Lord of the Runes

Chapter 591 Alchemy

Han Feng wanted to put away this classic book, but found that he couldn't put it into the storage ring. He was blocked by the light blue light emitted by this classic book several times.

In fact, the same is true of the Alchemy King Kong Jue book, emitting a bright yellowish light to prevent him from doing so.

He had to give up and put them all back on the stone table.

Fortunately, his soul power has already crystallized, and even the most obscure content can be forcibly memorized and stored in the soul sea, so that it will not be forgotten or lost.

Han Feng turned around and left this secret room, and after a while passed the arched door on the right and entered the last secret room.

It really is an alchemy room, with complete facilities, ground fire, alchemy furnace, etc., and there is no vacancy.

Han Feng knew that time was precious, and he was running out of time until the end of this secret realm trial. He walked to the side of the alchemy furnace, pinched his finger, shot out a formula, opened the ground cover, and guided the ground fire into the furnace.

The ground fire is a three-color fire, red, orange and yellow, extremely blazing. Even Han Feng's physical body can feel the heat rolling through the pill furnace, which surprised him.

Although he is just a beginner, he is still a great talisman master, and he still has some understanding of the three-color fire.In fact, he knew something about it when he was making talisman paper at Sanyemen.

It's just that the fire he used to make the talisman paper was only single-color fire, the lowest-level flame, while the three-color fire is much higher-level, and it needs to be found in special places of the earth's veins, which is usually hard to find.

It is said that there are seven-color fires in this world, which are the strange fires of heaven and earth, which can be directly used for cultivation.

"It's obvious that those who come here are going to learn alchemy, everything is ready!" Han Feng muttered in a low voice while familiarizing himself with the ground fire.

Half an hour later, Han Feng had completely mastered the control of the flames, which was the first step in alchemy.

This is also required by Fudanhualianfa. The alchemist must have a sufficient understanding of fire, otherwise how to manipulate the flame to remove impurities from the elixir and refine it into alchemy.

Han Feng let out a breath of turbid air, raised his hand, and took out more than a dozen elixir plants with different colors and varieties. They were the materials for refining Longyuan Pill.

He had to start with the fourth-grade elixir, first increase the success rate, and then gradually improve his alchemy skills, step by step to refine the elixir he wanted.

In the early years, he had taken many Long Yuan Pills from Murong Can, but he did not expect that after so many years, he would refine them by himself.

In his hand, he was flying the magic formula, controlling the output of the ground fire, pointing to a plant of spiritual material every once in a while, flying into the pill furnace, and letting them be thrown into the burning of the three-color fire in an orderly manner.

Soon, all the spiritual materials turned into fluid colloids. Under the traction of Han Feng's formula, they were suspended above the flames, sinking and floating, constantly merging, and various gases were emerging, with mixed colors and smells. Also various.

Han Feng had experience in making talisman paper, after such a series of operations, he immediately regained the feeling he had back then, secretly thinking that drawing talismans and alchemy are the same.

Especially when brewing these spiritual materials, removing impurities and purifying the medicinal power, he became more and more handy. He didn't look like a beginner, but like a master, with skillful techniques.

He even came up with a whim to apply some of the techniques in drawing talismans to the refining of elixir, and the effect was amazing, and the efficiency was improved a lot, and the impurities between various spiritual materials were removed very well. Quickly, after a while, they became extremely transparent and merged with each other.

This is also the law that Fudanhualianfa teaches that there is no limit to the law, the way is natural, and it can reach the highest level, and you can do whatever you want, at your fingertips.

In other words, in the process of refining alchemy, any method can be used, as long as it can improve the efficiency of alchemy.

Of course, at this stage, Han Feng can only follow the basic rules, sort out the energy differences between the spiritual materials, and try to make them better integrated.

Next, he switched to the talisman-turning-lotus method, crossed his hands, and conjured up a lotus-like seal formula, which was quickly injected into the pill furnace, so that the spiritual materials that had melted into juice were completely melted together, and turned into A lotus-shaped existence, in the three-color fire, drips and spins, exuding a tangy fragrance.

It's just that the lotus flower only lasted for three breaths, and cracks began to appear, as if it was about to disintegrate.

Han Feng frowned slightly, raised his hand to hold the formula tightly, his soul power rolled out, and with his cultivation of the crystal transformation state, he forcibly consolidated the liquid lotus in the alchemy furnace to fill up the cracks, and then followed the method of alchemy, slowly Slowly condense it into a elixir, with a lotus pattern engraved on it.

Dan Cheng!

Incredibly fragrant.

With a twist of Han Feng's technique, the fire on the ground receded, and the cover was closed. Then, with a slight movement of his soul power, he pulled out the Dragon Yuan Pill and dropped it into his hands.

He looked it over carefully, but still found that there was a gap on the pill, although it was so small that it was imperceptible, it really existed.

However, this elixir has indeed been completed, but it is still several grades behind the quality that Fudan Hualianfa wants to pursue. It can even be said that if we really have to strictly follow its standards, this elixir is a waste elixir.

Han Feng took out a Dragon Yuan Pill brought from Sanyemen, compared the two, and analyzed it carefully. The quality of the Dragon Yuandan he just refined was not inferior to that refined by Sanyemen.

Without much hesitation, he simply put the elixir he refined into his mouth neatly, chewed it, and immediately a stream of heat flowed into his body, although for his current physical body, this supplement was almost the same as It's the same as if it doesn't exist, but you can really feel the existence of the medicinal power.

This shows that the elixir he refined can still be taken.

Han Feng was not satisfied, he secretly guessed, and muttered, "Could it be that I temporarily added the talisman drawing technique just now, which led to the existence of this crack?"

He didn't want to understand it, so he simply took out more than a dozen spiritual materials, all of which were materials for refining Longyuan pills, and put them into the pill furnace one by one.

This time, he operated completely according to Fudanhualian method, every step was meticulous, and he did his best to make it perfect.

Indeed, he didn't make any mistakes during this process, but at the end stage, a crack appeared on the medicinal lotus, which made his face full of disbelief.

He calmed down, and did not rush to use his powerful soul power to forcibly tighten the liquid lotus flower, but diffused his soul power to carefully observe the changes in this lotus flower, to see how its cracks were formed, where it would go, and what would happen in the end. What results come out.

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