Lord of the Runes

Chapter 637 His Holiness Leaves

Ximentian also raised his eyes and glanced at the talisman pen, but didn't say much, after all, he didn't say in advance that he couldn't use the half-step psychic talisman pen.

This time, Mo Yunzong suffered from being dumb. No wonder the other party was so confident and dared to compete with them in the field of painting symbols. It turned out that they had such a sharp weapon.

"It's easy to say, the main thing is that Junior Sister Yun is so talented that she can control such a half-step spirit treasure." Dongfang Yu rubbed his chin and smiled, with a proud face.

If Mo Yunzong loses this match, it will be much inferior in momentum, and it will add another difficulty to the journey of integrating all the forces of the East Eight Branches.

Long Ziyun snorted coldly in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm, quietly observing the situation in the field.

Ximen Dongqing had a sullen face, looked at Han Feng with a little nervousness, and silently thought about what to do for him. After all, if this sparring was lost, Han Feng's situation would become troublesome, and it was hard to guarantee that he would not be hurt. For the accusations within the sect, although the sect itself has some responsibilities, someone must bear the responsibility if something goes wrong, otherwise it will not end.

Before she knew it, more than two sticks of incense had passed, and the talisman road written by Yun Buhuan had entered the nine-layer lightning area ahead of time. Here, even with the help of a half-step spirit treasure, she had to slow down. A lightning bolt resisted the past.

Han Feng chased after him, and he seemed to know that he was behind. He sped up a little, and when he came to the abyss, he jumped up. After a few breaths, he broke through the cloud of smoke, broke through the suction force, and successfully entered the nine layers of thunder and lightning. Area.

At this time, he began to exert his strength, and repeatedly used his own mysterious techniques to break through the six lightning blocks in a series, catching up with Yun Buhuan's progress, only slightly slower than her.

"You're not as fast as I am!" Yun Buhuan said suddenly, with a look of arrogance on his face, he turned his left hand, and the formula suddenly changed, and the half-step psychic talisman flashed brightly, and rolled down, wrapping her The path of the talisman went straight through the remaining triple thunder and lightning, and successfully ended, perfectly drawing a brand new ninth-grade talisman.

"Haha, Fairy Yun takes the lead first!" Zhang Qingyun couldn't help crying out.

Liu Zhongyuan glanced at him and made him open his mouth. His face was a little embarrassed. With his temperament, this situation should not have happened. The main reason was that he hated Han Feng too much. He didn't stop Han Feng last time. It's a small knot that made him still worry about it. Seeing Han Feng appearing in such a grand manner this time, he was even more angry. That's why he said it in a hurry when Han Feng was behind. .

But in fact, he shouldn't be the one to speak here, and it's easy to offend Mo Yunzong. Although everyone knows that Liuyunzong is on the side of Ming Luozong, they can't be so blatant and demeaning.

"What's the hurry, the time for three incense sticks has not passed yet, and the time for one hour is still far away!" Li Yourong, the head of Qinglongmen, sneered.

Dongfang Yu chuckled and said, "There's no rush, the fun is yet to come!"

The monks of Mo Yunzong stared immediately, as if they were about to speak angrily, but Long Ziyun raised his hand to stop him, and said flatly: "Until the end, no one knows the result. I'll just wait and watch the battle."

After everyone heard the words, they turned their attention to the middle area again.

After Yun Buhuan completed one Ninth Grade Talisman first, he immediately began to draw another one, one step at a time, step by step, already expanding his own advantages.

Han Feng was a little anxious, but the other party had a half-step psychic talisman to help him, it was like cheating, and he had no choice but to use the power of the residual talisman, but with the presence of the psychic venerable Ximentian, he Don't dare to borrow the power of the residual talisman, if it is seen, it would be bad.

Under the temptation of absolute interests, even the Venerable would be tempted. The more powerful the characters, the more rules and regulations could not restrain them.

Han Feng didn't dare to take any risks, so he could only rely on his own strength to catch up. After a while, he also completed the first Ninth Grade Talisman, and then began to draw the second one.

But at this moment, Yun Buhuan had already drawn half of the second Ninth Grade Talisman, widening the gap with him even more.

Before I knew it, another three incense sticks of time passed.

Han Feng started the third stage of drawing the ninth-grade talisman, but Yun Buhuan entered the final stage of the third stage, and the gap further widened.

Just at this time, Ximentian stood up suddenly for some reason, and said to Long Ziyun: "Xiaoyun, it's a good honor to entertain all fellow Taoists."

After saying this, he turned around and walked into the back hall, and disappeared without a trace, not knowing what happened to him.

Long Ziyun naturally stood up and responded respectfully. Except for Han Feng and Yun Buhuan, the rest of the monks present also stood up and watched them off.

"Sect Master Long, what's wrong with your lord? Could it be that you can't stand it?" Liu Siquan, the suzerain of Luoyun Sect who had been silent all this time, said suddenly.

As soon as he heard his words, he knew that he was on the side of Ming Luozong.

"Sect Master Liu, be careful, your lord may go to Yuxianzong for something, so don't talk nonsense!" Dongfang Yu turned to Liu Siquan with a serious expression.

"So it turns out that Brother Dongfang is well informed. It is said that your Netherworld Sect and Yuxian Sect have a closer relationship. If you take the lead, with the help of fellow Taoists, you may get twice the result with half the effort, and you will soon be able to occupy a place in the main line!" Liu Siquan But he looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, and continued to speak boldly.

"Sect Master Liu, you can't talk nonsense about this. It's important to watch the battle. I don't have much strength. How dare I take such a job!" Dongfang Yu chuckled and responded with something in his words.

On Mo Yunzong's side, all the monks were full of anger, but under the persuasion of Long Ziyun's secret sound transmission, they stabilized their bodies and did not get violent.

Long Ziyun secretly sighed in his heart, these two powerful sects really colluded together, it seems that Mo Yunzong has an extra psychic powerhouse, they are under great pressure, from the original hostile state to a cooperative mode, Unanimously, the changes are not unpleasant.

In fact, the East Eight Branches have always been dominated by Mingluozong, Moyunzong, and Luoyunzong. With one more venerable, this balance was immediately broken, and the other two naturally joined forces to fight against Mo Yunzong.

Mo Yunzong is also helpless, don't look at Ximentian's promotion to the realm of psychics, who can sweep away a large number of monks who have completed alchemy, but he can't force it against Ming Luozong, not to mention that they have a strong foundation and are difficult to break through, even if they can Defeating the two of them is also the end of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred. After that, it will be even more impossible to go to the main line to expand the territory.

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