Lord of the Runes

Chapter 633 Five Dragon Talismans

Han Feng went to the lobby, opened the door with a wave of his hand, glanced at the four of them, and said slowly, "Come in."

"Yes, Elder Han!" Those people responded in unison and walked in one after another.

"Are you here to give me the materials for drawing talismans?" Han Feng asked calmly while sitting on the first seat.

"Yes, the four of us are all from Mu Yuanfeng, and we are responsible for producing talisman paper and talisman ink." The woman in palace attire standing at the front said unhurriedly.

As she spoke, she looked back at the other three people behind her, motioning them to take out the materials.

The three of them immediately reached out and wiped the storage ring, a strange glow flickered, and immediately a large pile of talisman paper and talisman ink appeared on the ground, stacks, boxes, countless.

Han Feng was also taken aback by this gesture. With a quick scan, he roughly estimated that there were tens of thousands of talisman papers, and more than a thousand boxes of talisman ink.

"Elder Han, there are 430 pieces of purple talisman paper, [-] pieces of golden talisman paper, and [-] boxes of talisman ink, please check and collect them!" the leading woman in palace costume said respectfully.

"Okay, I see." Han Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

"I don't know what else Elder Han has to say? If not, I will leave first, and I won't disturb your clean up." The woman in palace attire in the lead gave a salute and asked slowly.

"You can go first, I will notify you through the jade card if something happens." Han Feng nodded.

The identity jade card in his hand can also be connected to Mo Yunzong's formation network, and has a high authority, so he can put forward many demands and ask the peaks to co-organize it.

"Yes, I'll take my leave." The leading woman in court clothes replied respectfully, and then immediately left with the three people behind her.

Han Feng waved his hand to close the hall door, then put away the talisman paper and talisman ink on the ground, and turned into the talisman making room, but he didn't rush to draw the talisman, but sat cross-legged on the ground, contemplating the sea of ​​souls, and continued to study the contents of the classic. diagram of the talisman.

Before he knew it, another day passed, and it wasn't until noon on the second day that Han Feng opened his eyes. The light inside them was shining, and his face seemed to have a bit more enlightenment.

"You can try it!" Han Feng couldn't wait to take out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman.

However, what he drew was not the Lingmao Talisman or the Thousand Thunder Talisman that he was familiar with, but the Ninth Grade Talisman that he had learned just now. He drew it step by step. It is several golden dragons growing up, shining golden.

Han Feng carefully poured everything he had learned and realized into this talisman, and soon went to the middle section, crossed many high mountains, and then crossed the torrents, flew over the abyss, and came to the area of ​​​​nine layers of lightning. Chopping and chopping, the five golden dragons roared silently, rushing forward continuously, with the spirit of never regretting a hundred deaths.


The last red lightning slashed and hit the golden dragon on the outermost edge. It was immediately scarred and distanced from the other four golden dragons, failing to rush out of this area.

One golden dragon was missing, and the other four golden dragons suddenly disintegrated for some reason, and the entire talisman wasted, turning into a ball of dazzling flames, burning blazingly.

Han Feng sighed secretly, waved his hand, and extinguished the flame.

He was silent for a while, not discouraged, but continued to delve into the key points, with unusual devotion, as if he had forgotten the passage of time.

Three hours passed away.

Han Feng rubbed the center of his brows, unfolded a piece of purple talisman paper again, and began to draw the ninth grade talisman for the second time.

He dipped the pen in the ink and drew the talisman path with a peculiar technique. In a flash, five golden threads appeared at the same time, gradually growing in size, shining brightly, turning into five golden dragons roaming.

Han Feng concentrated his attention on nurturing the five golden dragons, leading them through many barriers, and soon came to the Nine Layers of Thunder and Lightning area.

Han Feng's expression was dignified, he took every step extremely carefully, his soul power rolled out from between his brows, and he tried his best to protect the five golden dragons from rushing through the thunder and lightning.

After ten breaths, the five golden dragons came to the last thunderbolt, merged together suddenly, and combined the strength of the five dragons to resist the strongest blow.


A muffled sound shook the entire secret room.

But what followed was the room full of talisman lights, and five golden dragon phantoms appeared, circled above, and finally sank into the talisman together with the talisman lights.

The Five Dragon Talisman is done!

Han Feng showed a smiling face, and thought to himself that his hard work was not in vain. It took two days to successfully penetrate this Ninth Grade Talisman and draw it out smoothly.

The power of the Five Dragon Talisman is no less than the peak strike in the early stage of alchemy, and it is stronger than the Thousand Thunder Talisman and the Lingshan Talisman, so Han Feng has some more bargaining chips.

After completing this step, he did not rest, and immediately began to draw the proficient Thousand Thunder Talisman.

In the following time, a Thousand Thunder Talisman came out every three sticks of incense, until late at night, a small stack of Thousand Thunder Talismans appeared beside Han Feng, totaling 21 pieces.

Obviously, this broke his own record, and he didn't expect it to go so smoothly, without failing once.In his mind, it might be related to the talisman pen provided by Mo Yunzong and their paper and ink. After all, they are all first-class things, and the quality is much better.

Of course, he was very tired, his soul power was running low, and he felt weak for a while.

He had to pause, go back to the lounge, lie down on the bed and fall asleep.

When he woke up, it was almost noon, so he quickly got up and went back to the talisman-making room to draw the ninth-grade talisman.

It went extremely smoothly, and Han Feng drew all the remaining nine Thousand Thunder Talismans in less than three hours. Judging by their appearance, it was extremely easy, and it was obvious that he could continue to draw other Talismans.

In fact, he didn't stop, and started to draw the eighth-rank talisman instead, and swished it out. Every quarter of an hour, he could perfectly draw three eighth-rank talisman, all of which were attacking, and their power was comparable to the full strength of the Guiyuan perfect monk. one strike.

Two days later, he successfully drew three hundred pieces of eighth-grade talismans and successfully completed the task.

Calculating the time, there are still two days before the task handover period. If Ximen Dongqing finds out that he has such super fast speed, he will be extremely shocked, but if he turns around, he will increase his demands.

Of course, in Ximen Dongqing's plan, it is difficult to complete [-] pieces of eighth-grade talisman and thirty pieces of ninth-grade talisman in seven days. After all, the monk's soul power is limited, and it is impossible to use it without limit. Almost impossible to complete.If it is handed over to other Tianfu masters, it is absolutely impossible to accept it.

Even if Han Feng knew the truth of this, he wouldn't mind, because he didn't think this task was so difficult. If he hadn't been busy studying the Five Dragon Talisman, he would have completed this task long ago.

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