Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 101 The Feast of Stars

They also left and returned to the seventh floor of Qionglou No.30.

The return of Ye Tianxing made Ji Lan and Zhu Yan both heave a sigh of relief.

"Brother Ye, welcome back!"

"Without your cover this time, we will be in danger!" Everyone expressed their gratitude to Ye Tianxing, but Ye Changshun was the only one who showed disdain.

"Brother Ye, tell us, what happened next?" Everyone was very curious, wanting to know how Ye Tianxing escaped from birth, and how all the people from You Ming Sect and Tianlang Mountain died tragically. A point of doubt in their minds.

Naturally, Ye Tianxing would not tell Jiang the truth, but just found a random reason. On the way to kill him, the group of people encountered a more powerful Samsara Realm master to snatch Qingshui Bailing. The two sides fought, and he took the opportunity to escape.

Everyone nodded without any question, but Mu Qingying frowned slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Thank you."

In front of the window, looking at the lights of the city, Mu Qingying, who had been silent all this time, thanked Ye Tianxing softly for the short time alone, and she handed him a glass of fine wine from Tianyongcheng.

The fragrance of the fine wine, and the faint fragrance of the daughter, filled the nostrils immediately.

"Fragrant." Ye Tianxing smiled faintly, and took a sip of the wine.

"What?" Mu Qingying was slightly taken aback, Ye Tianxing didn't seem to be listening to her thank you.

"Good wine and beautiful women are both fragrant."

Mu Qingying, who had always shown others with indifference and a calm heart, when she heard Ye Tianxing's words, a blush flashed across her pretty face, and she became slightly hot.

"Tomorrow, the feast of stars will start, and Yu Chenqiu may deal with you inside. Don't walk too far away, stay with us, and take care of each other." She took care of her, and moved her lotus steps slightly, leaving behind a gust of fragrance. , The sound of closing the door sounded, and Qianying disappeared.

At night, the beauty was like a dream, Ye Tianxing held the square bottle in his hand, sipped the fine wine in the cup, gradually calmed down, thinking about how to deal with it tomorrow.

In this cloud of masters, with tens of thousands of people watching, it is impossible for him to kill Yu Chenqiu forcefully, so even with Yue Yin in his hand, he will not be able to get out of here safely, and the most important thing is that Han Linxuan will Because of his recklessness and entering a dangerous place, Wuyouzi, his sister and others will also be hunted down by the Nine Holy Nest.

This is definitely not what he wants to see, a life of ups and downs must not happen.

"Take one step at a time. It should be fine if you miss him as a last resort." Thinking like this, he also returned to his room.

The night is very long, but for a cultivator, it is in the blink of an eye. On the night of the Lantern Festival, the people of Tianyong City had a great time, and the proud sons of heaven from all over the world also got a taste of the customs of other places.

Time is fleeting while he is in meditation, and the power remaining in the Ye Tian Xing Cave Sea is completely swallowed up, integrated into his limbs and bones for his own use, and with the digestion of these powers, his strength has faintly broken through, touching the edge of reincarnation smell.

Clenching his fists tightly, unprecedented powerful power lingers in his heart. This feeling of controlling power is very beautiful. Now Ye Tianxing firmly believes that at this speed, he will be able to step into the realm of reincarnation in a short time. There will be a qualitative leap.

Reincarnation is a hurdle, especially for the deserted body, which will awaken the magical power of fate!

"Here we come, the feast of the stars is finally about to begin!"

Downstairs Qiong, on the square, there is a huge crowd of people at the moment, and countless arrogances have gathered here, waiting for the full opening of the feast of stars.

The disciples of the major holy lands from all regions stepped into the void and looked down at the distant mountains on the side of Tianyong City.

There, it will be the key to opening the feast of stars.


Ye Tianxing took a deep breath and walked out of the room. Mu Qingying and others were already waiting outside the door.

