"Of course it was coerced and lured!" Niu Xin replied via voice transmission, "After Long Ziyun assembled all the backbones of the eighth branch of the east, he crossed the secular area and went straight to the seventh branch of the east. The Hundred Beasts Sect, the Five Elements Sect, and the Yuling Sect have already been persuaded, and the inside and the outside should be combined, and the Guiyun Sect will be conquered immediately, and then the Sanye 'gate' will open the mountain 'gate' to welcome the army. ,:. Then gather more than ten The power of this sect went northward, and soldiers approached the Black Demon Sect. This sect was the Demon Sect. At first, Long Ziyun and Dongfang Yu refused to accept it. They had to surrender and join the army after their mountain 'gate' was broken, and suffered heavy casualties. Finally, they 'closed' to Xuanqing's 'gate'."

Yan Ge raised his brows, and continued to ask through voice transmission: "Xuanqing 'door' is the Dazong of the East Seven Branches, similar to Mingluozong, and there was a psychic venerable 10 years ago, I'm afraid it won't be easy. Submit?"

"No such thing, they seem to have known about the situation early in the morning, and sent people out to negotiate with us early in the morning. The negotiation was smooth, and an agreement was reached in a short time, and they attacked the main line area together, forming a large 'gate' ! That’s why we’re here!” Niu Xin said eloquently.

Yan Ge was amazed, he didn't expect so many things to happen in just a few days, and he didn't know how Long Ziyun operated, he was really capable!

At this moment, Long Ziyun flew over, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: "All the talisman masters are in place, and based on the formation of Jiujiu Tianyin, we will establish various formations, and we will establish a foothold here in the future." , a radius of [-] li will be our jurisdiction, anyone who invades me will be punished!"

He used his mana to make a high-pitched sound, which spread for dozens of miles, and the nearly ten thousand monks present could hear it clearly.

As soon as his words fell, nearly a hundred talisman masters above grade [-] and above came out, flocked away, and began to arrange various formations in an orderly manner, gradually integrating with the foundation of the Jiujiu Tianyin formation, the purpose is to Completely use it for their own use and become the basis of their large 'gate'.

The crystals of the earth veins and the stones of the origin of the sky that Han Feng had originally placed were originally provided by the Mo Yunzong, and some special lines have already been carved. This time they are 'activated', and they will naturally become the key for them to guide this formation. where it is.

"Since then, our big sect has established a foundation in the main vein. Some people may ask if our new sect has a new name?" Dongfang Yu suddenly stood up and said with a smile on his face. Said.

"Of course there is. The name is taken from the word Tianlong of Tianlong Valley here, and a new 'gate' is established, so it is called Tianlong 'gate'!" Long Ziyun took over the conversation and said.

He paused for a while, bowed to Dongfang Yu suddenly, then looked at the monks around, and said loudly: "Dongfang Yu will be the first head of our Tianlong Sect!"

Yan Ge and the others suddenly realized that this was the case, no wonder Ming Luozong cooperated with Mo Yunzong's actions so much!

But having said that, it can also be seen that Long Ziyun's courage is willing to give up the position of head, which shows that he is determined to gain a foothold in the main line!

"Our Tianlong's Gate will set up two deputy masters in the future, one is naturally Long Ziyun, and the other is Daoxuan's Master from the original Xuanqing's Gate, above us There is also a Supreme Elder, who is naturally the Xi'men Tianzun. The positions of the other great elders and elders remain unchanged. In the future, we will open the mountain 'gate' to attract talented people from all over the world. Our Tianlong'men' It is bound to become more and more prosperous!" Dongfang Yu said with a radiant smile.

"Then how do we arrange the 'gate' of the mountain in the branch? It can't just be abandoned like this?" A monk in the Luoyun Sect suddenly asked.

"It doesn't matter, there are still elders from the Alchemy Realm guarding there, and with the cooperation of the big formation of the mountain's gate, even some young people can't break through. Once our side has a firm foothold, it will naturally be even more fearless. Everything depends on our side The situation!" Dongfang Yu looked back at this person and said confidently.

"The opponent is two middle-level sects joining forces, can we resist successfully?" A Guiyuan perfect monk from the Black Demon Sect asked a little worried.

"We are confident that we will be able to repel them successfully. Zhang Yiming and other great elders won the battle with only six people, beheading countless invaders, which is enough to show that our strength is not weaker than their middle-level sects! Moreover, we have the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation as a barrier, occupying a favorable location, we have just established a new sect, we also have Renhe, and the Grand Canyon of Death is expanding, all psychic venerables are going to the front line to intercept , this is the right time! The right time, the right place, and the harmony between people, everything will be beneficial!" Dongfang Yu's eyes

Bright, plausible words.

These words were very convincing, and most of the monks present couldn't help 'stimulating' their morale, and they became more confident.

"It's not too late, everyone rest on the spot. After half an hour, we will collectively sort out the ground veins. Just ten thousand miles away from Tianlong Valley, we will move mountains and build a city wall. Within three days, our various types of formations will be initially established. , then we will not be afraid of anyone attacking us!" Long Ziyun said.

When everyone heard the words, they landed one after another and meditated on top of the peaks to recover their vitality.

Han Feng was about to fly down, but was stopped by Long Ziyun's sound transmission, so he had to fly in Long Ziyun's direction.

"Sect Master Long!" Han Feng came to him and bowed his hands.

"Thanks for your hard work. I really did not misunderstand the person. When I stabilize, I will reward you for your merits!" Long Ziyun stretched out his hand and patted Han Feng's shoulder, his face full of admiration.

"It's not a matter of duty." Han Feng said modestly.

Long Ziyun looked around for a while, and suddenly sent a voice transmission to Han Feng, saying: "Now we are in the fusion period, I hope you can put the overall situation first, and don't trouble the Sanye 'door' for the time being, okay? Your kindness to them There will be a solution to the grievances and grievances sooner or later, they are already in the urn, don't worry about not having a chance!"

Han Feng had been watching the movements of Sanye's Gate early in the morning, but he didn't see any of Situ Kong and Murong Xue's old friends. It seemed that they were all staying at the headquarters of Sanye's Gate.

However, the ancestor of the Qiu family and the 'female' ancestor of the Murong family came here. At this time, they gathered on a mountain with Ye Yuntian and others. Being involved in such a war was also unexpected for them.

However, in the face of the general situation, they have no better choice. If they don't agree, they will destroy the "gate" of the mountain, and they will die!

Han Feng was silent for a while, looked up at Long Ziyun, and said through voice transmission: "As long as they don't come to provoke me, I will naturally not trouble them for no reason, and everything must be the overall situation!"

"Okay, you are now the elder of our Tianlong's sect, and you have made great contributions this time. If you provoke you, you will be against our entire sect, and you will definitely be severely punished!" Long Ziyun said righteously. Yindao made a promise to Han Feng.

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