by the cultivation. In the process of cultivation, practitioners often ruin themselves because of one word, that is greed."

"What do you mean?" Ye Tianxing didn't understand.

"I don't understand, it seems that you just got lucky." Yang Sirui pouted.

"Ruirui, what are you talking about?" Yang Nianxi rolled his eyes at the little girl beside him.

"Tch, I'm telling the truth."

Yang Nianxi turned his face to the side, and quickly apologized to the two, "Little sister has always been rude, I hope you will forgive me, this trip will move forward, send you two words, ignore it."

"Then, we'll see you on the road ahead." After finishing speaking, the young man cupped his hands at Ye Tianxing again, and the five left again, coming and going in a hurry.

Ye Tianxing and Ye Tianxing were left in a daze.

"Don't hear or ask?"

What does this sentence mean? What does this mysterious young man want to convey?

There are more and more questions lingering in Ye Tianxing's mind.

In fact, this sentence is very simple.

Without distractions, stride forward.

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