Han Feng discovered that after he successfully learned the secret method of the Xuanhun Needle, the purity of his soul power increased greatly, making it much easier for him to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman. Within a few days, he successfully broke through the Layers of high mountains and the obstacles of flowing water have pushed the Fulu to the second half.

But soon he was blocked by a natural moat, and every time he released his soul power to cross it, he was swallowed up by the invisible force, and he was unable to cross it after hundreds of attempts.

He couldn't find the right way, and he didn't know how to progress.

Han Feng didn't give up, and continued to suffer, using several methods he learned from the Soul Talisman to keep trying to break through this barrier.

Time disappeared into the vast chaos like flowing water, and soon half a year passed.

During this period, Han Feng fell into a deep sleep, and another two or three months passed after that sleep.

After he woke up from his sleep, he realized that his soul body had become smaller for some reason, but the crystal light flickered and became more solid.

The center of his brows glowed extremely brightly. He stretched out his hand and swiped in the air, using soul power as the brush and spirit energy as the ink, and began to draw the Ninth Grade Talisman again.

He went smoothly in the first half, and when he reached the middle, he was only slightly hindered, and he was soon broken by him with a special technique.

After crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, he came to that moat again. He immersed himself in it, as if he saw the dark abyss and the mist on the other side. No matter how he used various secret techniques, it was useless. He just couldn't cross it.

He sighed softly, the tactic in his hand changed suddenly, thousands of soul power spread out, condensed into needles, and flew over, piercing the mist on the other side, but in the end he still couldn't fly far, and was caught by the abyss. The mysterious force below floated up and devoured it in an instant.

This ninth-grade talisman could no longer be maintained, and then disintegrated, bursting out with extremely bright light. Fortunately, it was wrapped by a strange force gushing out from this mysterious small world, and it did not spread out, forming a huge impact.Otherwise, Han Feng's soul body will also suffer. His current form cannot withstand a strong impact.

Han Feng lowered his hands and his eyes flickered. After a long time, he couldn't think of a good way. After all, this is a ninth-grade talisman, which is a big hurdle. Even a monk in the crystal transformation state may not be able to draw it, let alone him now. Haven't reached that level yet.

He walked around silently in this mysterious little world, thinking about how to improve his soul power cultivation, thinking to himself that he just didn't have a special soul cultivation method, otherwise his soul power would definitely improve by leaps and bounds under such an environment.

But soul cultivation methods are hard to come by. He entrusted Didi to look for them for a long time, but he couldn't find any suitable ones.

He was also surprised, it seemed that it was difficult for his colorful soul body to be improved by exercises, and only by relying on special elixir or staying here, could he have a chance to enhance his soul power.

Han Feng walked for a while, and suddenly stopped in front of the barrier of chaos, looking at the hazy and dim world outside, and muttered to himself, "Is this the real world, or is everything illusory?"

He stretched out his hand and touched lightly on this layer of chaos barrier, but was blocked by a huge force, making it impossible for him to break through no matter how much he pressed, instead making his arm numb.

Han Feng knew that if this was real, it would be impossible to break through it with the strength of his soul body.

He stood still for a while, and finally returned to the central area of ​​the continent, sat down cross-legged, took out the parchment, and studied other secret methods.

In addition to the secret method of the mysterious soul needle and the five-element seal technique, there is also a special trick on it, which is the method of self-explosion of soul power, a secret technique that hurts the enemy by one thousand and self-damages by eight hundred.

Han Feng hesitated for a while. He didn't want to learn it. After all, it was a risky thing, but after reading the beginning of this secret technique, he couldn't bear it anymore.

The power is too great!

According to this secret technique, when practiced to the extreme level, using a little soul power can detonate a large area of ​​spiritual energy in the world. If a large amount of soul power gushes out at the same time and explodes, even if it is in the micro peak state, it can cross a large state and hurt the knot. Old Dan.

Of course, it is not so easy to cultivate to the extreme level in the subtle state, they all complement each other, it will not be so simple.

Han Feng decided to practice, studied silently, gestured his hands from time to time, and occasionally allocated a wisp or two of soul power to practice.

It has to be said that this secret technique is really difficult to practice. Han Feng has tried dozens of times but failed. This is because he is in this mysterious small world, especially in his current position, which is equivalent to sitting On the Enlightenment Stone, the mind is extremely active, and many difficult points that were previously unthinkable can be answered here.

But this time, it didn't go so smoothly. Although he had seen through a lot of things, it still took a lot of time to coherently perform this secret technique in one go.

Fortunately, what he lacks most now is time. Although every moment is precious, there is really no need to be urgent, just practice step by step.

Haste makes waste, sometimes slow is not really slow.

Unknowingly, after more than a month, he finally mastered this secret technique. With [-]% certainty in his heart, he immediately allocated a ray of soul power, and according to the secret technique, he made a formula to strike at this ray of soul power. Into the law, let it shine, with his urging, this ray of soul power becomes more and more brilliant, and gradually becomes dazzling.

Just at this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to swarm, like a swarm of bees meeting honey, scrambling to come first.

It's incredible that such a small ray of soul power, stimulated by this kind of secret technique, can bring together such a majestic aura of heaven and earth.

This is exactly the value of this secret technique!

Han Feng held the formula tightly in his hand, shouted fiercely, and pushed his hands back, the heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered into a ball immediately flew towards the barrier of chaos.

Its speed was extremely fast, and within a few breaths, it went to the chaos barrier and directly hit it.


There was a violent noise, and the aura of heaven and earth condensed into a big ball suddenly exploded, and the chaotic barrier was slightly sunken, showing a brilliant colorful light, reflecting the whole world.

Han Feng immediately backed away violently, afraid of being overwhelmed by the shock wave. Fortunately, the world released a mysterious force in time to block the shock wave and quickly wiped it out.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was full of joy. This power is really great. The blow just now can also cause great harm to ordinary Guiyuan perfect monks in the outside world.

Of course, this secret technique has a flaw, that is, its power will be greatly reduced in areas where the aura of heaven and earth is scarce.

"No, the parchment scroll is so miraculous, it shouldn't leave such a defect!" Han Feng suddenly reacted, thinking it was unreasonable.

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