Lord of the Runes

Chapter 577 Incomplete

Han Feng immediately calmed down, looked through the secret technique again, and studied it carefully, but he couldn't find any problems. According to the method, it needs to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to explode itself, thus forming a terrifying scene. Lethality.

He studied it deeply, and gradually discovered a problem. This secret technique seems to lack a follow-up description, that is, it can only induce a small amount of soul power to stimulate it, but there is no explanation for a large amount of soul power to explode at the same time.

He pondered over and over again, and kept trying to release his soul power, but every time he activated this secret method, it immediately attracted a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and then exploded.

But when he releases more soul power, the secret technique he has mastered can no longer be activated, and the soul power will collapse and disappear by itself when it lights up a little.

He cautiously tried several times, but the result was still the same. He was always unable to condense these soul powers together. The internal resistance of the soul power was very strong, and it was difficult for him to expend a lot of effort.

"What a strange secret technique. It lacks a follow-up description. It is not systematic and difficult to practice!" Han Feng muttered to himself, giving this secret technique a judgment.


Who said that this parchment scroll is just a fragment, and it is extremely normal that there will be defects.

Han Feng thought about it for a second, and felt that everything he owned seemed to be incomplete, which is really strange!

Broken talisman, broken sword, broken scroll, broken spell!

Nothing is complete!

Han Feng couldn't help laughing, but he could only take one step at a time. At least he was lucky to have reached this point with these incomplete things.

Thinking of this, he felt confident again, and continued to practice this secret technique, trying his best to reach a stronger level.

In any case, this secret technique is still very powerful, and mastered to the extreme level, it can be regarded as another killer.

Time passed by, and unknowingly, Han Feng had stayed in this mysterious little world for the ninth year. Although he did not have a suitable method of soul cultivation, under this environment, he had increased most of his soul power. The soul body has become smaller.

Han Feng's soul body was shining brightly, glittering and dazzling, with an incomparably majestic aura, giving the impression that it was no different from his flesh and blood body.

He took out the soul talisman again, studied it carefully, and saw many different things. Obviously, after his soul power improved, he had a new understanding of things.

He looked at this soul talisman, sometimes nodded, sometimes shook his head, sometimes smiled knowingly, and sometimes his face was heavy and unpredictable.

After three days like this, Han Feng put down the classics in his hand, stretched out his hand to slide in the air, drew in the air, and began to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman again.

He progressed very smoothly, like flowing clouds and flowing water. After half a stick of incense, he came to the end, and encountered that existence like a natural moat again.

In the past few years, he has tried many times to cross the past, but all of them ended in failure, and there is nothing he can do.

This time, he exerted all his strength, used various techniques, and condensed his soul power to penetrate through it, but after only three-quarters of the distance, he was swallowed up by the mysterious power under the abyss, leaving nothing left.

Han Feng was not reconciled, and continued to try. It can be said that he has repeatedly failed.

However, more than ten days had passed, and he had only pushed his soul power into the air to seven-eighths of the natural moat, and he could no longer make an inch of progress.

He felt sleepy for a while, his eyelids were heavy, he had to put away the soul talisman, and fell asleep soundly.

A large amount of mysterious gas infiltrated from the sky, and all of it merged into Han Feng's soul body, causing the crystal light of his soul body to skyrocket and flicker endlessly.

Time flew by, and another half a year passed before Han Feng woke up slowly.

He was slightly dazed, as if he was still immersed in his previous sleep.

Strange to say, he dreamed that he was ups and downs, drifting in the chaos, and finally escaped into one of the continents, where there were no human races, but there were all kinds of ghosts, like hell on earth, extremely terrifying.

Moreover, he was discovered by a powerful human-shaped ghost. Just when the other party was about to attack, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded in his mind, and then he only felt that his eyes went dark, disappeared in that continent, and returned to this mysterious place smoothly. Small world.

That feeling was very real, he felt that if he was a step slower, he would definitely be attacked by that ghost.

That humanoid ghost is definitely comparable to an old monster in the Alchemy Realm, and if he really wants to fight, he can't fight it.

Han Feng shook his head, stopped thinking about these things, calmed down a little, and then began to study the soul talisman and draw the nine-grade talisman.

He was still unable to cross that natural moat, tried and failed repeatedly.

But he was not discouraged in the slightest, he gritted his teeth and persisted, finally crossed this chasm three months later, but just as his talisman path reached the other side, it was chopped off by a thunder-like existence, and his soul power It just disappeared like this, and I can't see what exists at the end of the talisman.

"There is still the power of thunder and lightning in the talisman path?" Han Feng was shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Sure enough, the ninth-grade talisman is not a child's play, no wonder it was extremely rare in the Sanyemen back then, so far he has only seen it on some top talents in other big cities.

It's right to think about it, the talisman path contains the power of lightning, and it is difficult for anyone to stabilize the entire talisman path, unless it is those monks in the Crystal Transformation Realm whose soul power is materialized.

It is only possible, even a monk in the crystal transformation state may not be able to draw a ninth-grade talisman. If it is so easy, the talisman above the ninth grade will not be so expensive. Sometimes it cannot even be purchased with spirit stones. barter.

Han Feng remained silent for a while, and then continued to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman, without any intention of giving up.


Another three years passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Han Feng fell into a deep sleep three times in a row, and each time he fell into a dream when he was extremely exhausted, causing him to experience many strange things in his dream.

It was the first time he fell into a continent full of thunder, fortunately he only stayed for a moment, and he woke up in a blink of an eye, otherwise he would not even know how he died.

The second time was to enter a continent with extremely lush plants. He was almost stabbed to death by a large number of spear-like plants. Fortunately, he stayed for a short time. At a critical moment, the voice sounded in his mind again, making him wake up. come over.

The third time was to go to a continent where the orcs were at their peak. He stayed there for a long time, and even fought with some weak primordial beasts, and even killed many strange beasts. Let it wake up on its own.

All this is so real that he will never forget it for a long time.

Every time Han Feng wakes up, he feels that his soul body has condensed a lot, and a layer of faint crystals will condense on the surface, shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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