Han Feng snorted slightly, and said sharply, "Don't think that I'm really afraid of you, even if you and I want to cooperate, you have to explain the situation clearly!"

Yan Yanfang calmed down slightly, turned her eyes to the stone tablet that towered like a mountain, and said indifferently: "This stone tablet is called the Tianlong Tablet, and it is indeed the entrance to the real cave of the mighty man."

"For so many years, except for the old monster of the white crocodile who entered it by chance, no one else has entered it." Yan Yanfang paused, and then said: "But in my memory, there is a family of ghosts. The secret method can break all the secrets!"

"Are you sure it's all the secret places?" Han Feng crossed his arms and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, that's a secret technique derived from a holy-level kungfu. It won't be difficult to break through this place." Yan Yanfang said confidently.

"The reason why you asked me to cooperate is because I've been promoted to Crystal Transformation Realm?" Han Feng raised his brows.

"That's natural, otherwise it wouldn't be possible to perform it at all, and I wouldn't be able to complete it alone, maybe it's possible to join hands with you." Yan Yanfang nodded and explained.

"How to join forces?" Han Feng asked.

"It's very simple, just infuse me with your soul power. I have a way to condense them into one body. I will try my best to use that secret technique, and I will definitely be able to break this stone tablet." Yan Yanfang said.

"Oh, during this process, you are not afraid of me playing tricks? You trust me so much?" Han Feng asked with a slight smile.

"You can't threaten me yet!" Yan Yanfang suddenly unfolded the spell in her hand, and the phantom behind her immediately emerged, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into a tall and burly ghost, covered with blue lines, muscular, and healthy Incomparably huge.

His appearance caused slight waves in the entire space. It is obvious that his strength is unparalleled, and it is unknown how Yan Yanfang summoned him.

Her secret technique is too weird to imagine!

Han Feng muttered to himself, seeing this green ghost, he immediately knew what Yan Yanfang meant. This was a layer of protection she gave herself. With this ghost around, even if he wanted to make a wrong decision, it would be very difficult for him to implement it.

"I hope you don't play tricks, or you will face the consequences!" Yan Yanfang warned Han Feng.

Han Feng smiled sassyly, and didn't answer this sentence, but asked instead: "Tell me, how do you perform this secret technique? How can I infuse soul power into you? I don't think it's possible to simply pass it on like this. There must be something special about it." place!"

Yan Yanfang glanced at him deeply, and said lightly: "There is a formula for you to familiarize yourself with. Only after you master it well can you pour your soul power into me."

After saying that, she immediately took out a jade slip and threw it to Han Feng.

Han Feng took it with a smile, and swept his soul power out, carefully checking that there were no other abnormalities, and then injecting soul power to observe and study.

The more he looked at it, the more amazed he was, the magic formula described in this jade slip was actually extremely mysterious, once mastered thoroughly and practiced to an extremely high level, it could condense the soul power into silk and transmit it thousands of miles.

Of course, if you want to reach that level, you can't achieve it in a short period of time, and it will be difficult to achieve it within three to five years.

Not only that, after the soul power is condensed into silk, it will flicker at a special frequency, which is very suitable for fusing with other people's soul power.

Han Feng thought more. If this technique is combined with his Mysterious Soul Sword, it will definitely increase the power of his Mysterious Soul Sword and become a sharper trump card.

Even if it can't be combined with my own mysterious soul sword, it can still cooperate with my own soul power self-destruct method. These strands of soul power are originally highly condensed things, once they explode, their power will definitely not be small. , will definitely give the opponent a surprise.

Soon, after half an hour, Han Feng had initially mastered it, and was able to use this technique. The soul power shot out in a special filament, and the lavender brilliance flickered at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, it doesn't have much attack power, and when it hits the stone surface, it just kicks up a little bit of dust.

"Your savvy is indeed very high. You have just entered the threshold so quickly, and you can already cooperate with me." Yan Yanfang glanced at Han Feng, and suddenly said: "It's not too late, let's get started."

Han Feng knew that she didn't want him to grasp it more thoroughly so as not to pose a threat to her. The matter of breaking the entrance of the stele was important now, and he didn't bother with her so much. He nodded immediately, looked up at her, and silently Run this method, and shoot out strands of soul silk from the center of the eyebrows, spreading to the opponent.

With a wave of Yan Yanfang's jade hand, soul power rolled out, forming a layer of barrier in front of her chest, suspended in the air in an oval shape, and the halo spread out round and round, the light was soft and brilliant.

As soon as she turned the spell in her hand, this layer of barrier immediately swayed lightly, catching Han Feng's soul thread, and quickly absorbed his soul power, as if adding fuel to the fire, making her soul power barrier heal. Fiery, shining in all directions.

Then, the printed formulas in her hand fluttered, one after another, one after another, condensed black and blue magic formulas and penetrated into this layer of soul power barrier, making its shapes change one after another, radiating brilliance.

But this secret method seems to be extremely difficult to present, and it lasted for a cup of tea, but it couldn't be condensed.

Han Feng frowned. In such a short period of time, nearly one-tenth of his soul power had been consumed. If it wasn't for his soul sea being able to generate a little soul power to make up for the shortfall, he really couldn't bear it. .

"Han Feng, don't waste your soul power, increase your output!" Yan Yanfang urged Han Feng with a serious look on her face.

Han Feng didn't respond, but with a change in the tactic in his hand, the soul silk shot out from the center of the brow immediately increased by [-]%, and flew to Yan Yanfang's soul power barrier.


This layer of soul power barrier immediately buzzed, swelled up suddenly, and turned into an ellipsoid with a size of more than three feet. At the same time, its shape was still changing rapidly, as if it was about to change into something.

Yan Yanfang's complexion was overjoyed, and the magic formula in her hand quickly popped out. The light on her bright forehead was shining, and the rolling soul power flowed out, turning into thousands of soul threads, all of which were injected into this ball of soul power light, allowing it to gradually After it stabilized, it was still shrinking. After a few breaths, it turned into a ball about the size of a chi, with a blue body and restrained breath.

Han Feng looked at the sphere, but frowned. He could feel the power contained inside it. It was definitely not a simple sphere. Once it exploded, it would be enough to level a large area. Cities will be razed to the ground.

But the next change made Han Feng's eyes widen. He saw that the light ball of soul power continued to condense, and in a short while it turned into a three-inch-sized existence, suspended in the air like a fist.

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