In an instant, everyone was enlightened, and within a few breaths, they realized clearly and knew what they should do.

The monks of Tianlongmen immediately moved into action, and it took a while to disperse in all directions, urging their own cultivation, and pouring energy into the golden light radiating from that body in an endless stream.

Not long after Han Feng came out, he saw this scene. He was also very surprised, but also terrified. If he hadn't come out earlier, he really didn't know what the consequences would be.

What he didn't know was that he had already been discovered by the other party, but the other party felt that the timing was not right, and the other party came here as a clone, not the deity, and his strength was limited, otherwise it would be a matter of debate.

After a while, he was called by Long Ziyun, and asked him to join forces with the other eight ninth-rank celestial talisman masters to speed up the operation of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation, so that the formation could gather more power from the origin of heaven and earth.

Time flies, and three or four hours have passed without knowing it.

The body above the sky condensed enough of the original power of the heaven and earth, and the light emitted turned into a deep golden color, illuminating the entire heaven and earth, covering an area beyond thousands of miles.

"Okay!" The powerful man of the Yuxian Sect looked at the **** with a happy face, raised his hand to make a formula, and then played a series of seal formulas and landed on the ****.

**Suddenly, it spun rapidly, bringing a violent wind, tearing apart the space, leaving black traces, bursting out even more terrifying power, and within moments the entire space burst apart like pieces of paper, showing black holes one by one , the incomparably powerful suction spread out, sweeping away the original power of the world.


Above the body, a golden beam of light suddenly shot out, piercing through the space in an instant, and disappeared.

But at this moment, the higher sky showed pieces of colorful brilliance, gorgeous and beautiful.

"Okay, this avatar of this seat has to leave this place, and has to rush to the next one. You have to stay here and continue to maintain this formation. You can disperse on your own when the grand seal formation of the talisman ancestors reappears and seals the Grand Canyon of Death again." Go, remember!" The powerful scholar of Yuxianzong glanced up at the area, nodded, then looked at the high-level people of Tianlongmen, and ordered.

"Follow the decree of the law!" All the senior officials of Tianlongmen saluted and responded loudly.

This powerful man of the Yuxian Sect smiled lightly, and his entire huge body dissipated in an instant, and disappeared all at once. No one knows how he left, and this method has already surpassed everyone. imagination.

All the monks in Tianlongmen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, they would not feel at ease with this powerful man around. Even if he is just a phantom, his power is enough to make people frightened. After all, the gap between them and his realm is vast.

Dongfang Yu saw that the gun in the sky was still roaring and running, so he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately sent a message to all the members in the door to continue guarding this place and input energy for it in turn.

As for Han Feng and the others, they didn't stop at all, sticking to their posts, continuously operating the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation, generating more power of the origin of heaven and earth.

Time passed like running water, and three days and three nights passed in a blink of an eye.

In the early morning of the fourth day, the sky above the sky suddenly paused, and another ray of light split out, piercing the sky and extending towards both sides. Judging from its direction, it seemed to be going straight to Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong.

Sure enough, according to the information fed back by the spies, there is also a person in the area where Muxia Palace and Mutianzong are located, and a dazzling beam of light shoots up into the sky, piercing the void, and it does not know where it leads.

And at this moment, the bodies of the three places formed a line, and there was an earth-shattering sound. The momentum was as strong as opening up the world, and circles of ripples began to appear on the sky. It was suppressed like a nine-fold mountain, and fell directly on the air wall of the Grand Canyon of Death. The two phases contacted immediately, forming terrifying and boundless fluctuations. The space was broken like paper, and turned into pieces.

In fact, at this moment, not only these three places present this phenomenon, but it can be seen everywhere in the main vein, converging into a group, slowly communicating with a certain large formation, and lines of clear light began to appear in the depths of the sky , combined into an array, forming a huge power, shaking the sky and the earth.

In a short while, the talisman array was completely condensed, and the vibration began to stop. The whole world began to emerge with mighty original power, but it did not affect the mountains and rivers. Everything was as usual. This kind of energy is boiling, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, surging and surging, showing colorful rays of light, gorgeous and colorful.

After a while, a figure appeared in the sky, covering the entire Grand Canyon of Death.

I can't see the face of this figure clearly, I just feel that he is extremely tall, surpassing the world, as if he is not in this world.

"seal up!"

He opened his mouth and let out a soft drink, although the voice was small, but all living beings in this world, from the mighty to the common people, could hear it clearly.

After he finished saying this word, he clasped his hands together, traveled through the space, relaxed and freehand as if closing a door, and pressed the death canyon to the middle, the rune light flashed, flooding the entire area, and there was no loud noise, Only streaks of lightning and fragments of void emerged, fleeting, and then dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of runes emerged, covering the entire canyon like a net, forming an absolute seal, confining it to its original position again, exposing the area corroded by ghost energy around it. Unsightly.

In the vast majority of the area, all living beings are already dead, and those who are alive are just surviving, and many are even dying, and they don't even have the motivation to stand up.

The figure glanced at the miserable situation here, and with a wave of his big hand, a large area of ​​the original power of the world was guided by him, drowning everything, and the magical power emerged, sweeping away the remaining ghost energy in that area, and the entire world It became completely clean, and even the stinky water and wolf smoke disappeared.

But those dead creatures can't be resurrected naturally, only the living life is slowly recovering, many primordial beasts, strange beasts and even individual monks stood up tremblingly.

This figure that transcended heaven and earth looked at this heaven and earth with some nostalgia, without leaving any words, it disappeared without a sound and returned to nothingness.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and everyone in Tianlongmen was speechless. Seeing such a miraculous scene, their hearts were in turmoil. The realm of that figure had already surpassed their imagination, making them incomprehensible.

Originally, what seemed like the end of the world to them was completely resolved under the hands of this figure, and the Grand Canyon of Death returned to its original position, and everything returned to normal.

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