Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 102 Taixuan Peak, Taixuan Daoist

With a dark face, Ye Changshun gave Ye Tianxing a hard look, and then held hands with Gu Tiange and the others unhappily. The eight of them held hands one after another, but they were finally swallowed by the teleportation array.

The light surged, and the void was distorted again. In an instant, the eight people from Ye Tianxing shook out from another circle of light.

He opened his eyes, but there was no one in front of his eyes. There was still the warmth of Mu Qingying and Gu Tiansing's palms in his hands, but there was no figure of any of the seven of them by his side.

"What's going on?!" Ye Tianxing's heart trembled, where are they?He looked around, but he couldn't see anyone. Tens of thousands of Tianjiao flowed into Taixuan Peak, but they disappeared at this moment.

Mu Qingying and the others opened their eyes, just as dazed as Ye Tianxing, and there was no one in front of them.

"Brother Ye, Gu Hao, Xiao Ran?!" Gu Tiange shouted to the surroundings, but there was no response.

How is this going?

Abandoning the chaotic thoughts in his heart, Ye Tianxing began to focus on everything in front of him. In his eyes, a majestic statue was lifelike, dressed in white robes, holding a sword behind his back in one hand, and looking up at the top of Taixuan Mountain with a golden bottle in the other.

The charm is flowing, the power of the gods is still there, and there are traces of the avenue everywhere in the four fields, which is moving.

A statue cast by a strong Linxian?There was a wave in Ye Tianxing's heart. This kind of breath was different from that of the Void Transformation Realm. He had never felt that kind of wave in Gu Hanlin's body, just like the real charm of fairy light.


Ye Tianxing can only use these two words to describe his difficult state of mind.

He calmed down, his perception was covered, and he still didn't notice other people, as if everyone had evaporated out of thin air.

After thinking for a while, Ye Tianxing understood that this is a phantom formation, the phantom formation left by the strong in the Immortal Realm, and different people may fall into different phantoms.

Ye Tianxing set foot, stood in front of the statue, took out the stored wine, and had fun drinking in front of the statue.

"The Taixuan Sutra in front of Taixuan Peak, Master Taixuan, this place is indeed left by you, Xuankong came here today to welcome Master back to the temple!" A sonorous voice resounded in front of Taixuan Peak, and suddenly the Buddha's light filled the sky, The Buddhist voice was sung, a young monk in cassock clasped his hands, closed his eyes, and chanted the voice of Buddhism, slowly approaching the top of the mountain from the bottom of the mountain.

At this moment, countless spectators in Tianyong City were shocked when they saw this.

"In ancient times, it was rumored that the real Taixuan who left behind Taixuan Peak was the ancestor of the ancient Xichuan Temple in the Tianhe Star Region, and now it can be seen that it is true!" On the void, Huangfu Li was also shocked.

"The Taixuan Sutra is on the Taixuan Peak, and the Xichuan Ancient Temple has the Nine Heavens Taixuan Sutra. I don't know how the Nine Heavens Taixuan Sutra is related to this Taixuan Sutra." The three old men discussed through voice transmission with their spiritual senses, counting the people who , All kinds of legends left on Buzhouxing.

"Although this Daoist Taixuan comes from a lower star field, he has to admit that he is very extraordinary. With such methods, he is simply a mortal fairy. With so many talents from all fields, I am afraid that they will be eliminated if they can't even pass this first level. Lost more than half!"

Ye Tianxing began to climb to the top of the mountain. Everything in front of him knew that it was illusory, but his fingertips touched all of them, and he could clearly feel their existence. However, all these physical things happened with the changes of Ye Tianxing's footsteps. With a series of changes.

"Big money!"

This kind of illusion perfectly deceived all his senses, what he saw with his eyes, what he could feel with his touch, he knew it was false but it seemed real, so Ye Tianxing was even more confused, what is all this in front of him? true, what is false.

His consciousness is not weak, but as he slowly moved towards the top of the mountain, he suddenly found that his sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be completely blocked by something, and his consciousness could not spread out at all.

