Lord of the Runes

Chapter 95 Purple Radish

Time passed by, and another half a month passed.

Han Feng went deep into this forest all the way, advancing thousands of miles without knowing it. During this period, he was attacked by various carnivorous plants and various strange beasts, but he avoided them all without any danger, and even succeeded in following the clues Killed the bodies of many carnivorous plants and obtained many spiritual materials.

In addition, he had encountered several waves of monks from various sects, but even if they were in small groups, they would not dare to attack rashly when they saw Han Feng's aura, and Han Feng would not take the initiative to find fault, and each other They dispersed vigilantly.

During this period of time, Han Feng also did not give up on the study of the parchment, especially after he discovered that practicing the special fireball technique could enhance his keen ability to spy on the soul power, he worked even harder, and at least half of it was taken out every day. After two hours of serious practice, the size of this fireball technique can be stabilized at about one and a half feet, the red flames are red, scorching hot, and many leaves nearby are yellowed by heat.

But for some reason, the temperature in the forest has gradually become lower for the past few days. When Han Feng first came in, even with the dense forest blocking it, it was around [-] degrees, but on this day it was only about [-] degrees. .

Han Feng continued to run in the forest, unleashing his soul power, not letting go of any place, but after a few days, he didn't find any big medicine, instead he harvested a lot of elixir, such as Zimu Xinyun Grass, fluorescent fruit, purple rain mushroom, etc. have names and no names of spiritual root flowers and fruits, any of which are top-level spiritual materials. Although they are not great medicines, they are enough to make monks returning to the original realm jealous .

At this moment, Han Feng raised his eyebrows suddenly, turned around, and disappeared in the same place in an instant, sprinting towards the upper left corner, as if there were spiritual materials to be picked there.

He ran very fast, but did not make any noise, avoiding the attention of passing monks. Although his strength has become much stronger, he has not yet reached the point where he can sweep this secret world. When it is time to keep a low profile, he should keep a low profile. There is no need to be overly ostentatious.

After fifteen or six breaths, he quietly crossed the lixu land, and came to an open space, which was a hundred feet wide, and the surrounding trees were far away, as if this was a restricted area, and the trees could not stay here. grow.

And there were only three purple plants growing on the open space. They were no taller than a foot and as thick as a tail finger. Each plant shone with an inexplicable purple light, and Han Feng felt dazzled after looking at it for a long time.

He didn't know what it was, but when he released his soul power to explore here just now, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his soul sea, as if being pricked by thousands of long needles, it was very strange, so he Came here quietly, and took a closer look, but there were no other abnormalities, and there were only three purple plants like this.

Han Feng thought for a while, and suddenly released his soul power again, and sent it forward gently. When he touched the purple light, he felt a tingling sensation immediately, his eyelids twitched, and subconsciously withdrew his soul power.

After he regained his composure for a while, he slowly approached them. When he was only a few feet away from them, he released wisps of true energy to touch the purple light.

With a light touch, he returned immediately.

Feel nothing!

Han Feng didn't feel any discomfort, and then tried to release the body-refining golden light, and there was also no abnormality.He stopped to think for a while, then took a deep breath, stepped in front of them, bent down and reached out to touch them, everything was normal.

He relaxed a little, stretched out his hand to hold the purple plant on the side, and lifted it up. The soft soil rolled, and he pulled it out smoothly without any hindrance.

He lowered his head and saw that there was a carrot-shaped thing growing underneath, with thick fists and short palms. It was also purple all over, and also exuded a faint purple radiance, which was very strange.

"This is purple radish?!" Han Feng was a little surprised, and muttered to himself.

However, since there was no danger, Han Feng naturally would not let go of the other two plants, he pulled out all of them at once, checked them carefully, and threw them into his storage ring.

Han Feng looked around and found that there was nothing else. Just as he was about to leave, several lights and shadows suddenly rushed out from the forest on both sides. They stood on both sides. Judging by their clothes, they were not disciples of the same sect.There were eight of them, four in each.

Han Feng looked around, and it turned out that the Yulingzong and Xuanqingmen were chasing after them. At this moment, he frowned slightly, because he felt that each of the eight people was a master, and even had the same magnificent aura as himself. Now, he couldn't help becoming cautious.

"Oh, fellow Taoists of the two sects, what kind of wind has brought you all here!" Han Feng said exaggeratedly with a smile on his face.

"Brother, where are the things here?!" A long-faced man in Xuanqingmen wearing a black Taoist robe put on a cold expression, stretched out a finger of his right hand, and pointed at the loose soil under Han Feng's feet.

"What, I just arrived." Seeing that he spoke so arrogantly, Han Feng naturally wouldn't give him a good look, and immediately said indifferently.

"Hehe, what a clumsy lie, the dirt is still filled with your breath, how dare you open your eyes and tell nonsense!" In Yulingzong, a woman with a beautiful face covered her mouth and smiled. , smiling beautifully, the silver bell-like laughter seemed to brighten the surroundings a bit.

Han Feng turned his head to look at the other party, and suddenly felt that she was full of charm, her eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, which made people feel very warm.


Suddenly, Han Feng let out a cold snort, and woke up from the momentary immersion. At the same time, he flicked his sleeves, and golden light came out in clusters. With a few ding dings, several silver needles that she shot suddenly were knocked away.

"What a charming illusion!" Han Feng said coldly, staring at the woman from the Yulingzong with a solemn expression.

The woman from Yulingzong was also slightly startled, she didn't seem to have expected that Han Feng could get rid of his illusion charm so quickly. The normal man who saw her for the first time in the past, was shocked by her trick without warning. Under the attack, most of them will lose their minds for more than a breath.

But she is not an ordinary person, she immediately realized it, and still said with a smile: "My sister was just joking with you just now, don't mind it."

Han Feng simply ignored her, turned around and left.

"Hehe, it seems that fellow Taoist, you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" The figure flickered, and the four people from Xuanqingmen suddenly dispersed, rushed to Han Feng, and blocked his way.

"Get out, good dogs don't block the way!" Han Feng yelled angrily, and took a sudden step. His whole body was shining with golden light, and he charged aggressively at the person on the left, who was the weakest of the four of them.

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