Lord of the Runes

Chapter 645 Teaching the Formation

"Oh, are you willing to support the other cases?" Another great elder present raised his brows and said in a low voice.

This man's name was Kan Huoze, his face was as white as snow, and he looked scary, but his aura was as majestic as a tiger's.

"Of course, we can't tolerate their disobedience. Our ancestors were ordered by the Yuxian Sect, not to mention that we are already a middle-level sect. At this critical juncture, we can justifiably recruit all the resources of the East Eight Branches! And in the previous competition They have no reason to resist." Long Ziyun said with a smile.

"In this way, wouldn't it save us a lot of trouble? For us Mo Yunzong, this incident can be said to be a blessing rather than a curse, haha!" Zhang Yiming laughed.

"Since this is the case, our generation of monks should move forward bravely, and it is not too late. In my opinion, it is better to hurry over there. If you arrive one day earlier, you can also occupy the favorable terrain one day earlier. In the future, that area can completely become It's our own!" Kan Yuze said in a deep voice.

"Well, it should be so, the ancestor and I both mean the same thing, but don't worry, we should not go deep into the main vein, so we choose Tianlong Valley as the blocking point, which is only [-] miles away from our Moyun Mountain. How to develop, in the future we will be able to advance and attack in this stronghold, retreat and defend, and there is no danger that other middle-level sects will cut off our retreat." Long Ziyun obviously had a complete set of plans, and immediately said the whole thing.

Han Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and he sighed secretly that none of these old monsters were fuel-efficient lamps, and they directly turned bad things into good things. Under various circumstances, they invisibly coordinated the resources of the cultivation world of the eight branches of the East, It laid a solid foundation for their subsequent plans.

"Elder Han, what do you need to add? Why don't you say it together?" Long Ziyun suddenly turned to look at Han Feng and asked with a smile.

"I have no objection, but can you learn the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation for me in advance so that I can prepare well in advance." Han Feng replied.

"Of course, the other three ninth-rank talismans from our sect will come over later, and then pass them on to the four of you." Long Ziyun said, "This is a formation that is even more advanced than the heavenly rank formation." , is priceless, and must not be leaked, otherwise Yuxianzong will hold us accountable. Of course, I only have ten copies of Jade Slips, except for myself, and each of you has one, and you can understand it by yourself At that time, we have to gather together and jointly deduce it, and hope that it can be successfully displayed."

"Could it be a holy formation?" Han Feng asked in surprise.

"That's not true. There is still a long way to go from the holy rank. It can only be regarded as a half-step holy rank formation. If it is really a holy rank formation, you will not be able to use it together." Long Ziyun shook his head and smiled slightly. road.

Han Feng thought for a while, asked his doubts, and said, "Sect Master, didn't we have three ninth-rank celestial talisman masters and one tenth-rank celestial talisman master before our Mo Yunzong? How can we say that we only have four celestial talisman masters?" Master? Is it possible that a tenth-rank celestial talisman master cannot participate? He should be more clear about ninth-rank talisman!"

"Hehe, fellow Daoist Han, you don't know this. The Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation emphasizes balance and cannot tolerate any mistakes. It is precisely because the tenth-rank talisman master is too strong that he cannot cooperate well with other ninth-rank celestial talisman masters. It is very likely that they will not be able to reach an agreement and end in failure." Great Elder Zhang Yiming laughed.

Han Feng was stunned, he didn't expect such an internal cause.

"What's more, our sect's tenth-rank celestial talisman master is our suzerain, so we can't let the master of his sect go to battle in person, it will lose the face of our sect." Another great elder Kan Huoze also chuckled.

Han Feng was slightly startled, he quickly looked at Long Ziyun, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be an expert, suzerain, I'm sorry!"

Long Ziyun smiled and didn't say much.

On the contrary, Zhang Yiming laughed and said: "You don't know, in the cultivation world of the East Eight Branches, our suzerain was also very famous back then, but it's a pity that he has now become a tenth-rank talisman master who was delayed by the position of suzerain, otherwise he can make further progress. Several steps, haha!"

"Old Zhang is making fun of me with this matter again!" Long Ziyun scolded with a smile.

Just at this time, three people came from the door, all of them were middle-aged people. Looking at their age, they must be the three ninth-rank celestial talisman masters of Mo Yunzong.

"The three elders are also here. You all know what happened before, so I won't say any more. I will pass it on to the four of you, and you must refine it on the spot!" Long Zi After Yun invited them to sit down, he immediately took out four jade slips, threw them out, and walked steadily to the four of them, floating in the air.

Han Feng and the others raised their hands to take it down, without further ado, they directly made a blood contract, and then they could open it and release their soul power to refine it.

In an instant, the extremely majestic information rushed into Han Feng's soul, which shocked him unceasingly. He did not expect that a seemingly simple formation actually contained such a huge amount of information. If it is really quantified, it is comparable to There are thousands of books with hundreds of pages, full of pictures and texts, densely packed.

Han Feng didn't waste any time, he calmed down, and directly received this set of formations here, so as not to escape and lose them.

The same was true for the other three, each of them lightened slightly between their brows, and they were carefully accepting the information.

Of course, this is only preliminary work, and the follow-up needs to be carefully studied, and it is still far from being able to display it.According to Long Ziyun, it will be difficult to enter the room within half a month, and the follow-up will have to be jointly deduced. Only with proper cooperation can it be possible to successfully deploy this set of Nine-Nine Heavens Leading Formation.

"Will this delay our plan?" A ninth-rank celestial talisman master wearing a soap robe asked.

"No, our ancestor is still in the main vein and is working with other venerables to suppress the expansion of the Grand Canyon of Death. According to his estimation, it will take a month to expand to the Tianlong Valley!" Long Ziyun Said, "After half a month, we will set off for the past. In half a month, we should be able to arrange the Nine-Nine Heavenly Yin Formation in Tianlong Valley. At that time, it will depend on the power of this formation. I hope it will be effective, otherwise Our East Eight Branches will also be covered by the Grand Canyon of Death!"

Speaking of this, Long Ziyun couldn't help showing a dignified look, looked around everyone, and continued: "This incident is both a crisis and an opportunity, and it depends on you four!"

Han Feng and the others nodded, and one of them, a ninth-rank celestial talisman master with a blushing face, suddenly asked, "When will the ninth-rank celestial talisman masters from the other sects arrive?"

"Tomorrow!" Long Ziyun said.

Next, he arranged a few more things and let the crowd disperse.

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