In a trance, he seemed to hear footsteps beside him, and he wiped his eyes suddenly. There were all practitioners going up the mountain in front of him and behind him, and all of them closed their eyes tightly, as if they were walking up by feeling.

"Miss Mu." Ye Tianxing stared at the woman not far away from him, and stretched out his hand to pull her. The moment his fingertips were about to touch, the figure suddenly became unreal, and then the whole mountain and the mountain turned into nothingness. Mu Qingying.


She of all people was moving forward, Ye Tianxing shook her head, closed her eyes, and then opened them again, the mountains and the mountains and the mountains and the mountains and the mountains were back to their previous appearance, and the crowd was all moving forward.

Everything is false.

Ye Tianxing muttered to himself, is it possible to close your eyes like them?

He hesitated slightly, then imitated others, took a deep breath, restrained all his breath, put himself in a state of detachment, and then walked aimlessly forward, even though there was a cliff ahead, he still moved forward.

Illusion, everything is caused by nothingness and fantasy. Only when the mind is free of distracting thoughts can one see a little bit of truth here.

Ye Tianxing chanted the scriptures on the fragmented pages of the Nine Heavens Taixuan Sutra in his mind, and the Buddha's voice washed away in his mind, discarding all his distracting thoughts, and sublimated his whole spirit.

After walking all the way for a long time, he finally had a little harvest, and he also understood why these people had to close their eyes and walk.

Phases come from the heart, in the illusion, what you see is not necessarily real, more or even completely illusory, the illusion changes according to people's state of mind, abandon all thoughts, empty yourself, and look with your heart, you will make yourself enter Only in another state can one know the true face of Mount Lu of Taixuan Peak.

Ye Tianxing smiled, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

He closed his pupils tightly, and walked aimlessly on the mountain. As he walked, there seemed to be a slight ripple in his body, as if he had entered another place.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the baby opened his eyes. These were the purest and most flawless eyes. When he saw them, he saw an old man in white robes, holding a gold bottle in his right hand and walking with a sword in his left hand.

"Master Taixuan?"

His eyes froze, and he reached out to touch it, but it was still just a phantom. Between his steps, the phantom left an indelible trace of heaven and earth, which made Ye Tian move.

The phantom in the white robe stepped forward, and Ye Tianxing followed closely behind. Although Xuanfeng was steep, it was like walking on flat ground. As he walked, there was a subtle fluctuation all over his body. Dao marks intertwined on the peak wall, and his power was inexplicable , shocking.

He walked faster and faster, and Ye Tianxing's speed could no longer keep up. He wanted to use Yuanli, but the Yuanli deep in the cave sea seemed to be sealed and could not be used at all.

He wanted to wake up from this state, but found that he had already fallen into this state.

When it was over, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he was deeply trapped in the illusion and couldn't extricate himself. If he couldn't even get out of this illusion, he would lose the qualification to climb the peak. This Taixuan Peak is indeed miraculous, and it is more difficult to climb to the top than to climb to the sky.

"Old man, wait for me!" He couldn't help shouting subconsciously, but the old man walked forward with his sword in his hand, drinking freely, and ignored him at all.

"Three cups lead to the road, and one fight is natural!"

An old voice sounded, and on the top of the peak, the old man stopped and drank three more cups. A pot of wine in the mountains has a long history and is inexhaustible, and the long sword in his hand flew out. The sharp edge of the divine soldier's blade was like a mortal weapon, and the long sword flew in the air, engraving the four characters of "The Way of Nature" on the peak wall in one fell swoop!

The four-character Dao marks are intertwined, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal. Just one glance at Ye Tianxing almost fell into it,

The sword intent is terrifying!

Not daring to look any further, Ye Tianxing hurriedly followed.

Unknowingly, Ye Tianxing seems to have traveled a lot. Looking back, there is a vast expanse below, covered by clouds and mist, and the bottom cannot be seen.

