Lord of the Runes

Chapter 96 The Green Mouse

The man from Xuanqingmen was a handsome young man, also wearing a dark blue Taoist robe, but there was no Taiji pattern engraved on it, but a tripod was painted on it.At this moment, he was only ten feet away from Han Feng, and in the blink of an eye, Han Feng had already stalked him. When he realized it, a fist was growing rapidly in front of his eyes, occupying his entire field of vision.

However, although he is not an arrogant person, he is not an idle person either. He kicked his feet on the ground and moved away in an instant. When it rises, it expands to a size of three feet in an instant, and the spiritual pressure is like a tide, with a menacing momentum.

Han Feng didn't stop, and continued to approach. He punched the Xuanqing picture of Tai Chi, but there was no loud noise as imagined. Instead, there was a dull and soft sound, and then disappeared, as if Han Feng's punch had hit the cotton cloth, A burst of energy dissipated.

But in the next moment, dazzling golden light suddenly burst out from Han Feng's body, and all of them rolled back towards the opponent like an upside-down water flow, and turned into hundreds of golden fists, directly bombarding this Tai Chi Xuanqing picture, boring It was loud and loud, flying with vigor.


This picture of Taiji Xuanqing finally cracked, and then turned into a little bit of brilliance.And Han Feng's nearly a hundred golden fists roared towards the opponent and drowned them.

All this is cumbersome to say, but in fact it happened in the blink of an eye, without even a single breath.

The face of the man from Xuanqingmen changed in shock, and just when he didn't know how to respond, a figure suddenly cut into the gap between him and Han Feng, with his arms open, embracing the virtual circle, and in the flash of the brilliance, a shadow appeared instantly. It's a Taiji Xuanqing pattern, but this pattern is many times bigger, and it expands to more than ten feet wide in an instant. The air waves are like a big frame, as if to enclose all the golden fists that Han Feng blasted. Ye Zi made a dull sound between them, and the hidden power surged violently, knocking them both back a few steps.

Han Feng's eyes flashed. This person was the leader of the four members of the Xuanqing Sect. He was also a genius. He did not expect his speed to be so fast.

Without further ado, Han Feng was about to launch a stronger offensive. A figure flashed behind him, and the other two from Xuanqingmen also charged over. One held a big sword and slashed down in the air, and the other held a gun with both hands, stabbing at extreme speed.


Han Feng grinned suddenly, moved sideways, his body moved a few feet sideways without warning, then turned around and ran to another direction, no longer fighting with them.

In a few flashes, he successfully escaped tens of feet away. Just as he was about to rush into the dense forest, a charming laugh suddenly came, and a pink light flashed in front of his eyes, and the charming woman from the Imperial Spirit Sect stood in front of him .

The woman had a spring-like smile on her face, but she didn't hesitate to strike. Three palm-length silver needles were shot in the shape of a Chinese character. The silver light shone, seemingly not powerful, but in Han Feng's eyes, it seemed With a solemn look on his face, he stopped, took a deep breath, folded his hands together, the golden light condensed, and a fist-sized golden beam of light suddenly shot out.


The two collided and were stalemate in mid-air, sparks flying everywhere.

The three silver needles were shining silver and connected to each other, forming a silver light film that blocked Han Feng's golden beam of light.

Han Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze was fixed. The released soul power suddenly shrank and condensed, covering her silver needle in an instant. Sure enough, he found that there was a trace of soul thread behind the silver needle. If it wasn't for his soul power during this time, With a qualitative breakthrough in the spying ability, I am afraid that it is still impossible to discover the mystery.

But at this moment, the four people from Xuanqingmen chased after him, and they were about to completely surround him, so he said silently in his heart: "Break!"

The soul power was condensed like a knife, and it slashed on the soul line behind the tail of a silver needle. There was no sound, and it couldn't be cut off, but it was still discounted. The silver needle shook immediately, causing the other two The silver needle also shook for a while, and the power of the three talents disintegrated, and was immediately scattered by Han Feng's golden beam of light, shooting straight at the astonished charming woman.

She hurriedly dodged to the side, but due to the suddenness of the incident, she was still rubbed by the golden beam of light on her shoulders. Although it failed to break the light of her body protection, it made her tremble, and she fell obliquely, far away. It was more than ten feet later that he stabilized his body again, but when he looked back, there was no trace of Han Feng in the same place. He had already rushed into the dense forest and disappeared for a moment.

"Hmph, Sun Meixiang, you are also a genius, but women are just useless!" The long-faced man from Xuanqingmen snorted coldly, quickly passed her, and led his fellowmen to continue chasing forward.

"Xu Haiteng, what are you talking about!" Sun Meixiang's phoenix eyes widened, and she chased after the man from Xuanqing Sect with murderous aura. Her three fellow sects did not dare to show their aura and hurriedly followed.

After Han Feng got rid of Sun Meixiang's obstruction, he rushed into the dense forest smoothly, took out a lightweight amulet and stuck it to his waist without saying a word, his speed increased sharply, the trees on both sides swished by, and in a short while, he had gone ten miles forward. For many miles, turn left and turn right, and run forward in a zigzag way.

He didn't want to fight against two Tianjiao at the same time. Even if he wasn't afraid, there was no need to waste time. There were still many treasures waiting for him to find in this forest. Maybe the next big medicine would appear near him.

Along the way, his soul power was released to the maximum range. At first, Xu Haiteng, who was able to spy on the Xuanqing sect, led his fellow sects to chase after him, but after a while, the other party suddenly lost their direction, as if they used some means to hide their breath .

At the beginning, Sun Meixiang and others from Yulingzong chased after him like a blazing sun, their aura was violent and obvious, but after a while, the pink light flashed past, and disappeared instantly under Han Feng's prying eyes.

Han Feng was slightly startled, but there was nothing he could do, so he continued to detour to the depths of the forest.

Time passed, and the time of a stick of incense disappeared. Han Feng had already run for tens of miles, and the effect of the lightweight talisman disappeared. His body immediately became heavier, and his speed also slowed down. He was about to replace another Light body talisman, at this moment, a green mouse, like jasper, only the size of a fist, suddenly appeared from behind a big tree in front, with green eyes, staring at him, as if he It's like having some kind of treasure on it.

Han Feng was surprised, but he didn't bother to pay attention. He turned around and continued to run forward.


Suddenly, the mouse let out a strange cry, and without seeing how it moved, it instantly turned into a green shadow and shot towards Han Feng like a straight line.

Han Feng immediately swung his body to dodge, narrowly avoiding it, but the moment the other party was about to pass him by, it changed direction at a right angle in mid-air and hit him hard.


Han Feng flew out, knocking down five or six thick trees before stopping.

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