Lord of the Runes

Chapter 83 Lost

Han Feng had no expression on his face, and bent down to scrape away everything from the other party. He didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Now that he entered this world, he naturally became enlightened. Killing people is also for self-protection, not to mention that the cultivation world originally followed It is a set of law of the jungle.

After he finished scraping, he took out a second-grade talisman, and was about to burn the man's body to ashes, but suddenly there was a thump in his heart, and a strong sense of crisis came to his heart. The shadow of the palm of light struck suddenly, the speed was so fast that he could barely dodge the blow, almost passing him by.

But that power still made him stagger back a few feet, and just when he stood still, several colorful palm shadows floated out of the thick fog and attacked at a very fast speed, each of which was about ten feet in size, like a piece of palm. Like a door panel, it rushed forward with Huang Huang's pressure.

"Huh!" Han Feng snorted heavily, raised his hand and punched out, one after another, the golden shadows of fists blasted out like thunder, with similar power, they collided with the palm shadows of the opponent, exploded, and set off a stormy sky At the same time, both of them disappeared.

Han Feng retreated repeatedly, dodging Man Tianjin, and at the same time dispersed his soul power, observing the enemy's movement all the time, but within a three-foot range, he did not find any monks.

At this moment, a man shrouded in multicolored brilliance suddenly appeared within the envelope of his soul power. He was nearly eight feet tall, with broad palms, and his face could not be seen clearly, but his aura was powerful and unfathomable .

"Who are you?!" The other party asked suddenly without continuing to attack.

Han Feng remained silent, with a serious expression on his face. The person in front of him was obviously the companion of the girl in the light green robe just now, and his aura was too strong, so he had to treat it with caution.

"Hmph, seeing how you dress up, you must be a disciple of the Sanyemen, but in my impression, there is no one in the Sanyemen with such a strong physical body as Your Excellency!" The other party snorted, and suddenly said to himself.

Han Feng was slightly startled, pondered for a while, and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Hey, remember, the person who killed you, the Five Elements Sect, the disciple of Purgatory Hall, Duan Tian!" As soon as the other party finished speaking, the whole person disappeared within the envelope of Han Feng's soul power, but when he reappeared, The whole person was already above Han Feng, head to foot, swooping down like an eagle preying on it, his hands formed into claws, and he grabbed it directly.

Han Feng was startled in his heart, he didn't expect the opponent to be so fast, at this moment, the opponent's claws covered all escape routes, he had no choice but to fight him upwards.But the opponent was condescending and naturally had an advantage. Han Feng lost before the fight.

However, Han Feng was not an indecisive person, he made a quick decision, he kicked the ground suddenly, the whole area was shaken for a few meters, his whole body soared into the sky, his fists gathered all his energy, and he resolutely blasted out.

"Haha, good time!" Duan Tian laughed loudly, the multicolored brilliance also condensed between his claws, and he grabbed it boldly.

The two of them tried their best without reservation, and collided in mid-air in an instant. Han Feng's fists collided with Duan Tian's claws. There was no explosive sound as imagined, but the collision shot out all over the sky. The brilliance, even if it is blocked by thick fog, still spreads to a radius of tens of feet.

Immediately, both of them were overwhelmed by the brilliance, unable to see their figures clearly.

The next moment, a fierce sword energy suddenly burst out, and then Han Feng's figure flew out obliquely, breaking through the brilliance, disappearing for a moment, and then there was a deafening rumbling sound.

After a while, Duan Tian's figure slowly descended, with his hands behind his back, looking at the direction Han Feng was leaving, speechless for a long time, but there was a deep sword mark on his hands at this moment, bleeding quietly, lightly It dripped lightly, but the multicolored light flickered one after another, and it was slowly recovering. I believe it would not take long to recover, without any scars.

After Han Feng rushed out of the brilliance, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his hands were scratched with ten red claw marks. Fortunately, he held the last sword-shaped jade pendant of the young man with the gun in advance, and at the moment just now, squeezed it in time. When the opponent tried his best to stop him, he escaped in time, otherwise it would not only be as simple as his hands being injured, but if he took a step slower, most of his head would be left behind!

"What a strong guy!" Han Feng felt the pressure. He thought that even if he could not sweep away the disciples of other sects, he would at least be able to protect himself after he became a golden-skinned body.But now it seems that he is still not strong enough, not to mention the master of that sword energy, Duan Tian just now is enough to give him a headache, he feels that even if he uses the fifth-grade talisman, it will not have much effect on this kind of master, after all The fifth grade talisman is just that.

"You still have to become stronger!" Han Feng clenched his fist, stopped staying here, and rushed straight to the invisible diaphragm at the edge.

After a while, he came to the invisible diaphragm, but after repeatedly blasting golden fist shadows, he only made dull noises, and he was still powerless to break through.

Han Feng sighed slightly, and had no choice but to give up temporarily, hiding in a corner in the thick fog, quietly waiting for other people to arrive or those inside to go out, especially since the previous two groups of people can come in, there is naturally a way go out.

Han Feng just sat down, and silently performed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to recover his physical strength, releasing his soul power all the time, not daring to relax his vigilance at all.

After half an hour, the surrounding area was still quiet, no one came from the outside, and no one came out from the inside. As a result, Han Feng's physical strength had fully recovered, but he still couldn't leave the place.

Han Feng suddenly frowned, and quickly took out the space storage bag of the sword-wielding boy from the Black Demon Sect. It was full of spiritual liquid, and it was shaking violently for some reason.

He put his soul power to the extreme, covering a radius of three and a half feet, and then gently opened the space storage bag, and swept in, a small sapling about a foot high was slowly growing, with well-developed roots, covering the entire storage The space, constantly devouring the psychic liquid stored in it, was covered in snow white, releasing astonishing fluctuations, even the space storage bag was vibrating violently.

At this moment, there is only one-third of the spiritual liquid in the space storage bag, and the speed at which this little sapling devours the spiritual liquid is accelerating, and I believe it will swallow all the spiritual liquid in a short time.

Han Feng was deeply surprised, thought for a while, and quickly opened another interspatial storage bag, and transferred the spiritual liquid inside it to the interspatial storage bag where the young sapling was. When it was filled again, the young sapling shook slightly. After a few times, as if there was some joy, the fluctuations it emitted became even more astonishing, seeping out of the space storage bag and spreading far away.

Han Feng was startled, quickly closed the space storage bag, stood up immediately, and walked away.

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