Yan Yanfang's forehead was gradually sweating, but her eyes were shining, and the formula in her hand turned like a flywheel. Hundreds of black and blue seal formulas fell into the soul power light ball, making it slowly transform into a The existence like an eyeball exudes a terrifying blue-colored light, and its aura is incomparably magnificent, venting out like a vast ocean, covering the entire peak!

"My Dharma Eye has come to this place, what do you want to ask for?!"

Just at this moment, a majestic voice resounded from the eyeball-like ball of light, rumbling across the entire peak, shaking in all directions and deafeningly deafening.

Han Feng immediately sensed something was wrong, and immediately tried to cut off the output of soul power.

However, at this moment, the fist-sized eyeball suddenly burst out with a suction force, firmly pulling his soul thread, making it impossible to retract, and sending out a strange force, which followed the vine, as if to Rush into his soul sea.

"I knew you would play tricks!" Han Feng snorted coldly, the spell in his hand changed suddenly, the light of those soul threads changed suddenly, extremely blazing, the spiritual energy gathered all over the sky, and suddenly exploded, the violent shock wave swept across wantonly, and the situation changed suddenly.

The jade is burnt!

The soul thread exploded, dissipating together with the strange force that had sneaked into it.

"Han Feng, what are you doing, don't you want to enter the Da Neng Cave?!" Yan Yanfang glanced at Han Feng with a half-smile, stretched out her hand, and the big ghost with blue face and fangs standing next to her immediately ran towards Han Feng When he came over, without any words, he immediately punched out.

This fist of his is so powerful that even the void is twisted, it is absolutely comparable to the blow of the old monster who formed the alchemy!

Han Feng's reaction was quick, crystal light shone between his brows, and a cloud of seven-colored light gushed out, instantly turning into a mysterious soul sword, wrapped in billowing air waves, and slashed at the opponent's fist.

In an instant, it was like two giant storms colliding, roaring and deafening.

Tens of thousands of cloud roads shot in all directions, sweeping across the sky and the earth, crackling, the space was shaking violently, ripples flashed out, and the void ripples spread in all directions, forming an extinction-like power and rushing towards the sky.

Han Feng retreated violently, and he was tens of feet away in one sweep. He stood on the edge of the peak, staring at the eyeball with a vigilant expression on his face.

At this moment, the eyeball has become smaller, half the size of a fist, the green light is more intense, and its aura becomes stronger, suppressing this world.

I don't know when it started, the stone tablet also emitted a faint light, as if it was resisting the pressure of this eyeball.

Han Feng felt oppressed for a while, his whole body seemed to be suppressed by thousands of mountains, and he seemed to be in deep water, unable to move for a while.

In fact, not only was he unable to move at this time, but the big ghost with blue face and fangs was also unable to move at all. Think about something.

At this moment, only Yan Yanfang can move her body, but she still needs to inject soul power into that eyeball to maintain its existence.

In other words, she can't move around, let alone stop the input of soul power.

"Self-explosion of soul power? You still have some abilities, but you still have a seven-colored soul body, not bad, not bad!" At this moment, the blue-colored eyeball made a sound again, turned slightly, looked at Han Feng and praised.

Before Han Feng could speak, the eyeball asked Yan Yanfang again: "Are you a doppelgänger of the remnant soul of Her Highness the Princess?"

"Yes, Lord Ghost King!" Yan Yanfang replied respectfully.

"In that case, why did you come to this ghostly place instead of rescuing Her Highness the Princess? What's more, you used Her Royal Highness's original soul power to summon my Dharma Eye to descend, what is your intention?!" The eyeball's voice was loud and shocked The four fields buzzed.

Han Feng felt tight in his chest, deeply felt that his Qi and blood were not flowing smoothly, and felt extremely uncomfortable. He thought silently in his heart, thinking about how to escape from this place.

Yan Yanfang also felt a little uncomfortable, with a respectful expression on her face, she said in a low voice: "The Black Stone Panlong Formation is unbreakable, I need to accumulate strength to crack it, so I came here specifically to find opportunities, please help me, Lord Ghost King!"

"Is this the place of chance you mentioned?" The eyeball looked around, and finally fixed its eyes on the stone tablet, asking indifferently.

"Yes." Yan Yanfang nodded.

She told the so-called Lord Ghost King about the situation here in detail, and let him know everything about it so that he could decipher the mystery.

The eyeball turned around, and the blue light hit the stone tablet, and suddenly spread, covering it in an instant, as if it was investigating something.

The stele shone brightly, as if it was resisting his investigation, but it couldn't be avoided after all.

"Well, this stele is indeed an entrance, and there is a hidden universe inside. I just have my eyes here, and I can't completely crack it. If I attack it by force, I'm afraid it will be completely destroyed. If I think of a way, I can only open a passage for you !” The ghost king’s voice sounded at the right time, and said in a deep voice.

"That's enough, thank you Lord Ghost King." Yan Yanfang was overjoyed, and hurriedly returned the salute.

"However, it takes a lot of time for me to cast spells from such a long distance. I will hand over this boy to me. It will be very useful for me to bring him back to the clan." The ghost king changed his subject and stared at Han Feng said.

Han Feng's face tightened, his heart became anxious, his thoughts turned, and he began to dive into the sea of ​​souls distractedly, calling for the residual talisman.

Facing such a powerful man, he has a deep self-knowledge, and only by asking for help from the residual talisman can he have a chance of survival.

"Follow the ghost king's decree!" Yan Yanfang nodded expressionlessly in response, ignoring Han Feng's life and death at all, being extremely ruthless.

Han Feng wasn't surprised at all, the other party didn't have a good intention in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't have set up a trick to make him fall into a trap.Of course, in the final analysis, he still wanted to enter this powerful cave, but he overestimated his own strength. He never thought that Yan Yanfang could summon such a terrifying existence, otherwise he would not have been recruited.

He has no regrets, after all, with such an opportunity in front of him, there is no reason to refuse to cooperate with Yan Yanfang.For the current plan, the only way is to win the help of the residual talisman and escape from birth at the right time.

It's a pity that he tried for a long time, but the residual talisman did not appear in the sea of ​​souls, and there was no movement at all, as if he hadn't sensed his call at all.

At this time, the eyeball turned away and began to release a vast green light, completely submerging the stone tablet.

The stele immediately released brilliant fluorescent light, and the runes flashed, forming orderly chains to resist the erosion of the opponent's blue light.

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