Lord of the Runes

Chapter 669 Arrival

Han Feng was overjoyed. He didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest. It's not that he didn't pour three kinds of power into Broken Sword at the same time in the past. These forces can be balanced, and when combined together, they can explode with unimaginable power.

He was extremely cheerful, and he couldn't care less about it. He desperately poured these three kinds of power into him, causing Broken Sword to show its unique power one after another, leading him to keep teleporting.

Thirty breaths later, he finally came to the edge of the formation, but the front was already blocked, and he couldn't break through with a single punch.

But at this moment, the giant vortex behind Han Feng was spinning faster, triggering an incomparably powerful secret force, sweeping all directions, spreading continuously, completely freezing the space, like a snowstorm enclosing a mountain, everything It fell into a state of stillness, without a trace of waves.

The invisible force was getting closer and closer, Han Feng was amazed, in desperation, he held the broken sword in his hand, injected three kinds of power, and slashed hard.

"call out!"

With a sharp sound, an extremely bright lightsaber flew out and hit the edge of the formation, causing ripples, but it was still unable to break through.

Han Feng approached him, gathered all his strength, and stabbed out with a sword. A glaring white light pierced the ripples along with the broken sword. With a loud bang, a big hole suddenly appeared in his in front of the eyes.

Impatiently, Han Feng merged with the sword and rushed out, disappearing in an instant.

The moment he left, the invisible secret power expanded to this point, freezing everything, and even the big hole was sealed, and it was too late to recover, so it was opened like this, but the inside of the passage had already healed, so there was no Connect with the outside world, otherwise no one will know what bad things will happen.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, bursts of loud noise spread throughout the formation, and endless lightning flashed out, swirling around the giant vortex, shaking the space.

Immediately afterwards, space cracks appeared and continued to expand, turning into tens of thousands of space fragments in a short while, bursting out with colorful rays of light, extremely dazzling.

Space fragments began to float up, as if being pulled by some mysterious force, they gathered above the giant vortex in a short while, and suddenly formed a door. The inside of the door was pitch black, emitting strange energy like a black hole, devouring All light and power.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was another loud noise, and the entire giant vortex began to shake, as if it was bearing some huge force.

A figure suddenly emerged from that door, at first it was like nothingness, but after a while it slowly solidified and stepped out.

At this moment, the space fragments began to condense and reorganize into a whole piece, and the surrounding space freeze also dissipated and returned to normal, but the light in the formation began to flow, gathering on the figure as if consciously, Its support is as high as ten thousand feet.

In fact, this figure is only over nine feet tall, but it gives the impression that it is more majestic than a mountain, as high as the sky, but as thick as the earth.

This man is a man with an ordinary appearance. He looks like he is in his early thirties. He is ordinary, but his aura is comparable to that of heaven and earth. He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, his thoughts replaced the will of this piece of heaven and earth in an instant, and everything was under his control.

He raised his thick eyebrows, and suddenly looked at a position on the edge of the formation, which was the hole that Han Feng escaped from, and he discovered it in an instant, it was unbelievable.

"Interesting!" The man chuckled, raised his hand, and the space Han Feng was in just now suddenly shone brightly, and pictures were presented, all of which were the process of Han Feng's struggle against the resistance of space. The space is recorded, and at this time, this person is dispatched to watch it. Such a magical method is really incredible.

"This kid has a good sense of perception. He knows how to combine the three powers at such a young age. Although it is still very superficial, it is still commendable." The man nodded, and with a big wave of his hand, the images disappeared immediately.

"And that broken sword, it's not easy!" The man touched his chin with deep eyes, and said to himself, "It's a pity that now is not the time, otherwise I can borrow it and maybe I can see its strength." It really happened."

After saying this, he ignored the matter, and raised his hands high, the entire giant vortex began to shoot out the original power of heaven and earth, which was extremely thick and tens of feet in size, roaring like giant dragons, and poured it all Stepping into this figure made his breath stronger, and a phantom of a giant began to appear on the surface of his body, which continued to expand, reaching a height of ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye, and popped out of the formation in a short time. Then came the shoulders, and then the upper body. His eyes suddenly opened, looking down at the whole world.

The monks of Tianlongmen were all surprised when they saw this situation, and they reacted one after another, looking warily at this giant who was as tall as the sky.

The senior officials of Tianlongmen who were standing on the north wall quickly turned around. Dongfang Yu and Long Ziyun looked at each other, and immediately sent a voice transmission to all the fellowmen, telling them that this is a powerful member of Yuxianzong, and they should not be rude.

He and Long Ziyun and other high-level officials bowed their hands first, and said loudly together: "I have seen you, senior!"

The other monks of Tianlongmen also hurriedly saluted, not daring to neglect. After all, according to Dongfang Yu, this person is countless times stronger than the psychic venerable, unfathomable, offended him, let alone their Tianlongmen , even the Eight Great Families have a headache.

"You all get up, speed up this formation, and help the old man!" The giant figure said.

As soon as his voice fell, he raised his hand and typed out a series of spells. A complicated and delicate pale golden body emerged, rapidly expanded, and became huge in a blink of an eye, but compared to his phantom body, it was just as It looked like a small pancake, so he continued to push the **, letting it grow continuously, until it reached [-] feet before stopping, and the golden light emitted was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, surging and extremely dazzling.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the **, the ** swirled, the golden light condensed, and beams of light appeared high above the sky, running through the giant vortex in the Nine-Nine Heavens Leading Formation, like a channel, extracting the heaven and earth within it The power of origin.

All the monks of Tianlongmen were stunned watching this scene, and didn't react for a long time.

"Still not taking action yet? When will you wait!" The man yelled fiercely and taught everyone a method at the same time.

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