"Brother Ye, how was your rest last night?" Gu Hao and Qin Xiaoran approached enthusiastically and asked, after the last battle, except for Ye Changshun, the rest of the people in the arena had a lot of affection for Ye Tianxing, and they no longer had any affection for him. Own opinion.

"Thanks to everyone, I'm resting well." He smiled lightly, his face was refreshed and his face was rosy. After a night of recuperation, his state was adjusted to its peak.

"You are almost ready, so let's go. Today's feast of stars is not allowed unless you are at the peak of Concentration Realm. After entering the Holy Land, you must help each other. Don't separate, safety first!" Ji Lan took care, and Zhu Yan was also there Aside asked.

"What exactly is this feast of stars going to do? A confrontation between the proud sons of heaven from various domains?" Ye Tianxing asked, not knowing much about this feast of stars.

"The Feast of Stars is originally a confrontation between the proud sons of the various domains. There are almost a lot of top masters from the three domains of Buzhou Star, Tianhe Star Domain, and Beichen Star. As far as our Tianhe Star Domain is concerned, Nanhuang, Beiling, There are a lot of masters from Xichuan and Dongye, especially Nanhuang and Beiling, only Xichuan and Dongye are not too many masters." Several people told Ye Tianxing all the news they had in their hands, and he was also counted. Learn more about this feast of stars.

"The Tianjiao who is the first to climb to the top of this feast of stars will be rewarded with a spiritual weapon, and there is also purple gold cold iron hidden on the top of this mountain. Purple gold cold iron is a rare metal that is rarer than fairy gold. Excellent material for soldiers, it is said that in the entire Tianyong jurisdiction, only this mountain has purple gold cold iron!"

"Purple gold cold iron?" Ye Tianxing also knew something about purple gold cold iron when he was looking through some treasure books. If he could get some purple gold cold iron and use it with fairy gold to cast a natal magic weapon, it would be great.

Now that he is approaching the realm of reincarnation, it is indeed time to forge a natal magic weapon.

While the few people were talking, the sky above the city of Tianxiong was distorted in the void, and three projections appeared out of thin air. The moment these three figures appeared, the void suddenly boiled.

Ye Tianxing was shocked, these three projections were almost integrated with the sky and the earth, and he couldn't feel the slightest breath.

"Void Transformation Realm!" Ye Tianxing was shocked, this day Yongcheng was really terrifying, and the three Void Transformation Realm, and all of them were existences at the top of the Void Transformation Realm.

"The man in the middle is named Huangfuli, and he is the deputy city lord of Tianyong City. He has been in charge of trivial matters inside and outside of Tianyong City, and he is an old friend of our Master Xuan." Ji Lan said, and everyone heard the words His heart was slightly moved, no wonder they were treated like this in Tianyong City, with an old friend like the deputy city lord, there must be a lot of preferential treatment in Tianyong City this day.

"Master Xuan is really amazing, to have such an old friend." Qin Xiaoran sighed.

In the void, Huangfuli glanced down, and a powerful sense of consciousness swept over him, sensing the aura of every Tianjiao, sensing it for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

"Not much nonsense, the feast of the stars is about to begin, I wish you all good luck, there are no rules here, the only rule is that you are not allowed to hurt people's lives! Our masters of Sky Embrace City will follow you into it for supervision, if anyone If you dare to kill, your chance to participate in the feast of stars will be cancelled, and at the same time, you will be severely punished by the City of Heavenly Embrace!"

There was a clanging sound, like a bell exploding, and immediately after that, the hands of the three people formed seals one after another. In the next moment, the mask of the distant mountain finally slowly condensed, and then, a teleportation light array appeared in this direction sky.

"This mountain is not towering into the clouds. For me as cultivators, I can touch it in just one thought. Wouldn't it be a blink of an eye to reach the top?" Someone was puzzled, looking at the distant mountain with doubts in his heart.

"Is it within reach?"

