What's more, even if they come here, they will face a fierce battle. Without the psychic master, the war may last for a long time. Once they fall into a protracted war, the middle-level sects around them are very likely to be active If they get up, they may take advantage of the fire and bite off a bite of their flesh and blood.

According to Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong's internal assessment, this war needs to be resolved quickly, and it is safest to send a group of strongest people.

Half a day later, their two sects made a decision to send out most of the alchemy old monsters in the headquarters, and none of the monks below the alchemy level were taken away, and they came straight to Tianlongmen.

On the side of Tianlongmen, with the passage of time, one after another mountain peaks were removed, combined into high walls, and various strange formations were laid down, covering the sky and the ground, gradually lighting up various colors of light, and bursts of rune power penetrated into the sky. Come out, let the strange beasts and primordial beasts around break up, all of them are frightened, not daring to go half a step beyond the thunder pool.

As a Ninth Rank Heavenly Talisman Master, Han Feng, together with other elders of the same sect, shuttled around from time to time, dredged the earth's energy, connected with the heavenly spirits, sketched out various runes out of thin air, and penetrated into the ground and the high walls , Let the formation of the entire mountain gate gradually take shape.

More importantly, these outer formations began to connect with the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation in the central area, and the momentum increased sharply. More than 3000 miles around were bathed in spiritual light, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth further converged, almost condensing into dew , reflecting all kinds of brilliance, beautiful.

Dongfang Yu and Long Ziyun couldn't help but be overjoyed to see all kinds of phenomena emerging in this area. With this good start, the follow-up will be smoother. As long as they stand firm and survive this period of time, their Tianlongmen Being able to gain a foothold in the main vein, there is no fear of intrusion from any middle sect.

At that time, the Mingluo Sect and Xuanqing Sect were blown away by the neighboring middle-level sects at the initial stage. Even if there were psychic venerables sitting there, there was nothing they could do. After all, the other party also had psychic venerables, and there were more than one of them. , naturally cannot succeed.

If those middle-level sects were not afraid of the counterattack of their own psychic masters and caused heavy losses to themselves, otherwise these middle-level sects would chase after them until they were wiped out, and there would be no future troubles forever.

"This time, it's a rare opportunity. We have the help of the Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Tianyin Formation of the Yuxian Sect, and the support of all the elite monks from the East Seven Branches, and there is no psychic master to fight. We can definitely survive!" Dongfang Yu He is high-spirited, and now, as the head of Tianlongmen, he is one of the people who are most eager to make contributions here, especially the Mingluo sect before and the current Mingluo lineage has always had this knot. After 10 years, he finally returned Can return to the main line, his mood can be imagined.

Once he succeeds, his name will last forever, and his name will last forever. This is what he cares most about as the master of the sect, and it is more important than his own breakthrough in cultivation.

Long Ziyun chuckled, and when he was about to speak, the short-distance communication compass between him and Dongfang Yu suddenly lit up and made a beeping sound, which surprised them slightly, and they quickly clicked on it, and suddenly it was sent from the front line emegency notice.

Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong are attacking!

Long Ziyun's complexion darkened, and he said coldly: "The reaction of these two sects is faster than we imagined, but after seven or eight hours, they have attacked. It must not be a large force, maybe they are judging from us As they said, they will mainly focus on those who are strong in the alchemy realm, and carry out beheading actions!"

"Hmph, we've been prepared for a long time, and we're not afraid of them. It's a big deal and we'll lose both sides. Let's see who can survive!" Dongfang Yu snorted slightly, waved his hand, and immediately called high-level officials to discuss countermeasures.

Dongfang Yu nodded, and also issued orders to arrange them one by one, so that those Guiyuan monks should seize the time to activate the formations in various places, and then they must return urgently and retreat into the inner part of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation to avoid Muxia Palace and Mu Xiagong. Tianzong's edge.

If the opponents are all attacked by alchemy old monsters, these returning monks will not be able to help outside, but will become a burden to them high-level.

Of course, in the future, all the formations will be formed. Using the Great Formation of the Mountain Gate, these returning monks will be able to compete with the old monster of forming alchemy, and even launch some powerful formation attacks, causing damage to the old monster of forming alchemy. fatal injury.

It's a pity that Tianlongmen hasn't built this type of formation at the moment. At most, they can use the Jiujiu Tianyin formation to protect the disciples who return to the original state.

Time was running out. After everyone received the news, they all took action immediately, activating the initially established formations one by one, and hiding them in the vast spiritual mist, so as not to be destroyed by the alchemy cultivators of Muxia Palace and Mutianzong .

Moreover, some formations are still part of the Great Formation of the Mountain Gate, and naturally there is no room for loss, and they need to be preserved properly, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted and they will have to start all over again.

Even if the manpower and material resources of the two branches are gathered, they can't bear such consumption. It counts as much as it can protect. If this battle is won, it can continue to be used.

Han Feng was originally setting up formations at the edge of Tianlong Valley [-] miles away. After hearing the notice, he also hurriedly flew towards the central area, covering [-] to [-] miles in one breath.

Not a moment later, Han Feng returned to the edge of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation and gathered with a group of Ninth-Rank Celestial Talisman Masters. According to Long Ziyun's instructions, the nine of them must guard the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation. The foundation of the sect must not be destroyed by others.

Although it is difficult to break the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation without the action of the psychic venerable, the mid-level sect has a profound foundation and has stood on the main line for so long, who knows if there are other special methods, they have to guard against it.

Yun Buhuan and the others had serious expressions on their faces. After seeing Han Feng's arrival, they also greeted each other. After a little discussion, Han Feng was still the leader and dispersed in a state of nine days.

The eight of them quickly flew to eight directions, integrated into the formation of Jiujiu Tianyin, and activated the relevant supporting formations, so that all monks in the return to the original state could enter it and get shelter.

Han Feng returned to the center of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation alone. The original power of heaven and earth here became more intense. Even if Han Feng was the caster, he should feel the heavy pressure, but he walked in all the way. At that time, it was extremely fast. He seemed to be recognized by this place, and he was pushed in by some kind of force with lightning speed. With his own strength, he could cross a distance of thousands of miles in less than a hundred breaths.

He raised his hand to make a formula, and began to draw runes out of thin air again, allowing the void to condense into a series of mysterious crystal-like runes, triggering the formation of Jiujiu Tianyin to operate, forming an absolute defense, so as not to be attacked and destroy the formation Eye.

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