Lord of the Runes

Chapter 636 Half-Step Psychic Talisman Pen

However, it is not that Mo Yunzong did not do work in advance. Long Ziyun swept lightly at the person on the lower right opposite, he immediately stood up, bowed respectfully to Ximen Tian, ​​cupped his hands and said: "I, Chiyunzong, respectfully obey the lord decree!"

This man has a round face and broad forehead, and looks like a nobleman. He is the patriarch of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, Mo Shuangyun. This sect has always followed the lead of the Moyun Sect, and at this critical moment, his value has been demonstrated.

As soon as he finished speaking, another person stood up in the middle of the opposite side. He also bowed his hands to Ximen Tian first and saluted, and then said loudly: "My Azure Dragon Sect respects His Majesty's decree, but it is arranged by Mo Yunzong!"

This person is obviously the head of the Azure Dragon Sect. His name is Li Yourong. He looks simple and honest, and looks honest, but anyone who knows him knows that this person is very strong. , is also a character in the late stage of alchemy, and his combat power is comparable to the completion of alchemy!

Naturally, their Azure Dragon Sect has always been on good terms with Mo Yunzong, otherwise they would not have spoken out at this juncture to make a statement for Mo Yunzong.

Two people in the opposite edge area looked at each other, as if they were about to make a statement, but at this moment, Dongfang Yu, the suzerain of Ming Luozong, slowly stood up, and also first cupped his hands towards Ximen Tian, ​​and then looked at Long Ziyun , said lightly: "Sect Master Long, we are all willing to follow your sect into the main line to expand the territory, but can you guarantee that we will succeed? Don't forget that there are many forces intertwined there, even if there is a large vacant territory, it is not We can take whatever we want, if we don’t have the strength, we will die without a place to die!”

"Strength is naturally enough. There are our patriarch Ximen Tianzun and all of us present here. There are still others to be afraid of!" Before Long Ziyun opened his mouth to speak, Mo Shuangyun said first.

"Mo Shuangyun, can you make the decision for Mo Yunzong? Why are you in a hurry to talk?!" Liu Zhongyuan, the suzerain of Liuyunzong, sneered, obviously he was on the side of Ming Luozong.

Mo Shuangyun snorted slightly, and when he was about to say something, Long Ziyun raised his hand to stop him, and said unhurriedly: "Is my Mo Yunzong powerful? After all these years, don't you, Brother Dongfang? do you know?"

"Of course I know, but today, I, Ming Luozong, want to give you some advice from the noble sect. I don't know if Sect Master Long agrees?" Dongfang Yu said with a slight smile.

"I don't dare to give advice. Let's discuss and have fun together. It can be regarded as cheering for our Mo Yunzong to be promoted to a middle-level sect. However, it must be ordered as soon as possible, and we must not hurt the harmony!" Long Ziyun seemed Knowing that this would happen early in the morning, he calmly agreed.

"Some time ago, I happened to recruit a talisman talent outside. I wanted to introduce him to the noble sect, but I didn't expect that he would not want to come to the Moyun sect, so I had to put him in the door wall, or he would let him do it this time." Learn about your talisman skills." Dongfang Yu said with a slight smile on his lips.

"Oh, there are such characters, I wonder if they are here?" Long Ziyun scanned the seven members of Mingluo Sect, as if wanting to see some signs from them.

"Junior Sister Yun, don't hurry to meet Sect Master Long. He is a tenth-rank great talisman master, and he may be able to guide you, better than you have worked hard for 100 years!" Dongfang Yu turned his head and looked to the left. The fifth person said in a low voice.

That person has delicate features and a delicate face. He looks about seventeen or eighteen years old, completely like a girl, with a pair of blue eyes, like a lake in the sky, which is fascinating.

"Little girl Yun Buhuan, I have met His Majesty and Sect Master Long." The girl stood up slowly, gave Ximen Tian and Long Ziyun a blessing, and said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yun, you are being polite. I wonder how you want to compete with us?" Long Ziyun asked directly without talking nonsense to her.

"Hehe, the little girl has little talent and learning, and now she can only draw Nine-Rank Talismans. Why don't we exchange Taoism here?" Yun Buhuan said with a light smile.

"Yes!" Long Ziyun nodded, paused for a while, and then continued: "It's a coincidence, some time ago, my Moyun Sect also recruited a talisman genius, who just happened to be able to draw ninth-grade talismans. Just let him communicate with you, I believe you will gain something."

"That young man?" Dongfang Yu's cold eyes locked on Han Feng, as if he had seen Long Ziyun's arrangement early in the morning.

Zhang Qingyun of Liuyunzong also cast his eyes immediately, staring at Han Feng firmly, obviously he was the one who informed Dongfang Yu of Han Feng's situation.

"It's him, named Han Feng." Long Ziyun nodded without any surprise.

Han Feng came to his senses, it was obvious that Long Ziyun had known in advance what Ming Luozong was about to challenge, and wanted to use himself to stand up, otherwise there would be such a coincidence.

Ximen Dongqing also looked over at this moment, motioning for Han Feng to express his opinion.

"I'm going down, Han Feng. I've met His Excellency, fellow Taoists." Han Feng had to stand up, clasped his hands and said.

"I know you are a ninth-rank talisman master, and I happen to be one, but we don't fight with talisman today, let's see who can draw more ninth-rank talisman within an hour!" Yun Buhuan looked To Han Feng, he said seriously.

"Okay, whatever you want!" Han Feng said calmly, putting on an indifferent look.

"Then let's compete in the middle of this place. One person has one case, which is convenient for fellow Taoists to share!" Long Ziyun waved his hand casually, and the light suddenly flashed, and the two cases appeared in the open space in the middle of the hall, separated by nearly ten Husband.

Han Feng got up and walked to the desk at the top, while Yun Buhuan walked to the other desk by himself.

"Now that everything is settled, let's start," Dongfang Yu said.

Han Feng and Yun Buhuan looked at each other, immediately took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, unfolded the purple talisman paper, and started working immediately, the talisman light suddenly lit up, the speed of the two of them was surprisingly fast, and their techniques were extremely skillful.

Han Feng put his heart and soul into it, and was not surprised by the opponent's speed. Holding the talisman pen, he moved forward steadily, drawing the Ninth Grade Talisman without haste.

Yun Buhuan sneered, and pinched the formula with the other hand, the pen in her hand suddenly lit up, and her hand speed increased accordingly, as if with the help of a god, the way of the talisman came out without any mistakes, the talisman light It's getting more and more prosperous, and it's going smoothly.

After a while, her progress surpassed Han Feng's, and her speed was obviously faster.

Ximen Dongqing was slightly startled, staring at Yun Buhuan's talisman pen, her eyes sparkling.

Not only was she staring at it, but everyone in the Moyun Sect saw it, and Long Ziyun even directly pointed out: "Sure enough, the Underworld Sect has a strong foundation, and it's really not easy to own a half-step psychic talisman. !"

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