Lord of the Runes

Chapter 632 Mission

In his opinion, this talisman pen is definitely a kind of magic weapon, otherwise it would not have such a strong spiritual pressure, no less than a monk in the fake alchemy state.

"It's just an elementary-level magic weapon. Are you like this? It seems that you were absolutely poor before, and I don't know how you cultivated it. You can still reach this state all the way, especially your physical body. A person who has had a great chance!" Ximen Dongqing said casually while handing the talisman pen to Han Feng.

Han Feng's heart trembled slightly, but after thinking about it, he felt that the other party should have found out about his deeds in the White Crocodile River Valley, and he had nothing to hide, so he said flatly, "This is thanks to Yu Xianzong's help." Cultivation, even though I am not their disciple, staying in the White Crocodile River Valley is not in vain, and I have accumulated a lot, otherwise it would be difficult to break through to the realm of subduing the dragon."

"Well, I know that the White Crocodile River Valley is a good place. I also went there many years ago. Unfortunately, the timing was wrong and I came and went in a hurry. I didn't have the opportunity to enter the trial ground, otherwise my accumulation would be stronger. Some, the possibility of stepping into a higher level may be greater." Ximen Dongqing said with a little emotion.

Han Feng smiled slightly, and didn't answer her words, otherwise it would be endless. He didn't want to talk too much about the past, and if he said too many mistakes, it was inevitable that she wouldn't catch the clues.

Ximen Dongqing also seemed to see his worry, and said lightly: "Just don't worry, our Mo Yunzong never pry into the privacy of fellow disciples, let alone search for souls. Everyone's chance Fight for freedom, those who are capable will get it. Anyway, if any disciple becomes strong, as long as he still recognizes our sect, it will be beneficial and harmless, and the sect will become stronger accordingly. Disciples in this sect can also get benefits."

Han Feng took a closer look at her, and found that she didn't have the slightest affectation, it should be sincere words, he couldn't help but sigh a little, the atmosphere of Mo Yunzong is indeed different from the general sect.

Ximen Dongqing groaned for a while, then suddenly took out another thing from the storage ring, it was a pale golden jade pendant, which shone brightly, it must be Mo Yunzong's identity jade badge, after she threw it to Han Feng, she exchanged it for another On a topic, he said straight to the point: "The three things are given to you, it's time to give the task."

"Ah, it's so realistic. I just joined the sect, and I'm about to receive the task?!" Han Feng said in surprise.

"Nonsense, in a sect as big as our Moyun Sect, there is no one in the entire sect who can be idle. Everyone has their own responsibilities and tasks. Otherwise, how could our sect be prosperous and prosperous today? Promoted to a middle sect." Ximen Dongqing stared.

"Understood, what mission?" Han Feng said seriously.

"For you, it's a very simple matter. You need to draw [-] pieces of eighth-grade talismans and thirty pieces of ninth-grade talismans within seven days, all of which are attack-type talismans. The required materials will be delivered tomorrow morning At your house, you should cultivate yourselves tonight and complete the task as soon as possible!" Ximen Dongqing directly assigned the task to Han Feng.

Han Feng thought about it for a while, and immediately asked, "What attributes do you need? I only know the attributes of thunder and earth."

"Okay." Ximen Dongqing smiled.

After a pause, she added: "Of course, it would be even better if you can learn all the ninth-grade talismans in this book as soon as possible. Then you can apply for more important tasks, and the rewards will be even greater." rich!"

"Oh, is there any reward this time?" Han Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes, isn't what you are holding in your hand the reward for this mission?" Ximen Dongqing pointed to the talisman pen and said to the classic.

"What? Just these three things?!" Han Feng was dumbfounded.

"Hey, you think that talisman pen is simple, but I got it from my grandfather. It was used by him in the early years. It has a strong spirituality, which is enough to make you get twice the result with half the effort when drawing talismans. That ancient book is even more powerful , which contains detailed illustrations of 81 ninth-grade talismans, which have been accumulated by our sect over the years. If it is passed on to the outside, it will be worth a billion spiritual stones! As for the token, it is at the level of an elder. I don't need to explain the value of Mo Yunzong's power now, you should be clear about it." Ximen Dongqing sneered and explained a few words.

Han Feng was stunned. After careful consideration, he also felt that it made sense. After all, the ninth-grade talisman that could be drawn was the result of the practice of the former sages. Any ninth-grade talisman was worth collecting, and it was extremely rare. , Only such classics exist. If it were Sanyemen, there would not be so many illustrations of nine-grade talismans.

"I'm leaving, I have to go back and prepare for our sect's promotion meeting ten days later!" Ximen Dongqing waved her hand, turned and left.

Han Feng didn't pretend to send her away, knowing that she wouldn't accept this trick, he put away the talisman pen and wanted to open the classic.

But he couldn't open it. Fortunately, Ximen Dongqing patted his forehead at this moment, turned his head and smiled and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you just now, you have to make a blood oath to open this classic with the blood seal of the law of heaven. If you open it forcibly, It will set itself on fire, and there will be nothing left!"

After saying this, she walked out of the palace gate, soared into the sky, and disappeared in a stream of light.

Han Feng sighed, he could only open his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, made a blood oath, condensed into a blood mark and branded it on the book, immediately let it shine brightly, and gradually opened it.


When it opened, there was a gust of wind and a loud whistling noise.

Han Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, let go of his hands, and let it float in the air. After a while, the light from this classic book slowly dissipated, but the book itself also crumbled, turning into pieces of words and patterns , and finally merged into the center of his eyebrows and disappeared without a trace.

He felt a slight pain in his forehead, so he stretched out his hand to rub it, then immediately turned around and returned to the training room, to study the content that had infiltrated into the sea of ​​souls.

There are really 81 talisman illustrations floating in the soul sea, accompanied by a large amount of text descriptions. For Han Feng, he didn't feel that it was too difficult. He scanned them one by one and studied them attentively.

The time for practicing has always passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the morning of the next day.

Outside the palace, there were several mortal Guiyuan monks standing there, and a woman in a palace costume in the center took out a token and sent a message to Han Feng through the air.

"Beep beep..."

Almost at the same time, Han Feng's light golden jade pendant rang immediately. He paused to comprehend the many talismans in the classic book, picked up the identity token and opened it, his eyes flickered, and he immediately got up and walked out go.

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