Lord of the Runes

Chapter 667 Jin Dancheng

Han Feng was amazed. In the past, once there was a crisis inside his body, the innate energy would come out and repair everything, but for some reason it didn't appear at this time. He secretly guessed that it might be the origin of the heaven and earth pouring into his body from the outside. It is related to strength, and the special environment formed prevents his body from producing innate qi by itself.

Han Feng couldn't figure it out, but the situation was so bad that he couldn't concentrate on thinking, and he was struggling to keep going, just not breaking down.

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly he had an idea, and used the first picture of the ten-picture secret tome to force himself into that posture, but this movement was originally difficult to do, and it was even more difficult under this situation. There are so many difficulties, it is really difficult for him to succeed.

He spent a lot of effort, failed several times, and his whole body was in severe pain, as if it was about to crack like porcelain, making him miserable, if it wasn't for the spirit refining vajra formula in his body that often played a key role , stabilized his body, otherwise he would have been unable to support it long ago.

It took another half a stick of incense time to pass. After eight failed attempts, he finally succeeded in posing that pose for the ninth time. After persisting for seven to seven breaths, wisps of warm current penetrated from his body and permeated his whole body. , quickly repaired the wounds in his body, gathered in his dantian in a short while, and began to mend the inner wall of his dantian like a cocoon, so that the cracks in it slowly healed and glowed with new light, it was like a miracle.

There is no leakage, the energy in the dantian continues to skyrocket, and the pressure increases sharply, causing the lines on the bead in the center to spread again, and an amazing aura diffuses out, revealing his fleshy body, spreading to the surroundings. Go, rushing to the sky, actually triggering space cracks, which shows the intensity of this energy.

The blue light giant outside him also expanded rapidly, becoming three thousand feet tall, propping up a piece of sky.

Of course, compared to that giant vortex, it is insignificant, and it cannot be compared at all. After all, that giant vortex has expanded to a radius of six hundred miles, and the terrifying coercion seeps out all the time, making people panic and uneasy.

Fortunately, Han Feng's aura is also growing rapidly, and he can carry it through.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the surface of the round bead in his dantian finally covered all the lines. At the same time, it suddenly began to grow larger, with a brilliant blue light, and the extremely powerful aura spread out again. They are all bending sharply, showing colorful brilliance.

After a while, his round bead became the size of a fist, beating like a heart, and its shape also changed, turning into an ellipsoid, which seemed round but not round, which was very strange.

At this point, his fake pill has become a real pill, and its color has also turned into golden color, exuding a brilliant light, reflecting golden in the dantian.

At the same time, circles of cyan lightning surrounded his golden core, and even white auspicious clouds emerged, a strange phenomenon that made people feel unimaginable and amazed.

The blue-light giant outside him has grown several hundred feet, reaching a height of more than [-] feet. There are also lightning around it, and auspicious clouds set off it.

Han Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that his every move has the power to destroy heaven and earth, it's terrifying.

But at this moment, outside the formation, in the sky, streaks of red lightning suddenly appeared, filling the entire high sky in an instant, and making loud rumbling noises.

Immediately afterwards, these lightnings began to rain down, ignoring the barrier of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation, and directly fell on Han Feng's head, crackling and hitting the blue light giant, causing it to immediately appear pitted, a burst of The magical power penetrated into it, and suddenly transformed into thousands of sharp swords, surrounded by lightning, stabbing at Han Feng's body.

Fortunately, Han Feng was mentally prepared and immediately mobilized his cultivation base to resist.

When he raised his hand, a series of blue swords emerged, rushed forward, and the sound of hissing sounded, like the tip of a needle pointing at the wheatgrass, facing those thunder and lightning swords, they were constantly consuming and annihilating each other.

However, one wave has not settled, and one wave has risen again.

A series of black lightning bolts suddenly appeared in the high sky outside, gathered into clusters, and rolled down like black light balls, one after another, in an endless stream, like a swarm of bees, buzzing endlessly.

These rolling thunders passed through the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation in an instant, came to the inside of the formation, and fell on Han Feng's blue light giant like mountains, each thunder ball blasted a big hole.

Han Feng turned pale with shock, and hastily put away the blue light giant, so as not to become a giant target of Wan Dao Lei Ting.

He made a formula with both hands, and moved his ten fingers together. The golden core of the heavenly way in his body spun rapidly, and the ocean-like magic power was released, spreading in all directions. Thousands of gaps in space.

It hurried to meet it, blocking a large black rushing thunder.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a flash of light, the long dragon collapsed, but the black rushing thunder also disappeared, and even the void cracks around it also disappeared.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he didn't expect that after breaking through this level, the power that would emerge from his gestures would be comparable to the peak level in the mid-stage of alchemy.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt weak, and the golden core in his dantian shook slightly, as if it was about to disintegrate.

He was shocked, and for a moment he didn't understand why this happened.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

High above the sky, another series of lightning flashed out, but this time it was white lightning that turned into white tigers, which also passed through the formation barrier in the blink of an eye and came to the top of Han Feng.

Han Feng couldn't mobilize his mana to stop him in a hurry, so he had to mobilize his physical strength to unleash Batian Fist. Fist shadows came out like fierce tigers and flew towards those white lightning tigers. The two phases collided, roaring immediately, and the void was violently bent , showing patches of black spots.

It's a pity that the dantian in his body suddenly shook, which made his punching power weaker after all, unable to defeat all the white lightning tigers, and some white tigers still rushed to his body.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a loud noise, and these white lightning tigers rushed towards him, but they didn't break through his physical defenses. Instead, they aroused the rapid operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body, constantly dissolving the impact force of those white tigers.

Han Feng didn't dare to resist head-on, took the opportunity to back up, and at the same time dodged left and right, trying to avoid the frontal attack of the white lightning tiger as much as possible.

After a while, all the Lightning Tigers suddenly gathered together as if they were spiritual, and turned into a giant tiger with a size of hundreds of feet. It opened its mouth wide and devoured Han Feng.

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