Lord of the Runes

Chapter 686 Battle City

Who knew that after being frightened by Han Feng, this white and pure alchemy cultivator really took out another treasure, which looked like a rockery, with palaces and bridges on it, and traces of running water. The breath spread out, and it looked like an ordinary decoration.

Han Feng didn't take it lightly, he took it from the air, looked around carefully, raised his eyes to look at him, and asked, "Are you using this thing to fool me?"

"Don't dare, I picked it up from a fallen great monk. Although I haven't found out the secrets in it, I don't think it's an ordinary thing, so I specially dedicated it to seniors. Seniors, you have made good fortune, and you will definitely be able to See the mystery!" This alchemy cultivator is very good at talking, and he doesn't have a good word in his flattery.

Han Feng nodded, and conveniently put this thing into the storage ring, without saying a word to them, he stepped on the flying boat and left.

It wasn't until Han Feng flew hundreds of miles away and completely disappeared into the sky that the white alchemy cultivator heaved a sigh of relief, his face became even paler, obviously frightened.

Don't look at him as a monk of alchemy, but the stronger some people are, the more they cherish their lives.

"Village Master, this guy looks young, so could he be stronger than you?" The eccentric man asked, puzzled.

"Ge Sheng, don't say what you shouldn't say. If I hadn't protected you just now, do you know that just with that person's spiritual pressure, it would be enough to crush you and turn you into a cloud of blood!" A monk who formed alchemy said coldly.

"So strong?" The man named Ge Sheng was amazed. He was a cultivator in the fake alchemy realm, but he couldn't survive under the opponent's spiritual pressure, which made him unbelievable.

"Hmph, don't think that you are great because you are a fake alchemist. It's okay to bully ordinary Guiyuan monks, but in the eyes of us and other alchemy experts, you are just a chicken and a dog. You should be honest. After practicing for 100 years, you will understand when you are promoted to the alchemy realm!" The village master snorted coldly.

Ge Sheng was speechless, gritted his teeth secretly.


After Han Feng left that area, he quickly crossed tens of thousands of miles. During this period, he encountered many such rogue cultivators who intercepted them, but he suppressed them all with lightning speed, and passed through without any surprise or danger.

This is also the reason why he deliberately avoided the areas of those middle-level sects, otherwise he would not encounter these casual cultivators so frequently. After all, he has learned about the distribution of power in the northern region, so naturally he would not pass through the sphere of influence of the middle-level sects, otherwise Flying in such a flying boat with great fanfare is courting death.

However, after such a detour, it will take a lot of time.Therefore, he flew for more than ten hours, and he only covered a distance of one hundred thousand miles, but he finally walked out of the uninhabited land in the north.

He bypassed the area of ​​the Grand Canyon of Death and entered the criss-crossed power network. Various middle-level sects competed and competed in this area, and wars broke out from time to time, which can be described as extremely tragic.

He didn't want to go into this area either, but Longtan is located in the north of this area. If he had to take a detour, he would have to fly hundreds of thousands of miles, and other routes may not be safe. With all kinds of risks, it is better to just go through this war-torn land directly, and maybe save a lot of time.

What's more, there are other channels here that allow him to cross the entire area without flying at all.

After Han Feng entered this land of hundreds of battles, he didn't dare to fly the flying boat anymore. Instead, he put it away and flew past with his own magic power.

Naturally, he couldn't really rely on mana to move forward, not to mention whether he would be exhausted, but if he was in danger and he was not at his peak, it would be enough to make him feel wrong.

He turned around according to the map, and after flying thousands of miles, he found a huge city, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles, named Baizhan City.

This is the only place where wars can be eliminated in this land of hundreds of battles. There are a total of 33 buildings on the edge of the land of hundreds of battles. They are arranged jointly by the four major sects. No one dares to violate the rules of the city.

"This guest officer looks so familiar, does he often come to my Baizhan Inn?" In an antique inn, a man in light yellow clothes said politely to Han Feng.

"No, I seldom come here." Han Feng didn't say that he was here for the first time, but just said calmly that he didn't come here often, so as not to make people think about it.

"It doesn't matter, even if you are here for the first time, we will make you feel at home. If you come and go often in the future, you will be satisfied." The man was very good at talking, rolled his eyes, and immediately led Han Feng in.

After Han Feng entered the city, seeing that it was getting late, he immediately found an inn to rest. He has always been like this. If he wanted to stay, he would stay in the best one, so he naturally found the Baizhan Inn in Baizhan City.

That's why there was the conversation between him and the waiter in Baizhan Inn.

Under the guidance of this mistress, Han Feng quickly completed the formalities, and this mistress led him to the courtyard he rented. He finally took out three top-grade spirit stones and gave them to the other party. Sent away.

There is a rule in Baizhan Inn, once you confirm your stay, you have to pay for seven days of spirit stones, otherwise you will not be rented.

Han Feng didn't care about the spirit stones, so he did it naturally, and spent 70 spirit stones to rent for seven days. In fact, he knew that he would not be able to live for a few days, and he might leave the city tomorrow.

The reason why he did this is to rent the best inn and the best guest room here at any cost, the purpose is to get the teleportation quota of the teleportation array in this city of battles through the channel of this inn, otherwise he will have Across the entire land of hundreds of battles, there are many crises, and even if you don't die, you will be scarred. Even if you successfully go to the location of Longtan, what ability is there to break the formation there.

Han Feng didn't act rashly, and didn't rush for success, but fell asleep peacefully, and after recharging his energy, he saw the inn's deputy innkeeper through the waiter early the next morning. .

Han Feng didn't hide his cultivation either, the level of the early alchemy exuded was of course not the coercion of the Golden Alchemy of the Heavenly Dao, it was just ordinary, but it also surprised the little girl, and after serving the clear tea, , Hastily exited this quaint tea room.

Previously, Han Feng only showed his cultivation of fake alchemy in front of this little girl. No wonder he was so surprised. He secretly rejoiced that he was fairly well-behaved in the previous reception and did not offend others. Otherwise, even if he worked here, There must be no good fruit to eat. The strong people in the alchemy state are the core figures in the four major sects, how can they be neglected and humiliated.

"Brother Murong, disrespect and disrespect, so you are also a member of the same generation, I don't know what you can do to find me?" The deputy shopkeeper of the Baizhan Inn looked at Han Feng and smiled lightly.

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