Lang Bang coughed twice, broke the awkward atmosphere in the arena, and said, "How do we deal with this guy now?"

Han Feng glanced at him, smiled faintly, and asked, "I'll leave this person to you, you can decide on your own." Then, he threw the banned Wu Shi to Lang Bang, clapped his hands, and said Turn around and walk into the area where the Ziyun fruit tree is, silently observe and think.

Lang Bang was stunned, but he was not an indecisive person. He immediately cut off Wu Shi's head with a sharp sword, completely extinguishing Wu Shi's vitality.

With him taking the lead, all the surviving monks were killed by Hu Lan, Zhuang Lin and others, leaving no one behind.

They know very well that in this proving ground, it is purgatory, and to be tolerant to the enemy is to be cruel to themselves, and no one knows whether the enemy they let go will come back to bite them.Moreover, only the dead can keep the secret, otherwise if people know that they have obtained the purple cloud fruit, it may cause a group attack, and it will be a big trouble.

After a while, Hu Shuang was holding a lot of various storage rings and space storage bags. She walked to Han Feng's side and shouted, "Fellow Daoist Han, the trophies are here, you can choose first."

Han Feng turned his head, took a few glances, and said with a relaxed face: "You can just divide it up by yourself, I only need this purple cloud fruit, and I will share it with you when I find other purple cloud fruits next time, how about it? "

Hu Shuang seemed to have expected that Han Feng would have such a plan, she said with a cheerful smile: "Of course, it's just that the Ziyun fruit is not so easy to pick, at least neither Lang Bang nor I have the ability to get it, it seems that I put it before It's too easy to think about."

"It's okay, I can give it a try. If there are purple cloud fruits in the future, I will help you pick some back. As for how to distribute them, you can decide for yourself!" Han Feng shrugged and looked at the purple cloud fruit tree in front of him quietly. Jing said.

After saying this, without waiting for Hu Shuang to answer, he raised his feet and walked towards the purple cloud fruit tree.

Hu Shuang seemed to have great confidence in him, turned around and left without looking at him, returned to Lang Bang and others, and began to divide up the spoils.

When Han Feng came within three feet of the Ziyun fruit tree, the Ziyun fruit tree burst out with dazzling brilliance again, shooting out tens of hundreds of beams of light, stabbing like sharp swords!

The blood in Han Feng's body surged, condensed into layers of light curtains, blocked them, and ripples appeared, spreading out circle after circle, rolling with energy, leaving white marks in the air.

Han Feng's blood boiled, and he walked steadily forward step by step. The Ziyun fruit tree couldn't help him at all. After a while, he approached him to a distance of ten feet. It didn't seem long before he could reach the Ziyun fruit tree. Pluck the fruit nearby.

Although the purple cloud fruit tree has not yet produced will, it already has an instinct, and when it senses danger, it immediately releases a more magnificent and blazing brilliance, gathers on the crown, and suddenly condenses into a beam of light about a foot thick, reaching directly into the sky, rumbling Slash towards Han Feng!

The void is distorted, and the light shines in all directions!

Han Feng's face was serious, he raised his hands, and embraced them in his arms. A round of crimson sun floated up and grew bigger. In the blink of an eye, it turned into Zhang Xu's size and soared up, blocking the beam of light. hit.


A huge sound spread, like a volcanic eruption, the energy was surging, the air waves were surging, and the ground with a radius of tens of feet continued to collapse and sink.

Han Feng's body swayed, and the blood-colored giant tiger appeared behind him, resisting the impact from all directions, without taking a step back.

The beam of light emitted from the purple cloud fruit tree was fused by the red flame-like sun, and it collapsed and disappeared after a while.

Han Feng's eyes lit up, and he raised his right hand swiftly, controlling the blood-colored giant tiger's right front paw to slap down on the purple cloud fruit tree. The ferocious force was released, suppressing the brilliance of the purple cloud fruit tree, but it failed It was completely dim, and it was still struggling, colliding with his power and sparking brilliantly, the surrounding foundation pits collapsed again, and the raging wild smoke billowed into the sky.

Hu Shuang and the others had already retreated far away from this area, watching the battle between Han Feng and Ziyun Fruit Tree from a distance, their eyes were shining brightly, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Seeing that Ziyun fruit tree was still resisting, Han Feng couldn't help but snorted slightly in his nostrils. He stretched out his left hand. In his hand, the scarlet cloud was extremely blazing like red lightning. The blow was unbearable, with ripples again and again, as if he would lose in the next moment.

The purple cloud fruit tree resisted tenaciously, but it couldn't stand Han Feng's repeated attacks. The brilliance around it was finally broken after more than ten breaths. It shook unceasingly, and countless green leaves fell from the crown.

Han Feng took advantage of the situation and stepped over. The blood-colored giant tiger was as powerful as a sea, instantly enveloping the opponent, and firmly restrained him. Then he reached in with his hand, and quickly picked off the opponent's fruit amidst the flashing blood. cloud fruit.

After he picked it off, he immediately put it in a jade box, immediately hid it in the storage ring, turned around and left without destroying the purple cloud fruit tree.

The brilliance of the purple cloud fruit tree reappeared, but it seemed that it was a little afraid of Han Feng, and did not dare to continue to attack Han Feng, allowing him to leave.

"Let's go, let's go to the next destination." Han Feng came to Hu Shuang and the others and said calmly.

After seeing his strength, Hu Shuang and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

Hu Shuang even took out the gray disk again, used it to expand his soul power again, and accurately searched for the existence of Ziyunguo within a thousand miles.

Han Feng's eyes showed a strange light. Although he also has the compass that can expand the range of soul power, the accuracy is far inferior to Hu Shuang's, so he still has to rely on the other party's assistance.

Of course, every time this thing is used, it consumes a lot. Hu Shuang maintains this state for a long time. After searching for a meal, her face starts to turn white, and the light of soul power between her eyebrows gradually dims.

"Let's go eight hundred miles to the southeast, there may be Ziyun fruit trees there!" Hu Shuang put away the disc, took a breath, and said slowly.

"How is it possible?" Lang Bang asked doubtfully.

The rest of the people also looked at her, obviously having the same question.

"I don't know too much, but there seems to be a large number of monks gathered there, and the energy mechanism is disordered, which interferes with my judgment. As for other places, there is no trace of Ziyun fruit tree at all, so I feel that there is a possibility of its existence there! "Hu Shuang stroked his long hair and explained unhurriedly.

"If that's the case, then let's go there, and we'll decide when we get there!" Han Feng made a decision with a big wave of his hand, and immediately took the group of them to fly in that direction.

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