Lord of the Runes

Chapter 590 Breakthrough Failure

Looking inside, Han Feng found that the power of the great medicine turned into pale golden special spiritual power during the operation of the kung fu, piercing into the spine like awls, extremely intense, like a brilliant fire, which made him want to die of pain.

He gritted his teeth, clenched his hands tightly, veins emerged all over his body, and he was dripping with sweat.

Han Feng's body surface began to glow brightly, and the fierce force burst out, even the void was slightly distorted, which was frightening.

The secret room lit up immediately, and the patterns on the four walls flashed, forming the power of a formation to resist the power bursting out from Han Feng's body.

When the two collided, there was a dull buzzing sound, and the void became even more distorted, refracting colorful brilliance, and the splendor contained indescribable danger.

Han Feng was completely unaware of what was going on outside, so he was concentrating on running the exercises at this moment, using the power of the medicine to open up some key acupuncture points.

Only through one breath can he break through to the realm of subduing the dragon, otherwise his extremely hard bones will not be able to exert real power.

With the infiltration of the power of the great medicine, Han Feng's spine was shining brightly, and his whole body shone with golden light, becoming more and more brilliant. It was too late to connect.

This made him feel bursts of severe pain, unspeakably miserable.

Han Feng did not give up and continued to attack hard, but he was still unable to break through and failed to reach that level.

It didn't take long for the power of this ninth-grade medicine to be exhausted and scattered in his body. It didn't reach the point of being effective, and it was a waste of a plant of medicine.

What's more, it made Han Feng suffer in vain and suffered endlessly.

Han Feng gasped for breath and was sweating profusely. It took him a while to recover.

He stood up, picked up the classic again, and studied it carefully, silently reviewing the practice just now, looking for problems in it.

Han Feng frowned. He did find a few problems, but in the final analysis, it was mainly caused by the lack of potency of the ninth-grade medicine. He needed to swallow a more powerful medicine to break through the bottleneck.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out a tenth-grade great medicine and swallowed it, and then re-run the third volume of the Spiritual Refining Vajra Art.

After a quarter of an hour, he opened his eyes in disappointment, this time it still failed.

"Doesn't the tenth-grade medicine work?" Han Feng wondered, silently adjusted his breath, and rested his body.

He thought for a while, decided to take a gamble, took out one of the three twelfth-grade medicines, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it.

In an instant, the incomparably ferocious drug power filled his whole body like a fire. He hurriedly performed the third volume of the Alchemy Vajra Jue, carefully sorting out the direction of the drug power, focusing on one point, the purpose is to break the barrier of the spine, let himself The power of the golden bone can be released to complete the last step of transformation and form the shadow of a true dragon.

This is the origin of the name Dragon Subduing Realm!

Breaking through this realm is to subdue the real dragon in the body, let it be released, and show its true power.

Of course, the premise is that the bones of the whole body have been tempered in place, exuding a majestic golden light, and only then can it be possible to condense the shadow of a real dragon, otherwise it is useless.

Han Feng had already tempered the bones of his whole body to this level, but there was no third volume of exercises, which made it impossible to further improve.

Originally, he thought that as long as he had the third volume of exercises, he would break through this bottleneck, but it would be a matter of course.

However, only now did he know that things were not that simple. Even with the third book of exercises and enough nourishing elixir, he couldn't succeed several times in a row.

This made him have to re-examine this exercise, the difficulty is by no means comparable to that of ordinary exercises.

He calmed down to analyze carefully, pondered over and over again, and finally understood a truth, the goal cannot be achieved simply by the power of big medicine. After all, even big medicine must still have impurities, and the purity cannot be 100%.

"In that case, the only way to do it is to refine alchemy!" Han Feng came to his senses. If he wanted to purify the power of the medicine, he had to refine the big medicine into a elixir, so that he could remove the impurities and nourish his body.

Han Feng looked around and looked carefully. Naturally, he didn't see any platform for alchemy.

In fact, even if there was an alchemy room, he would not know how to make alchemy.

"Could it be possible to start learning now?" Han Feng thought for a while, he actually had alchemy classics, he had obtained many ancient books from those opponents before, and there were many alchemy secrets in them.

However, alchemy is the same as painting talismans. It is both a Taoist method and a technical activity. It cannot be accomplished overnight, and it needs long-term practice to develop it.

Of course, Han Feng can also put away all the things here first, and then break through the Dragon Subduing Realm after leaving this secret realm.However, time waits for no one. He came into this secret realm this time and killed so many children of the aristocratic family, and there is a reward order from the Sanyemen outside. You will be hunted down like a storm!

"Forget it, go out and look at the other two secret rooms first, maybe there will be surprises!" Thinking of this, Han Feng turned around and left, passing through the arched door behind him.

The light film of the archway fluctuated gently like a water curtain, Han Feng passed through, returned to the medicine garden, turned to the left, and went to another archway.

He stepped over the light curtain and walked into it. The inside was also a secret room, much smaller, only five feet wide.

There is also a table in the middle of this secret room, the whole body is made of stone, like jade, and a light blue tome is also placed on it, which is slightly shiny.

Feeling deeply curious, Han Feng walked up quickly, picked up the blue-colored classic to look through, and was attracted by it as soon as he opened it.

It turned out that this was an alchemy classic, but it was different from the alchemy ancient books that Han Feng had read before. This classic was very thin, only seven pages in content, but every page was densely packed with words. , Those words will emit a blue light, float up at the same time, and merge into his brows like lightning, forming a massive amount of information.

These contents are really eloquent, and they have a deep understanding of alchemy, which makes a layman like Han Feng feel suddenly enlightened.

At this moment, he couldn't help but have a little more confidence, maybe he can really quickly master alchemy.

The main reason for this is that the method of alchemy in this ancient alchemy book is similar to the technique of painting symbols, and the techniques have something in common, which is called Fudan Hualian method!

Han Feng thought about it carefully, and found that it was indeed the case. Essentially, both alchemy and talisman use soul power to control the process, but the former is aimed at the power of medicine, while the latter is aimed at the way of talisman.

He was immersed in it, and in less than a day, he successfully memorized all the contents of this talisman-turning-lotus technique, and engraved it in the sea of ​​souls.

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