Lord of the Runes

Chapter 687 Channels

In front of him, Han Feng naturally wouldn't tell his real name, and casually said a fake name, called Murong Qing.

"Fellow Daoist practitioner, Ming people don't speak dark words, so I'll just say it straight." Han Feng didn't drink his tea, and said lightly, "I want a place in the Teleportation Formation of Baizhan City, I wonder if you have a channel? "

"Oh, where does Brother Murong want to go? Can you tell me one or two, different destinations have different difficulties in obtaining that teleportation quota." The fellow practitioner neither refused nor agreed, but instead asked like this road.

"It's on the opposite side of the Battlefield. It shouldn't be too difficult. I wonder if there is still a place?" Han Feng asked.

"Ah, you want to go to the opposite side?!" The fellow practitioner seemed to be startled, and his voice couldn't help but raise a bit.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Han Feng's eyes flickered, and he looked at the man and asked slowly.

"Brother Murong, you haven't been here long, have you? Don't you know that there are more than a dozen middle-level sects fighting in the Battlefield? All the teleportation formations in Baizhan City have been temporarily disabled!" the fellow practitioner said in surprise. .

"How did this happen?" Han Feng was extremely surprised and asked hastily.

"Isn't it that after the Death Grand Canyon expansion event stopped some time ago, leaving a large area of ​​​​no man's land, if in the past, these places lacked aura, and the evil water flowed, and the ghosts were pervasive. But after the reappearance of the ghost ancestor, these areas have changed. If it is full of aura, it will naturally become a favorite. The sects in the south of the Battlefield are the first to gain access to the water and have already occupied a lot of territory. Naturally, the sects in the north will not let it go. They went south to grab the territory, and from then on, a great battle broke out, out of control, a total of thirteen middle-level sects participated in the battle, almost smashing the land of hundreds of battles, and I don't know how many monks died, it can be said that the blood flowed like a river!" Fellow Daoist Fu Xu said.

"I see." Han Feng nodded, then frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist, is there no other way? As long as the channel is safe, the price is easy to negotiate!"

As he said that, Han Feng took out a space storage bag from the storage ring, which was full of spirit stones, which were worth a million, and they were part of the spirit stones of the previous monk who was white and clean.

Han Feng is well aware of the truth that wealth should not be revealed. With his alchemy status, it is not very eye-catching to put out a deposit of one million spirit stones, but it will definitely make people feel that his financial resources are not weak, and people are willing to get close to him .

Fellow Daoist practitioner chuckled, took it over, released his soul power and swept it away, raised his eyebrows involuntarily, looked at Han Feng, and said: "Brother Murong is courageous, it seems that you will not give up until you achieve your goal. The matter is up to me, give me two days, and I must give you an answer, if not, I will return this bag of spirit stones in full!"

"Fellow Daoist, I have something important to go to the northern city, and I can't wait. I hope you can reply quickly. Can you give me a confirmation letter tomorrow morning?" Han Feng said seriously.

"I'll fight for it. I have to report it to the shopkeeper before I can get on the line of the city lord. It may not be confirmed so quickly." Fellow Daoist practitioner said.

"Then I'll have to train you fellow Taoist." Han Feng clasped his hands and said.

"You should do it yourself." Fellow Daoist smiled and put away the bag of spirit stones, looked at Han Feng and said, "Drink tea, drink tea."

Han Feng nodded, picked up the teacup, dipped it in some tea, chatted some gossip with the other party, got up to leave, and soon returned to his courtyard.

After he returned to his courtyard, he immediately took out the formation flag and spread it around to isolate all the power of detection. After finishing these, he entered his room, opened his mouth and spit out a sip of tea, which floated in the air, sinking and floating.

He released his soul power to investigate carefully, and found that the tea was full of spiritual power, and it was really a good cup of tea, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Han Feng was so careful, but he was worried that the other party would set him up. After all, he was unfamiliar with the place, so he couldn't guarantee that this place was absolutely safe.

"I think the other party will not just pour medicine into the tea when they meet me for the first time, but after seeing my financial resources, I don't know if they will be moved!" Han Feng thought to himself, what he was worried about was this.

But he has no choice but to use the channel of this fellow practitioner for the time being, and get on the line of the Lord of the Hundred Wars City, so that he can allocate the teleportation quota to himself, otherwise he can only take a detour.

As for forcibly passing through the Land of Hundred Battles, that is beyond his imagination. After all, there is a scuffle there. Once he enters, he must be entangled. Even if he does not die, it will delay the rescue of Ximentian Patriarch and others. .

"It can only be entrusted to the trainer for the time being." Han Feng muttered secretly, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

But he quickly opened his eyes again, got up suddenly and walked out of the room, left the courtyard, came to the street, and wandered around.

He went in and out of those shops along the road, casually chatted with shopkeepers of some shops, and of course bought some things. Inadvertently, he obtained a lot of information, and through sorting and filtering, he got really useful information.

Indeed, as Lian Man from the Baizhan Inn said, the Battle of the Baizhan Land is indeed going on, and it is becoming more and more intense. The four major sects are showing signs of intervening.

In addition, all the teleportation arrays in Baizhan City have also suspended their external operations. No one knows when they will recover, but according to the feedback from a certain pharmacy shopkeeper, the city owner has the right to open the teleportation arrays and can trade privately. The price is ridiculously high, and most people can't afford it.

After Han Feng learned the information, he compared it with multiple sources and confirmed that it was correct, so he felt a little relieved.

Afterwards, he went to the Baiyin Pavilion branch in this city, and consulted with their elders in charge. He wanted to connect another line, but found that all matters related to the teleportation array in Baizhan City, if in a special period , can only be contacted through the Baizhan Inn, otherwise it is useless to find anyone.

"Hey, it seems that I made a mistake and found the right person from the beginning. I just hope everything goes well." Han Feng returned to his residence, muttered to himself, closed his eyes, and silently adjusted his breath.

Time passed quickly, as if it was the next morning in the blink of an eye, the sky was getting bright, and someone outside notified Han Feng through the Baizhan Inn's own communication formation.

Han Feng opened his eyes, looked at a shining ball on the wall, and made regular calls from time to time. He looked happy, stood up, and walked out of the room.

In a short while, led by the waiter in light yellow clothes, he came to the elegant tea room on the third floor of the front hall again, sat on a red sandalwood chair, and waited for Lianman's arrival.

During this period, there were servants who came to serve Han Feng with tea and water. After all, he was also a monk of alchemy, and he was regarded as a distinguished guest of Bai Zhan Inn, so he naturally received unusual treatment.

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