The Imperial Spirit Sect seemed to have noticed Han Feng's arrival long ago. Before his attack came out, they separated into three people, turned around, and each of them recited formulas in their mouths silently, condensing the spiritual energy in the sky, forming a large area in the blink of an eye. The ice spear, the fireball the size of a water tank, and the soil mark the size of a millstone rushed towards Han Feng one after another, as if they were going to drown him.

The next moment, the golden shadow of Han Feng's fist collided with these spells, roaring continuously, and various lights flashed, illuminating a radius of tens of feet so that the light and shadow changed, which was very beautiful.

It's just that this beauty has a cruel side. All kinds of vigor raged, and immediately blasted the desert into big holes. Many plants and a few low-level beasts that failed to escape in time died, turning into funerary objects.

Han Feng's golden fist shadow was much stronger, and broke through the offensive of the other three in an instant. Moreover, Han Feng took a strong step forward, not afraid of the vigor of the counter-shock, his fists roared, and continued to blast out Hundreds of golden fist shadows rushed towards them with overwhelming force.

The pressure of the three opponents suddenly increased, and they quickly took out a special talisman. After the soul power was injected crazily, each of them immediately lit up a large area of ​​light, and a large amount of spiritual energy was gathered, but this time there was no attack technique. Instead, it turned into layers of light curtains, blocking the golden fist shadow's attack like a sponge.

It's a long story, but in fact, everything was completed in an instant. The golden fist shadow hit the layers of light curtains, and there was a chaotic sound of bang bang bang immediately. Like a tsunami.

Layer after layer of colorful light curtains were broken, and the situation was at stake. It seemed that they would be overwhelmed by Han Feng's golden fist shadow in the next moment.

At this moment, there were two more people behind them, they were still warlocks, but their aura was a bit stronger, and the scepter-like wooden stick in their hands was swung forward quickly, the radiance was like a tide, and the aura immediately resembled a well-behaved The children gathered in front of them, transforming into layers of khaki-colored light curtains, blocking in front of the golden fist shadow like a wall, and the defensive power suddenly increased several times. Han Feng's golden fist shadow hit it like a drum Normally, it hummed and stirred up a wave of fluctuations, but there was no sign of breaking.


A golden figure passed by, and arrived in an instant. Before the few people from Yulingzong could react, several golden fists bombarded the khaki light curtain. With a loud bang, the first layer of light curtain burst open, and then returned to the Invisibly, several golden fists flashed past, and another layer of light curtain shattered.

In just one or two breaths, the five layers of defensive light curtains assembled by five members of Yulingzong were broken one by one, and Han Feng appeared in front of them, making their faces turn pale with fright, and they dared not stop again. As birds and beasts scattered, they went away in a blink of an eye.

The other three members of Yulingzong didn't dare to stay, they dispersed and disappeared in an instant.

Han Feng didn't chase after him, he glanced at the stunned classmates, and was about to leave, but was stopped by a bold fellow, but he also stammered: "This, this senior brother, no, I don't know Can we follow you?"

When the rest of the people heard this, their eyes lit up, and they were not so nervous anymore. They all looked at Han Feng expectantly.

Han Feng hesitated for a moment, and was about to politely refuse. Unexpectedly, the other five people immediately came over, and a beautiful and moving fourth-grade talisman master took out a strange flower that alternated between ice and fire and handed it to Han Feng, respectfully He gave a salute, and said in a sweet voice: "Brother, this is the rare flower of ice and fire that we got by accident. It seems to be one of the great medicines that Patriarch Ye Yuntian said. It is useless for us to hold this kind of treasure. Sooner or later, it will be taken by other sects." If the person at the door snatched it, it would be better to leave it to you for safekeeping."

Han Feng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect their luck to be so good. They could get such a great medicine by accident. What's even more amazing is that he was able to get such a big medicine for nothing. up.

"Well, anyway, it will be handed over to Master Ye in the future, so I will keep it for now." Han Feng pretended to ponder for a while, and then slowly accepted the beauty's gift and put it in his storage ring , let it float on the spiritual liquid, it is not afraid that it will wither.

Seeing Han Feng accepting this great gift, the five of them heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Han Feng expectantly.

"Okay, since everyone is from the same sect, let's get together so that we can take care of each other." Han Feng coughed, changed the subject, paused, and then continued: "However, let's make a statement in advance. My strength is limited, if I really encounter an enemy that is difficult for everyone to resist, it will depend on my own luck."

Everyone nodded, naturally there was no objection.Then they both informed each other of their names. The beautiful fourth-grade talisman master who presented the medicine to Han Feng as a representative just now was called Lin Xinyu, and he was the strongest among the five of them. Otherwise, it would not have happened. as a representative.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, the six of them continued on their way and disappeared in the sea of ​​sand not long after.

Nearly an hour after they left, the people from Yulingzong came back here again, but this time they had two more people, a total of ten people, and the two new fellows were not warlocks, but practitioners. A monk with aura, the aura is grand and unfathomable.A thin young man with a broad forehead and round face took out a blue compass, released a faint blue light, and after sweeping around a few times, it pointed to the west direction and flickered endlessly.

"Let's chase!" The ten of them immediately chased due west.

The words are divided into two parts, one for each table.

Han Feng led the five of them all the way. It took more than an hour, but they only traveled three to four hundred miles, which was many times slower than walking alone. But since he promised everyone, naturally he couldn't There is no reason to repent, so I have to slow down and accompany them.In fact, the speed of these talisman masters is not too slow, it's just that after Han Feng's strength increased greatly, the speed became too fast for them to keep up. , that's too extravagant, and the production rate of their talismans is far lower than Han Feng's.So they just use the lightness talisman to lighten their own weight, and then use their body skills to move forward at a step of twenty or thirty feet. After all, each of them is full of true energy.

Fortunately, each of these talisman masters has amazing soul power, and after slowing down, they can search more carefully, and they can find many inconspicuous places, so as to find some elixir, like that This is how they found the strange flower of ice and fire on a rotten beast in an oasis with a radius of only a few miles. Unfortunately, when they collected it, they made too much noise and were caught At the same time, the disciples of the Yulingzong who were in the small oasis realized that if Han Feng hadn't happened to meet them, their fate would have been miserable.

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