This person is called Qingyouzi, and he is a fake alchemist from Tianfeng City. He ranks very high in that big city. Although he is not the top of the list, he is still within the top ten.Before that, he gathered seven men of fake alchemy to attack Han Feng. Among them, he was the main force and was very powerful. Even if he fought alone, it would take a lot of effort for Han Feng to kill him. Even if he wanted to escape with all his heart, he might not be able to kill him. beheaded.

This time, he gathered 13 more people to encircle and suppress Han Feng. It seemed that he had tampered with Han Feng. As long as Han Feng's breath leaked out, he would be able to track him down.Or maybe he carries a heavy treasure and can detect it from a distance.

Han Feng heard his yell at this time, but did not respond. He still tempered his body silently, not letting go of any time.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with this kid, watch me kick him out!" A man with protruding ears beside Qing Youzi cursed carelessly.

After saying that, he took out a golden epee and slashed it down fiercely. The golden light flashed, and the sword energy surged out like a frenzied tide. It hit the mountain where Han Feng was in an instant, flying sand and rocks, and the mountain collapsed. , bang bang.

With just one face-to-face, the entire mountain collapsed with a bang, and stones the size of a millstone flew up, and were then twisted into powder by the surging sword energy.

At this moment, smoke and dust filled the air, covering all directions.

A figure stood firmly in mid-air, with a faint red light shining, completely ignoring the sword energy around him, without any fear.

"The catastrophe is imminent, and I'm still pretending to be dead!" The man with protruding ears held a golden epee, pointed at Han Feng, and said with a sneer.

"He's Han Feng? He has some strength, how many tricks can he take on me?!" Another vain boy looked at Han Feng and said indifferently.

"Don't be careless, this guy is not simple. This time we must work together to kill this guy and share the bounty!" Qing Youzi straightened his face and sent a voice transmission to everyone present.

"Then what are you talking about, let's do it!" A woman with heavy make-up in colorful clothes flicked her wrist, and a green jade ruler appeared out of thin air in her hand. attack.

The rest of the people seemed to have been ventilated for a long time, and they resorted to various means tacitly to besiege Han Feng.

"You guys came at just the right time!" Han Feng took a deep breath, a cold light flashed in his eyes, without any hesitation, he raised his hand and struck out with both fists, one hand shot out Chixia Fist, and the other Batian Fist roared out.

"Boom boom boom..."

Han Feng's moves collided with the attacks of a group of opponents, making an astonishing sound, the air waves were so loud that the whole sky boiled like a pot of porridge, the air was vibrating, and the void was twisting and shaking.

A bloody glow emerged from Han Feng's body, and instead of retreating, he rushed straight to the man with protruding ears against the raging wind. With a swish, he took out the broken sword and slashed at him with a sword light!

The man with protruding ears seemed to know that Han Feng's Broken Sword was sharp, his complexion became tense, without any carelessness, he tried his best to use his sword skills.

As he set up the sword art with one hand, the sword energy in the sky began to condense, and sword shadows emerged one after another, converging into a river, rushing towards the broken sword's light like flowing water amidst the sound of rushing.

With a muffled bang, the river of sword shadow was cut open by the broken sword's light, and it continued to disintegrate. It was completely unable to resist the power of the broken sword's light, and was approached by it like a broken bamboo.

The man with protruding ears was a little nervous, holding the golden epee with both hands, he slashed violently, the golden light surged, and slapped towards the broken sword like an ocean.

Finally, the glow of the Broken Sword shattered and quickly dissipated.But the golden sword light also disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

This round, cumbersome to say, actually only happened and ended between flashes and flashes.

At this moment, the rest of the people cut in one after another, and helped the man with protruding ears to block Han Feng.

Han Feng snorted coldly, circled with his left hand, and five-element talismans appeared all over his body. They quickly combined into five-element seal rings, emitting dazzling five-color light, shaking the void, and rushing towards them with a howl.

Those people used all kinds of means to resist, especially Qing Youzi, who raised a Eight Diagrams Wheel, with turbulent air, shining blue light, cutting across the sky, and slashed towards Han Feng.

This eight trigrams wheel is so powerful that it shatters the seal rings of the five elements one by one, sparking out bright rays of light like fireworks, colorful and beautiful.

Han Feng had experienced Qing Youzi's move before, and he didn't dare to neglect it. He mobilized the power of his true energy in his body to condense a sun-shaped figure with a size of more than a hundred feet, soaring into the sky, and directly crashed into the Eight Diagrams wheel, with a loud bang. There was a sound, and they exploded from each other, and the terrifying energy fluctuations swept all directions, and immediately shook away the seven or eight people who were besieged.

Qing Youzi also had to retreat dozens of feet, not wanting to take the risk of rushing into this energy vortex.

But Han Feng's blood was soaring, he suddenly accelerated, and against the violent energy storm, he rushed to the man with protruding ears in the blink of an eye.

This person turned pale with shock, the change was too fast, and he had just escaped from the surrounding energy storm. Unexpectedly, Han Feng suddenly appeared in front of him again, less than ten feet away from each other.

While retreating frantically, he swung the golden epee, a golden dragon emerged in the air, roared silently, and rushed towards Han Feng.

Han Feng had no expression on his face, he raised his hand to strike a sword, the power of true essence poured into it like flowing water, the sword glow was as bright as red clouds, and as fast as lightning, it struck in front of the opponent in an instant.

This time, the power of the Broken Sword was even greater, and it was extremely sharp. It instantly defeated the golden dragon, and the lightning flashed past, and then smashed the defense of the man with the protruding ears, cutting him off in the middle, and the dark red blood gushed out. , and even a little bit of golden light leaked out.

He let out a miserable cry, looked down at his abdomen, his face was full of bitterness, it turned out that his dantian was destroyed, overflowing with golden light spots, the power of true essence was rapidly fading, and his aura was also rapidly weakening.

He stretched out his hands in a panic to cover his abdomen, but no matter how he manipulated, he was powerless to stop his lethargy.

"Han Feng, how dare you!" Qing Youzi was so angry that he flew over from a distance and shouted in a cold voice.

"Hehe, why wouldn't I dare, young master?!" Han Feng smiled lightly, raised his hand and pointed a finger, and a ray of scarlet glow flew out, directly grabbing the head of the man with protruding ears.

Even at this point, the man with protruding ears still did not give up on survival, his soul power surged out, and he mobilized his aura to condense into a shield for defense, but his level of protection was like a piece of paper, and was instantly defeated by Han Feng's scarlet glow. The light pierced through and went straight to his forehead.


There was no accident, the head of the man with protruding ears was hit, leaving a bloody hole between his eyebrows, the size of a thumb, and wisps of cyan air jetted out, like a deflated ball, his head deflated in a short while, and his life Disappeared, he died with regret.

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