Lord of the Runes

Chapter 646 Gathering

Time was running out, and after Han Feng returned to his palace, he immediately entered his practice room, sat down cross-legged, meditated in the sea of ​​souls, and silently comprehended the set of Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation.

This set of formations has to be said to be really ingenious. All kinds of whimsy will open his eyes and imperceptibly improve his talisman. There is a chance to break through to the tenth rank level.

Cultivation has never known the passage of time, almost half a month has passed without knowing it, and it is only three days before the departure to the main vein.

Han Feng has completely mastered the Nine-Nine Heaven-Inducing Formation, but he can't arrange it alone, because according to the formation method, to perform this formation, the crystal of the earth's veins and the stone of the source of the sky are used as the main materials to be placed on each point. Seduce the earth's energy and the heaven's spirit, and then condense into an array through various heaven and earth runes.

The role of their nine rank nine celestial talisman masters is to condense the heaven and earth runes out of thin air, communicate with heaven and earth, and trigger the original power of heaven and earth. Only in this way can they exert their real effect and prevent the expansion of the Grand Canyon of Death.

Han Feng did not continue to practice, but started to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman. He was planning ahead, just in case, and used these three days to make more preparations.

Under this kind of chaos, no one knows what will happen after entering the main line, and one more guarantee is one more glimmer of hope.

Three days passed quickly, and Han Feng successfully drew fifty nine-rank talismans, both offensive and defensive, with a complete range of types. These talismans alone are enough to deal with some emergencies.

"Beep beep..."

At this moment, his identity token in Mo Yunzong rang.

He realized something, clicked on it, and it was Long Ziyun who told him to gather in Ziyun Palace in half an hour.

He immediately packed up his things and sorted out the items in his storage ring, sorting them into categories so that he could take them out in time to deal with the enemy during the battle.

After doing all this, Han Feng took a short rest and recovered some soul power, then left the gate of the palace, soared into the sky, and flew to Ziyun Peak, the mountain where Ziyun Palace is located.

Obviously this is a place named after Long Ziyun. In fact, this is also the rule of the Moyun Sect, which represents the supreme status of the suzerain. into another name.

Han Feng's speed was extremely fast, he reached Purple Cloud Peak in a few tens of breaths, landed on the summit platform, and immediately attracted a group of guards to inspect him and let him go after confirming his identity.

He strode into Ziyun Hall, and found that eight people had gathered at this time, and Long Ziyun was sitting at the top, with a calm expression and no fluctuations.

Among them, Zhang Yiming and Kan Yuze were also here, and Han Feng thought to himself that maybe the two of them were the escorts.

The other five were the three ninth-rank celestial talisman masters of Mo Yunzong, a handsome young man, and a strange old man.

Han Feng took another look at the octogenarian man. This guy looks old and decayed, but the aura that seeps out from time to time is like a hidden dragon in an abyss. Guardian of the youth.

The two also raised their heads to look at Han Feng, their eyes sparkling, not knowing what they were thinking.

Han Feng nodded to them, clasped his hands and fisted around the crowd, then sat aside by himself, silent.

"You are the Han Feng who defeated Yun Buhuan that day?" The handsome young man looked at him and said suddenly.

"I'm here. I don't know what to call your Excellency? Where did the teacher come from?" Han Feng said lightly, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Luo Yunzong, Lin Junlong." The handsome young man replied, he suddenly smiled, and then said: "It's a pity that I was not there that day, otherwise I can ask for advice. I hope there will be opportunities in the future. I also ask Elder Han to give me some advice!"

"Hehe, there will be a chance." Han Feng smiled lightly with a calm expression.

Lin Junlong nodded, stopped talking, and closed his eyes to rest.

Long Ziyun didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and let the two of them talk. Anyway, he knew Han Feng was a veteran, so he naturally believed that he would not suffer.

"Haha, I want to come to experience it too!" At this moment, there was a burst of hearty laughter outside.

After a while, two people walked in, one old and one young, the old breath was vigorous and restrained, while the young breath was unrestrained and unrestrained, released without any reservation, they were actually masters in the late stage of alchemy.

As for the old monk, he is naturally a great cultivator who has completed alchemy, with white hair, except for the vicissitudes in his eyes, his face is not old at all, he looks like a middle-aged man, but his face is serious now. Ru Shui, with an extremely serious look, people who are not familiar with him may think that his face is stiff.

"The old one is Great Elder Yan Ge of the Dongli Gang, and the youngest one is Niu Sheng, the only ninth-rank celestial talisman master of the Dongli Gang. He is the strongest among the nine of you, even stronger than my own cultivation. We need to be stronger to a higher level, not to be underestimated!" Long Ziyun's voice sounded in Han Feng's ear at the right time, introducing him.

"The great elder of Luoyunzong is named Mao Bijiang. He is the oldest. It is said that he has lived for nearly 500 years, but as far as his lifespan is concerned, he has not passed half of his lifespan. He is considered a mature man with unfathomable cultivation. He is stronger than the two elders of our Mo Yunzong, so we will arrange the two elders to escort at the same time." Long Ziyun continued to explain for Han Feng.

Han Feng's eyes flickered, he nodded secretly, and said via voice transmission: "Thank you, Sect Master."

Everyone was silent, Long Ziyun saw that the scene was cold, and immediately chatted with the two ninth-rank talisman masters of Dongli Gang and Luoyunzong without saying a word. When it came to talisman Tao, the atmosphere gradually heated up. Even Han Feng participated in it, explaining his point of view in a simple way.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the troops from the Xuanqing Sect of the Seventh Branch of the East arrived. The Great Elder led by the Xuanqing Sect was none other than Li Muxuan. Because, standing next to him was a young man with an ordinary appearance, but his cultivation base was not low. According to Long Ziyun, he should have reached the middle stage of alchemy.

"Where are the people from Ming Luozong, why haven't they come yet?!" At this time, the Great Elder Yan Ge of the Dongli Gang suddenly said, looking impatient.

"Elder Ge, wait a moment. Great Elder Dongfang Huiyun reported that Yun Buhuan had a sudden enlightenment recently and is still cultivating in the secret room." Long Ziyun explained.

"Epiphany? Will she break through to the tenth level because of this? If so, wouldn't she be able to form a perfect formation?" Yan Ge was slightly surprised.

"It doesn't matter, even if Fairy Yun became a tenth-rank celestial talisman master, she has only just stepped in. It won't be long, and she can still join hands with you to lay down the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation." Long Ziyun explained.

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