This person was not defenseless, but the blow was too fast and too strong, and he couldn't block it with all his strength, and his body was divided into two parts.

"You, you, you didn't keep your word..." the man coughed up blood as he was dying.

"Have I made a promise to you? You have to pay it back when you come out to hang out!" Han Feng said coldly, smashing it into pieces with a casual slap, and took his storage ring by the way.

Han Feng didn't have the slightest psychological burden. He didn't intend to let him leave alive. No matter whether he said it or not, the result would be the same.

Han Feng turned around and flew away. After a while, he returned to the place where the battle was held just now, but the person in the center had disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

He was secretly surprised that the monks in the fake alchemy state should not have the ability to regenerate the body. Even if the vitality is much stronger than that of ordinary monks, they cannot repair the remnants of the broken body unless they have a miracle medicine.

Han Feng thought silently for a while, and spread out his soul power, covering dozens of miles around, but he didn't find any trace of the other party, he must have completely left this area.

With such a heavy injury, he was able to evacuate this place in such a short period of time. This person probably used the teleportation talisman, otherwise it would be very difficult to succeed.

Han Feng withdrew his soul power and remained silent for a while. Through the conversation with the person just now, he already knew that it was basically the bounty mission issued by the old monster of Sanyemen's alchemy through Wanyun Valley. After all, other people did not have the financial resources and courage. .

As for whether it was Old Monster Situ, it's hard to say, maybe he was instigating the ancestors of the Qiu family, after all, two of the descendants of the Qiu family were killed by Han Feng, one was Qiu Tianyi, and the other was Qiu Huahua, presumably the ancestors of the Qiu family knew about it heart.

For no reason, Han Feng felt the pressure. Previously, Old Freak Situ was afraid of Fairy Red Lotus and didn't dare to attack him, but it didn't mean that the other party gave up. He could let others take action. Anyway, with his method, Fairy Red Lotus would also It's hard to track him down.

What's more, after such a long time, Fairy Honglian has already left him out of the sky, how can she still remember that such a small person like him, why would she come here to stand up for him?If he died, no news of him would reach Fairy Honglian.

Even if Qinglian can still remember him, but the grievances are over, and maybe there will be no more entanglements with him.Moreover, they won't come to protect him specially, and they don't actually have a deep friendship with each other.

"Forget it, I still have to rely on myself. At worst, I'll join the Yuxian Sect to see which alchemy cultivator dares to rely on the strong to bully the weak!" Han Feng thought about it, and his troubles gradually disappeared.

Of course, he didn't want to join the Yuxian Sect unless it was a last resort, and as a casual cultivator, he was more free and free of many constraints.

He put away these thoughts, turned around and flew away from this place, and continued to look for opportunities. Ziyun Valley not only has Ziyun fruit, but also other rare treasures, which can greatly increase strength.


Time flies, and six or seven days pass before you know it.

Han Feng collected and scraped spiritual materials in Ziyun Valley alone. Without the drag of Hu Shuang and others, his efficiency was much higher. He obtained thirteen Ziyun fruits in a row, as well as high-level spiritual materials such as Huangyunhua and Zixinzhu. material.

Of course, during this period, he also encountered several waves of siege by fake alchemy monks, and even once seven fake alchemy monks joined forces to attack him. Even he was seriously injured. If it weren't for these seven Belonging to three different camps, they failed to work together at the last moment, and he caught the opportunity to kill three people in a row, broke through this round, and escaped.

In fact, these fake alchemy cultivators are much stronger than the fake alchemy cultivators they met before, and they cooperated very well, leaving him no loopholes to take advantage of, otherwise he would not be at a disadvantage. Fortunately, these guys are fighting among themselves. Turned over by him.

However, he didn't dare to continue entanglement. After all, he was not in good condition. Every time he killed a person, he spent a lot of Yuanli, pushing the broken sword to the extreme, otherwise it would be difficult to kill and break through at the critical moment.

Ziyun Valley has a vast terrain, with mountains and waters inside, dense rivers, clouds and mist, lush trees, and extremely high humidity.

At this moment, Han Feng was hiding on an inconspicuous hill, running the Spiritual Vajra Technique to heal his wounds. Clouds were steaming all over his body, red light was shining, and scars on his body surface were healing rapidly. It got out, like a bug, it looked very disgusting, and it smelled extremely bad.

This is him recuperating internal injuries and repairing wounds inside his body. He was jointly attacked by seven powerhouses. Even if he had the Spirit Refining Vajra Art as a protection, it was difficult to protect him completely. Full of scars.


He vomited out a mouthful of blood, his whole body felt comfortable, his injuries were basically healed, his combat power returned to its peak state again, and his strength was slightly improved. It seemed that a big battle had squeezed out his potential and made him a little stronger.

"Sure enough, life and death combat is the best way to train people!" Han Feng said with emotion.

Originally, he was thinking about avoiding the edge for the time being, leaving this valley, and finding them to settle accounts after he became stronger, but he didn't expect that he would be a blessing in disguise, and even improved a little.

At his level, unless there is a breakthrough in the realm, such as being promoted to the Fake Pill Realm, it will be difficult to improve his strength. After all, he is already in the Great Perfection of Guiyuan, and in his mind, there should be no progress.

The purpose of his coming here is to directly break through to the fake alchemy realm here, and he can make progress without realizing it. Human potential seems to be unlimited, and there is no end in sight.

"If that's the case, let's make the storm more violent!" Han Feng opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in them, whispering to himself.

However, he is not in a hurry to find those people to fight against right now, because he is in excellent physical condition at the moment, with well-developed meridians, and traces of medicinal power are constantly oozing out from the depths of his body, nourishing his body and making him feel warm all over.

He immediately ran the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to temper his body with the power of these medicines, and turned it into steel. Anyway, his body has not reached its limit, and he can continue to climb higher mountains.

The time for a stick of incense passed quickly, Han Feng's body glowed more and more intensely, the heat wave was rolling, the walls in the cave could no longer hold up, they melted one after another, dripping down like running water.

Outside the entrance of the cave, the cover formation he arranged casually could no longer block his aura from leaking out, spreading far, far away.


More than half an hour later, over the mountain where Han Feng was located, more than a dozen lights and shadows suddenly flew from the east, each with a majestic aura, like a mountain like a mountain, vast and surging.

"Han Feng, I know you're hiding inside. We've assembled thirteen fake alchemy experts this time. It's better for you to catch them without a fight, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood!" shouted.

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