Lord of the Runes

Chapter 666 Crisis

Han Feng's fake pill was suspended in the center of his dantian. This time he suffered a severe impact and was shaking unceasingly. Fortunately, its surface was protected by a layer of secret power, otherwise it would have collapsed.

Han Feng continued to guide that special energy into the dantian, and the Yuan force was exploding one after another, but after a few breaths, a strange force emerged, as if it had transformed into a new thing, emitting a dazzling light, and began to be able to bear it. Withstand the erosion of those energies without disintegration.

His aura also rose accordingly, forming a positive feedback. The giant vortex above shot out a larger and thicker beam of light, descending on him, causing him to bear even greater pressure. When his body bent, he almost fell fall down.

At the critical moment, it was still the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique that played a role. A five-clawed golden dragon emerged behind him, supporting the heavy pressure like a pillar of the sky, allowing him to straighten his body again.

Han Feng struggled to support, and his spirit was divided. He had to run the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to mobilize the physical power hidden inside his body to resist the pressure, and he also had to absorb the original power of the world and transform it into special energy. To channel these energies into the dantian, turn them into scorching light, and finally integrate these lights into your own fake dan, making it gradually become more solid.

His fake dan was beating like a heart, making a thumping sound, emitting astonishing fluctuations from time to time. If the inner wall of his dantian was not so strong, it would have ended in the death of his dantian.

Han Feng continued to insist, and as time passed, the giant vortex became bigger and bigger, and the beam of light it shot out became stronger, and all the massive power of the heaven and earth that was released poured into his body, making His breath became stronger and stronger, and a figure completely condensed by cyan light floated out, which was a thousand feet high and extremely dazzling.

The blue light giant suddenly took a step forward, enveloping Han Feng's body, carrying the light beam formed by the original power of heaven and earth, and absorbing it more quickly.

Han Feng was surrounded by this blue-light giant, his pressure dropped sharply, and he began to have the energy to condense the fake pill. At this moment, his fake pill became smoother, like a round bead, shining bursts of blue light.

He found that as he absorbed more of that special energy, his round bead became smoother and its radiance also increased, but it seemed endless and endless.

Han Feng began to worry. If this continues, the phantoms of those powerful men will come to this place. Wouldn't it be a disaster if they find out? !

But he had no choice but to proceed step by step, completely follow the secret method taught to him by Long Ziyun to condense the golden elixir of heaven and earth, continue to continuously refine the original power of heaven and earth, and transform it into the power to nourish the orb in his dantian.

The blue light giant outside him gradually grew to a size of two thousand feet. This size is equivalent to the level of the middle stage of alchemy. Formed, and I don't know what level it will reach.

Han Feng was secretly looking forward to it, and half an hour passed before he knew it.

The giant vortex grew bigger again, and the invisible force was also pushing the blue light giant outside Han Feng back.


Suddenly, two beams of light shot out from the giant vortex, and together with the previous beam, they became three beams converging on the giant blue light, and the infused power of the heaven and earth tripled accordingly, even if it was Han Feng's aura was getting stronger at a very high speed, and he also felt the great pressure. His body shook slightly, and his forehead gradually broke out in sweat.

What's even more frightening is that after an hour, three more beams of light shot out from the giant vortex, and combined with the previous ones, six beams of clear light fell on the blue light giant.


Han Feng snorted for a while, he was already sweating profusely, his face was full of distress.

He felt uncomfortable all over, especially in his dantian, which was like thunder bombarded. Things like cracks began to appear in the ball, but they were not real cracks, but special lines, extremely mysterious, bursting out There was a burst of strange secret power, and the appearance of lightning and thunder appeared.

Han Feng gritted his teeth and insisted. At this moment, he couldn't back down, he could only charge forward, otherwise it would definitely be the end of Dan's death.

Beads of sweat dripped down his cheeks, making it uncomfortable to watch.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Without any warning, three beams of light shot out from the giant vortex, and the terrifying coercion spread out, distorting the void, hitting the Qingguang giant, almost cracking it.

Han Feng could no longer concentrate on running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, he could only let it run on its own, and he devoted himself to refining the original power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, his dantian expanded more than three times without making a sound. Even so, it still contains a vast ocean of energy with a very high density, and from time to time, strange scenes of wind, fire, water, and soil are generated, as if in the creation of the world. Generally, amazing.

These scenes seemed to have a special magical power, even Han Feng himself was a little stunned, if not for the cracks in the inner wall of the dantian, and his soul power is so strong, otherwise he would not have woken up and was completely overwhelmed by all these things Bewildered by the spectacle.

He hastily tried his best to remedy these crises one by one.

As time went by, his situation became extremely difficult, and his dantian also expanded to five times the area. If it was reflected to the outside world, it would be hundreds of miles around, but cracks appeared on the edge, and the original power of heaven and earth The transformed special energy began to dissipate, causing those cracks to gradually expand, and the entire dantian almost collapsed.

What's more serious is that the pattern on the bead in the center is stagnant, as if it lacks energy.

Han Feng knew that if he couldn't bridge the gap in the inner wall of his dantian, he would fall short, and even his dantian would be destroyed, people would die, and Dao would disappear.

He was amazed, even if the energy leaked a little, the energy in the dantian is highly concentrated now, enough to shake the world, but he didn't expect that the bead could not be further improved, which is really unimaginable.

The energy in the dantian overflowed faster and faster, and the ball began to shake slightly, looking like it was about to collapse.

Han Feng was impatient, he mobilized all his energy to repair the inner wall of his dantian, but the effect was minimal, he was powerless.

He had to allocate part of his energy to communicate with the residual talisman deep in the soul sea, but in this case, it didn't respond at all, and seemed to be still absorbing the original power of heaven and earth absorbed some time ago.

Han Feng became more and more irritable, but the situation became more and more difficult to control, he secretly worried: "Damn it, why hasn't the innate energy appeared yet?"

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