In the four fields, there are eight majestic peaks standing in forests, with the momentum like a rainbow, like eight big dragons entrenched in the sky, surrounding Taixuan Peak, majestic and magnificent!

Nine Heavens Taixuan, Nine Great Peaks...

Yang Rui didn't dawdle, and followed closely. At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in front of him. It was none other than Meng Shuxian, who was dressed in white and snowy. Her lotus feet lightly stepped on the clumsy peak, leaving a shallow footprint.

On her body, Yang Rui felt a vague aura, which was the interweaving of dao marks.

She closed her pupils tightly, the same as when Ye Tianxing first saw her. At this moment, she is like a walking dead, walking aimlessly between the peaks, following the shadow of Daoist Taixuan.

"Hello, Meng Shuxian?" Ye Tianxing waved to her softly and shouted, but the former ignored him at all.

Another phantom.

Ye Tianxing closed his eyes again, feeling everything, and he opened his eyes again in his consciousness, the girl was getting farther and farther away, and the Daoist shadow of Daoist Taixuan in front of him was gone, so he could only follow closely behind Shangguan Yiyi.

I closed my eyes several times and opened them several times, but I was deeply trapped in this illusion, and it was difficult to wake up.

Bitterness flowed in my heart, if I was stuck in it all the time, it would be really troublesome.

Calmly, he continued to move forward, and he saw the disappearing crowd below him reappear, but their direction was completely different from Yang Rui's. It was the way down the mountain, and they kept moving forward in an illusion.

Ye Tianxing wanted to try to walk down the mountain, but after one step, the picture of Siye changed again, and the road leading down disappeared.


The more he thought about it, the less he wanted this illusion.

In desperation, he could only choose to move on.

Phases arise from the mind, and illusions change with the state of mind. If the mind is like still water, will the situation change a little?

Thinking like this, he let out a foul breath, and was about to continue reciting the formulas from the remaining pages of the Nine Heavens Taixuan Sutra, when a voice quietly sounded in his mind:

"If the heart is ice-clear, the sky will fall without surprise; all changes are still fixed, and the spirit will be calm."

"Dust and dirt are not stained, and vulgar appearances are not stained; the void is peaceful, and there is nothing."

"Nothing is born with each other, and difficult and easy are complemented with each other... Only when you are troubled by all kinds of troubles, do you stop your heart, and when you frown, the Lingtai is quiet."

The long voice spread, and the distracting thoughts in his mind disappeared. After a while, Ye Tianxing fell into an ethereal state, with no self, no other, no form and no life.

But where did this sound come from?


who is it? !

Ye Tianxing suddenly woke up, and there was a wave of waves in his mind. What he said just now was clearly a sound transmission from his spiritual consciousness. Someone was transmitting the sound to him, but he didn't know who was sending the sound. Looking around, No one was seen.

Close your eyes and open your eyes, then raise your eyes and look, behind you, there are all the talented people who have climbed Taixuan Peak.

Not far away, Mu Qingying and the others were very close, and in front of him was a teleportation array. So far, he has passed the first hurdle of climbing the peak.

"This son is from Hanlinxuan, right? He passed the first level in such a short time. It's really amazing." Beside Ji Lan, Commander Luo Luo Yan praised that he passed the first level before Ye Tianxing. There are no more than 30 people in one level, and many of these people are led by someone.

Zhu Yan on the side nodded with a smile. He didn't expect Ye Tianxing to be the first one to pass the first level among the disciples on this trip, which made Han Linxuan feel shameful for them.

In the teleportation array leading to the second level, five figures stand side by side and are slowly dissipating in the teleportation array.

"Brother, why did you help him? You even rubbed the Purity Curse into his sea of ​​consciousness." A playful woman stood beside the young man, staring at him curiously.

"I don't know," the young man shrugged. "I always feel that there is a power in his body that is the same as that of the third uncle. It is very powerful and terrifying."

"Same as third uncle? Doesn't that mean that he is also a barren body?" The little girl scratched her head in surprise, her voice echoed in the teleportation array, and the figures of the five disappeared in an instant.

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