Along the way, Han Feng also picked several kinds of spiritual herbs unique to this desert, but he also gained a little.

After an unknown period of time, he traveled another three or four hundred miles, but the three scorching suns in the sky were still shining in the sky, as if they hadn't moved at all, as if there was no difference between day and night here.

Running for four to five hundred miles in a row, even if he was physically strong, he still couldn't bear it under such scorching heat. He adjusted his direction a little, walked quickly to a sand dune, hid in the shadow it slightly cast, and meditated. Rest, recover your strength, and take a short rest.

Han Feng silently practiced the Heavenly Dragon Yuqi Jue, exhaled spiritual energy, and soon his body cooled down, feeling comfortable for a while.

He looked inside his body, and found that the three newly added meridians had been completely stabilized, and the surging true energy was flowing, forming a huge circulation system with the other six meridians and the dantian, constantly refining the surging aura from the outside world, Silently expanding the scope of the lake of true qi in his dantian, the lake of his dantian is still only a small lake with a radius of several hundred feet. When it exceeds a thousand feet, it can be called a sea of ​​true energy. You have to reach the perfect state of gas storage.

He turned his gaze to the blue spear the size of a toothpick, and found that its color had become darker. It seemed that after this period of warming, especially after being nourished by the vitality of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum, he had Substantial improvement.

"Hey, it's a shame!" Han Feng could only sigh silently in his heart. After all, this long spear was Qiu Tianyi's unique weapon. If his disciples saw it, it would definitely cause unnecessary trouble.In addition, this long spear is a weapon of the element weapon level, and it is the natal item of the masters of the Guiyuan realm. It can be shrunk and stored in the dantian for warming. Even if he succeeded in refining it with the help of the residual talisman, once he uses it, with the quality and quantity of his current qi, it can only support a few breaths of time, and the power may not be as powerful as his own golden fist shadow as big.

In fact, the spear owned by Luo Weiwei from the Black Demon Sect is also his natal weapon, but it is not a Yuan weapon. At best, his spear can only be regarded as the embryo of a talisman, but because it is most compatible with his skills, it can also exert a much stronger power than ordinary talisman weapons.In fact, this method of nurturing and cultivating weapons with monks' own skills can also be regarded as a method of refining weapons in the cultivation world, but the output is very low, but it is the mainstream.This knowledge was also told by Murong Can to Han Feng back then, otherwise he would not have known about it. After all, he only consulted some books on drawing talismans, qi training and body training in the library on the second floor of Zhuzi Building. Everything is covered.

Thinking of this, he slowly opened his eyes, and said to himself, "I wonder if Murong Can has come in?"

Afterwards, he smiled dumbly again, thinking that Murong Can is so cautious and timid, even if the head ordered him to come in, he would probably find someone to get rid of.

Maybe his sister Murong Xue will come in!

Han Feng turned his head and thought, and Murong Xue's beautiful face and figure immediately appeared in his mind.

He suddenly smiled awkwardly, shook his head, and put all these distracting thoughts behind him, slowly took out the space storage bag containing the sapling of the seven-star chrysanthemum from his arms, opened it, and found the young sapling of the seven-star chrysanthemum inside was still white It was the same as before, and there was a small bump on the spot where the seven-star chrysanthemum was picked off before, which seemed to be like a second spring.

He was naturally happy, and he didn't dare to open it for too long, lest the fragrance would overflow and cause unnecessary troubles. After a little inspection, he immediately put it in his arms and hid it.

Then, he rested for about a stick of incense, and then set off again, walking towards the end of the desert.

As time passed, Han Feng walked forward alone, stopped and stopped, and walked another four to five hundred miles. On the way, he met a few waves of monks. Naturally, they were all in the realm of perfect Qi storage, but he didn't dare to provoke him. Han Feng seemed to be overwhelmed by his speed and the golden light he emitted.

Han Feng didn't take the initiative to rob. Anyway, the general elixir was of no use to him, and the big medicine was almost invisible in this barren desert. He didn't want to waste his energy and time, let alone being selected to enter. The disciples here must have some life-saving means. It is not so easy to kill them. Maybe they will be bitten back if they are careless.

However, the strange thing is that some figures began to appear around his direction one after another. It seems that many people rushed here in advance, presumably because they wanted to get out of this desert as soon as possible so that they could find the great medicine.

At this moment, Han Feng stopped suddenly, frowned, and looked sideways to the left, where several sand dunes blocked his sight, but did not hinder his soul power to peek past.

On the other side of the sand dune, several talisman masters from Sanyemen were fighting with seven or eight disciples of Yulingzong, shouting constantly.

After all, the talisman masters are weak, after several battles, they only have the strength to parry, but not to fight back. They form a group and use various defensive talismans to resist the opponent's offensive. They are completely at a disadvantage, and I believe they will not last long.

Although most of the seven or eight members of the Imperial Spirit Sect are also soul masters, they are warlocks who are good at fighting skills. Together with the spells, they can use the soul power to condense the spiritual energy to perform many magical attacks, even though none of the spells are activated by talismans. The power of the sword is great, but the victory lies in the speed and quantity, and it can often beat the talisman master in the battle.

Back then, Han Feng had read the introduction of spells in Zangshu Pavilion, but he knew that eating too much would not kill him, so he didn't distract himself from practicing spells, and the Sanyemen had very few spell formulas, very few. It is difficult to practice systematically, and practice will only increase the burden.However, that book at that time specifically introduced the names of the spells of Yulingzong, which can be described as varied, full of wonders, and extremely powerful. It is said that they can turn mountains and seas upside down if they are cultivated to the extreme depths, and they have inheritance. Into a system, Yulingzong can be regarded as a sect that started with magic. Of course, now it is full of flowers and has everything, but it is still based on magic.

Han Feng's eyes flashed, without much hesitation, he immediately moved his body, and quickly crossed the sand dunes without making a sound, and rushed directly behind Yulingzong, and suddenly blasted out dozens of golden fist shadows, like a golden wave Like, roaring and attacking the group of people from Yulingzong.

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