"Don't look at him as just a mountain. This mountain is extraordinary. It's called Taixuan Peak. It is rumored that it was left by a Hongchen fairy from the lower star field. It has engraved countless restrictions on it. If you want to climb to the top, it will be difficult. It's like ascending to the sky."

The teleportation array became bigger and bigger between the three seals, and the light gradually became dazzling. This mountain looks very close, but in fact it is very far away from where their gate is.


"The formation has been opened, everyone, let's have a feast!" The clear voice echoed between the heaven and the earth, and in the next moment, figures stepped into the teleportation formation without any further hesitation.

"Climb to the summit earlier, I want both the spiritual weapon and the purple gold cold iron!"

"Wishful thinking, just rely on your little knowledge!"

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of young Tianjiao disappeared into the teleportation array, and then appeared on the distant mountain, becoming a small black spot, densely packed.

"That's...!" In the sky, blood burst out, and ten figures in blood robes appeared above the void, and they didn't enter the teleportation array in a flash. Shocking, there are avenues criss-crossing while they walk, and all of them are terrifying existences that touch reincarnation.

"The guys from the Demon Sect are headed by Meng Tu, the arrogant Tianjiao of the Demon Sect. Unexpectedly, these guys are also involved!"

"The Feast of the Stars, there is no way these guys won't come!"

The Demon Sect is a terrifying sect that uses demon blood as a guide to practice secret techniques. All the geniuses of this sect are bloodthirsty madmen.

This is a sect that is feared by countless people.

"Lishan, Long Family, Beiming, and Dongfang Tianyong City are inferior to the royal family." Amidst the discussions, in the depths of Tianyong City, surrounded by several arcs of light, a man wearing a golden robe and a jade crown on his head The disciples of the royal family headed by young people appeared, and their appearance immediately aroused heated discussions.

Beside the young man, stood a woman in blue, who looked like a banished fairy, and the woman was full of smiles, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

"The princess and the son are leading the way, and it seems that the royal family has also revealed the truth."

In the blink of an eye, most of the people in the venue had left, and all of them entered the teleportation array.

"Let's go too!" On the other side of the void, the masters of several holy places in the Milky Way Starfield also stepped towards the teleportation array without stopping.

"The arrogance of many holy places in the Tianhe Star Region has come, and this time I also attach great importance to this feast of stars!"

"A scene of heroes competing for the throne will appear, and I will be lucky!" Outside the arena, there are many arrogances from various domains who have not entered the teleportation formation. They know that they are not strong enough, and now they choose to fight on the outside.

"It's getting late, let's go in too." Gu Tiange said in a deep voice, and everyone followed him, taking a deep breath, and then stepped towards the teleportation array ahead.

"Tianxing, take care of them." Ye Tianxing had just approached the edge of the teleportation array, when Ji Lan's soft and indifferent voice sounded in his mind.

He turned his head slightly, the black veil covered her face, he had seen that face before, it was so beautiful that it was breathtaking, "I will not let anything happen to them," Ye Tianxing promised.

I don't know since when, Ye Tianxing has always had a thought in his mind, that is, this sensitive woman has already noticed his identity, but she just didn't reveal it.

Hum rumbling.

Eight people stepped into the teleportation array one after another, and Ye Tianxing could feel a supreme force changing the trajectory of the space, and it was about to teleport them to Taixuan Peak.

"Everyone, in order not to get separated, we need to hold each other's hands!" Gu Tiange suggested.

Ye Tianxing nodded, only in this way the crowd would not be dispersed by the teleportation array.

"good idea!"

Gu Tiange, Gu Hao, and Qin Xiaoran held each other's hands while speaking. Ye Changsun walked up to invite Mu Qingying with a smile on his face. Seeing this, Mu Qingying's pretty face flashed a touch of coldness and indifference. On that day, Ye Changshun When he said those words, he completely lost the chance to get closer to Mu Qingying.

Mu Qingying gently approached Ye Tianxing's side, her jade hand naturally took Ye Tianxing's generous palm, and stayed quietly by his side.

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