Lord of the Runes

Chapter 517 Oolong Tree

An hour later, Han Feng and his party of nine arrived at the place in the southeast.

On the way, I encountered several waves of unsightly gang attacks, but they were all safe and sound. They killed a large group of monks and gained a lot of spoils.

It is precisely because of this that they have spent so much time rushing here.

After a distance of more than ten miles, Han Feng led the people to land down. With his soul power unleashed, he searched carefully, but failed to find any monks.

Hu Shuang and the others naturally also launched their own soul power searches, and searched the area with a radius of twenty or thirty miles. Cloud fruit tree.

"Sister Hu, what's going on?" Luo Shuangshuang looked around and asked.

"I don't know what's going on. I found out that there are many monks gathered here before." Hu Shuang was also confused and couldn't figure it out for a long time.

"Then let's find the next place quickly. Time is running out. It is reported that Ziyun fruit can only stay on the tree for seven days after it matures. No one knows when they will fester and disappear." Hu Lan slightly Said impatiently.

As he said that, he looked at Hu Shuang, as if he wanted her to cast another spell to explore the distant area.

"My ability is limited, and I can't continuously perform secret techniques in such a short period of time. Let's leave here first." Hu Shuang glared at Hulan and said angrily.

Hu Lan couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and retreated a step back. Just as he was about to take off and fly away, a tree with a crooked neck next to him suddenly burst into light, extending over at a very fast speed. The big black mouth suddenly came towards him to devour it!

He turned pale with fright, folded his hands together, and under the seal formula flying, the appearance of true essence emerged behind him. It was a colorful tiger, shining with light, and with a roar, it resisted the attack of the crooked-neck tree. devour.

Unexpectedly, this crooked-neck tree is quite powerful, with its big black mouth gleaming with thousands of rays of black light, it only took a moment to corrode the big body of the big tiger behind Hulan, making it shake endlessly, Almost collapsed!

Hu Lan roared loudly, turned his body around in the form of true essence, clenched his fists with both hands, and made dozens of punch marks, the shadow of the tiger was like a tide, and all of them rushed towards the crooked neck tree.

"Bang bang bang..."

After a burst of violent noise, the crooked-neck tree was stopped and could not get closer.

But at this moment, four crooked-neck trees on the other two sides also extended over, opened their mouths to bite, broke through Hulan's fist in an instant, and slammed into his true essence, and immediately Let his body tremble violently, vomiting blood.

Hulan felt cold in his heart, secretly exclaimed that something was wrong, and when he was about to use his desperate secret technique, a figure flew towards him, and with a few bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang .

Hu Lan looked up, it turned out that it was Han Feng who rushed over at some time, and knocked down the crooked neck tree besieging him with three blows.

All this is cumbersome to say, but it actually happened in a blink of an eye.


The crooked-neck trees around became violent, and the big trees pulled up their roots and swam over like snakes, and they all released a dazzling black light. The trunk opened a big mouth in the middle, and spewed out beams of light. All of a sudden, they attacked Hu Shuang and the others.

"Damn it, this is the oolong tree, let's kill it!" Lang Bang said angrily, holding the long sword tightly in his right hand, and the sword light gushed out, tens of feet in length and width, resisting the siege of this group of oolong trees.

Hu Shuang also put on the colorful clothes again, holding a jade knife, the light of the knife was like a golden thread, spreading out like a net, blocking all kinds of attacks of Oolongshu.

The rest of the people also gathered around, deployed all kinds of defenses, and joined forces to fight against Oolongshu.

After Hulan got out of trouble, he rushed to the team immediately and worked together.

The group of them had a tacit understanding. Once they were in danger, they immediately huddled together and moved towards the east together.

Han Feng's soul power unfolded. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but praise secretly, but he didn't rush over, but took charge of it alone, fighting the six oolong trees coming from the west by himself.

The strength of these oolong trees is comparable to that of Guiyuan Consummation, even compared to Hu Lan and Zhuang Lin's generation, but in Han Feng's eyes, it is nothing more than that. Throwing fists, clapping hands from time to time, the waves of heat are roaring, and red clouds are roaring, killing all the six oolong trees in a short while.

With Han Feng standing behind them, the pressure on Hu Shuang and the others was greatly reduced. They broke through the obstacles of many oolong trees in a short while and successfully escaped from this area.

Han Feng was not in a hurry to leave, he was still wandering in the woods, breaking the oolong tree with his bare hands from time to time, because by chance, he found a drop of dragon's blood hidden in some extremely powerful oolong tree. Thin, incomparable to the blood beads in the previous blood pool.

However, the strength of this kind of oolong tree has also been greatly improved, and it is even stronger than Lang Bang. It took Han Feng a lot of effort to defeat them and obtain the weak dragon blood inside them.

When he was invincible and killed nearly a hundred oolong trees one after another, the group of oolong trees no longer dared to rush forward, and retreated one after another, running faster than anyone else, fearing that they would not be able to hide.

How could Han Feng miss such an opportunity, so he wanted to take advantage of the situation to chase after him, but at this moment, a large group of lights and shadows appeared from several directions in the distant sky, obviously other monks rushed over.

It's right to think about it, there is a murderous aura here, and there are many capable people in the other gangs. They can also expand their soul power search range like Hu Shuang, and the accuracy is even better than that. It is not difficult to find the abnormality here.

Han Feng was worried that Hu Shuang and the others would suffer if they encountered them, so he stopped chasing Wulongshu, turned around and flew towards Hu Shuang and the others.

When he got to Hu Shuang and the others, lights and shadows from all directions gradually approached this area. They were divided into two groups, one group went straight to the oolong tree, and the other group came towards Han Feng as a group.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what should we do?" Hu Shuang approached and asked worriedly.

The other eight people also looked at Han Feng, vaguely considering him as the backbone of the group.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, let's see and talk." Han Feng waved his hand, his face as calm as water, and said lightly.

All kinds of rays of light converge, and a large number of monks will fall from the sky. There are 30 to [-] monks, all of whom are of great aura. comparable to.

They looked haughty and looked at Han Feng and the others indifferently, as if they were sure of Han Feng and the others, as if they had nothing to fear.

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