After Han Feng left, the area was still shrouded in thick fog. I dare not say that I couldn't see my fingers, at least the visible range was no more than half a foot.

After a while, a group of three people came here suddenly, suddenly they were the three people from the Black Demon Sect, but at this moment their clothes were all torn, their arms and shoulders were covered with scars, blood was red, and they looked a little embarrassed.

The brawny man among them was named Shi Sheng, and he frowned slightly at this moment and said: "Just now there was a strange wave coming out here, why did it suddenly disappear again?!"

"Never mind, maybe it's just an illusion. Let's get out of here quickly. If we don't leave, maybe the guys from the Five Elements Sect will come after us!" The handsome Luo senior brother named Luo Wei waved his hand , urged.

"Hey, that's true, this time we can snatch a golden willow tree from the Five Elements Sect, which is considered a great harvest!" Shi Sheng said with a smile on his face.

"That's because they are reluctant to part with the rest of the golden willow tree and the spirit liquid of that lake, and Junior Sister Long has the Heaven-shattering seal in their hands, so they are a little bit jealous, otherwise they will let us leave so easily, and they will definitely come after us. Junior Sister Long, we Let’s withdraw, if we wait for Duan Tian to free us up, we will be in trouble, we must leave this place as soon as possible, and join our people!” Luo Wei rolled his eyes and said disapprovingly.

The strong man choked slightly, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, his face was a little ugly.

The black-robed girl, Junior Sister Long, responded unhurriedly: "Senior Brother Luo, I'm going to activate the Seal of Shattering Heaven."

As she spoke, she made a quick tactic, black light flashed across her body, and something appeared in front of her out of thin air, emitting a faint white light.Then I saw her hands and fingers moving together, blooming like orchids, each seal was constantly changing, the sky-shattering seal became brighter and brighter, the light was like a scorching vortex, and suddenly formed a vortex, flew over, and seemed to be slowly burning in front of her. On the invisible diaphragm, a large part of the diaphragm was shaken and trembled, and the vortex of white light spun rapidly.

Luo Wei and Shi Sheng glanced at each other, and in unanimous agreement, they dodged to the back of this junior sister Long, put one on the left and one right on her shoulders, poured out all his true energy, and helped her.

Not long after, the vortex of white light on Fantian Seal rotated faster and faster, and soon drilled a hole in the invisible diaphragm, gradually expanded, and turned into a large area in the blink of an eye, spreading continuously.

Luo Wei and the others were overjoyed, they put away their true energy one after another, and when they were about to rush out, a golden figure suddenly came out from the slanting stab, at an extremely fast speed, rushed out one step ahead, and disappeared in an instant.

The three people from the Black Demon Sect were terrified, and hurriedly chased them out, but just when they reached the gap in the invisible diaphragm, a golden shadow of a fist rushed towards them without warning.

They were shocked and used their own means to resist. For a moment, Mao Ying flew, the sword light shone, and the white light was like a wall. The two sides collided violently and roared chaotically.

"Ah..." The strong man suddenly yelled, but he couldn't block a golden fist. He suffered a heavy blow to his left shoulder, and was immediately sent flying back, rolling into the thick fog, where he disappeared.

The other two survived, and when the invisible barrier closed, they took a step forward and rushed out without being locked inside again.

"Damn it, who is this person?!" Luo Wei was frightened and furious. He gripped his spear tightly and looked around, but the surroundings were quiet, and there was no one at all. Obviously, the person who attacked just now had gone away.

Junior Sister Long's wonderful eyes flicked, but she didn't look panicked, she remained silent.

"Junior Sister Long, why don't we open the invisible barrier again and go in and rescue Junior Brother Shi." Luo Wei sighed, turned his head and said to Junior Sister Long.

"Senior Brother Shi is probably in danger, so let's not waste our energy. If that person was still peeking around secretly just now, and attacked again while we were mobilizing the Heaven Shaking Seal, wouldn't we be dead!" Junior Sister Long said with a blank expression on her face. Said lightly.

Luo Wei was startled when he heard the words, and replied repeatedly: "Junior Sister Long is right, let's go quickly!"

As he said that, he walked out of the oasis first, and that junior sister Long naturally followed closely behind. After a while, the two of them disappeared without a trace.

More than ten feet away, in the dense forest, Han Feng watched them leave, and did not make another move, mainly because he was afraid of that sister Long's Fantian Seal. Of course, if they really urged the Fantian Seal to open the invisible barrier, then he would definitely take the opportunity to launch a fatal One hit.

Han Feng then also left here, quickly came to the edge of this oasis, and hid among the Zihua trees. Anyway, there was the breath of golden cicadas, and the silkworms on the Zihua trees would not attack him, but would become His natural defense helper.

He found a bush, walked in, sat cross-legged on the spot, and released his soul power to cover an area of ​​tens of feet, then took out the interspatial storage bag, opened it gently, and looked inside, the psychic liquid inside More than half of it was missing, and the small sapling had only grown an inch, but its color had become crystal clear, especially those leaves seemed to be melting away, and the strong aroma came out.

What's even more miraculous is that three flower buds grew on the top branch of the young sapling, ready to bloom, and the whole body was pure white, and the fragrance was released from it.

Han Feng was amazed, and without thinking, he extracted a large amount of psychic liquid from the storage ring to fill up the storage bag in this space, then closed it and put it away, then changed another place, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and waited silently.

Time passed, and another half an hour passed. Han Feng opened his eyes, opened the space storage bag again, and found that the flower buds of the young sapling had grown a lot, but they were still not in full bloom, and the spiritual liquid inside was only shallow. The shallow layer, fortunately he opened it in time to watch, otherwise I don't know if it will affect the young sapling.

He hastily extradited the spiritual liquid from the storage ring to the storage bag of this space, then continued to move his position, and walked nearly a hundred feet around the edge of the oasis before stopping, quietly waiting for the saplings to bloom.

This time, after a stick of incense, Han Feng hastily opened it to observe. This time, the small saplings finally bloomed. Three flowers stood in a triangle, only the size of a thumb. Some of them looked like white chrysanthemums. , as if suspended in the air, it exudes a unique fragrance, which is intoxicating.

"Seven Star Chrysanthemum!" Han Feng exclaimed. He had seen such flowers in Ye Yuntian's Cannian message. In Ye Yuntian's description, Seven Star Chrysanthemum was also one of the great medicines, but he didn't explain how to take it. He only taught him how to take it. Identify, how to save.

"I didn't expect that guy to have the seeds of the Seven Star Chrysanthemum, and this kind of seeds can only germinate and grow in the psychic liquid. It's really unbelievable!" Looking back, Han Feng felt deeply shocked.

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