Lord of the Runes

Chapter 511 Showdown

Xueshayan flashed his eyes, and immediately slashed horizontally with a big knife in his hand, and the knife energy shot up into the sky, suppressing the surrounding fields, and there were one after another terrifying collision with Han Feng's infinite fist power. As a thousand-sided mirror, it reflects thousands of colorful lights, which is magnificent.

After a long time, the strength of the fist and the energy of the sword subsided, and the surroundings returned to calm, but a radius of two or three hundred feet had been razed to the ground, and all the big trees within this range disappeared without a trace.

Xuesha stood with his sword horizontally, unscathed, but his aura was slightly fluctuating. Apparently blocking Han Feng's Batian Fist just now cost him a lot of vitality.

"Are you kidding me? Your strength is enough to make it into the top ten!" Xue Sha shouted coldly as he stared at Han Feng with red eyes.

"Top ten? Maybe it is." Han Feng sneered, and stopped talking nonsense with him. The Sunshine Tongtian Art in his body was activated, and the scarlet glow burst out, and the heat wave was rolling, directly melting the ground he was standing on into magma, bubbles Emerge from time to time, explode from time to time, cooing.

"Hmph, even so, so what! Except for the top three guys who make me jealous, the rest are not my opponents, let you see my real strength, die!" Xuesha coldly snorted, his expression became resolute , holding the machete with both hands, blood gleaming all over his body, murderous aura rising.

"It depends on whether you can block my move, human knife mixed yuan slash!" After Xue Sha said this, he was already covered by the bloody knife light and almost merged into one.


A human-shaped knife flashed by, and the speed increased to a level exceeding [-] times the speed of sound in an instant. It pulled out a long ravine on the ground, murderous like the sea, and slashed towards Han Feng fiercely!

Han Feng's pupils shrunk slightly, and instead of retreating, he advanced, and a round of the sun appeared, and he slashed down in the air!


Loud roar, earth-shattering!

Han Feng's figure retreated violently, the sun's appearance collapsed, but the human-shaped sword light transformed by the blood killing was fixed in the field, the blood light collapsed, and fell one by one like rusty iron sheets, finally revealing the original shape of the blood killing. The whole body was covered in blood, which was horrible.

"Impossible, impossible, it's also a heavenly technique, how can your true energy be so much stronger than me!" Xuesha murmured to himself with eyes full of disbelief.

The vitality in Han Feng's body surged, and it took a while to calm down. He looked at Xuesha, took a deep breath, and was about to continue to attack, but Xuesha suddenly turned around and ran away.

"It turns out that you are a man of Heavenly Rank Returning to Yuan Dynasty!" In the distance, came the voice of Xue Shafan awakening.

How could Han Feng allow him to leave? If he was killed by blood and publicized everywhere, he would have to be paid close attention to. After all, it is still rare for a man of heaven to return to the Yuan Dynasty.If he is targeted by the old monster of knot formation, it will be a blessing or a disaster.

He performed the Yunbu Jue, supported by the flying clouds, with a step of more than two thousand feet, completely ignoring the attacks of the surrounding trees, he clapped his hands continuously, and the red clouds surged, cutting them all off.

At this time, Xuesha was also desperately trying to perform the thaumaturgy of combining human and knife again. His speed soared, and he was on par with Han Feng, and he was not caught up by Han Feng.

Time passed bit by bit, and before they knew it, the two of them, one in front of the other, straddled tens of miles and approached the outer area of ​​the Scarlet Forest.

There was a sudden sound of fighting in front of him, Han Feng was slightly surprised, but he didn't know who broke in for a while, and his soul power could only cover five or six hundred feet here.


There was a loud noise, and the battle ahead suddenly became fierce, and the sky exploded.

Han Feng's eyes flickered, he glanced past, and walked a distance of nearly [-] feet. His soul power dispersed, and he saw two figures trying their best to resist the bloody attack.

These two people are Hu Shuang and Lang Bang.

Although they are much stronger than ordinary Guiyuan perfect monks, they can't be compared with Xuesha. One face to face, only two rounds, and the two of them were blown away by Xuesha.

If it wasn't for Xuesha who was afraid of Han Feng who was chasing after him, and Xuesha was already injured and didn't dare to do it with all his strength, otherwise the two of them would be chopped into pieces.

Han Feng chased after him calmly, raised his hand, stretched out the bloody tiger claws, and slapped towards Xuesha from the air!

Xue Sha had no choice but to leave the two of them behind, once again united with the sword, and left quickly.

"Hmph, you're slowing down!" Han Feng shouted coldly. He seized this moment and suddenly turned into a blood-colored giant tiger outside him. With a kick of both feet, his speed increased by a few points. The momentum rushed to the blood to kill!

The entire ground was stepped out of two deep pits by the blood-colored giant tiger. Its speed soared and it jumped high.

The bloody killing roared again and again, the man and the sword united, rushing from left to right, trying to break through the energy blockade of the blood-colored giant tiger, a loud bang, thump, thud, burst out, the energy was like thunder, the cloud road shot out, the void twisted again, one after another Colored light scattered out.

As Han Feng approached, another Batian fist blasted out, with endless power gushing out, drowning in blood, forcing him to face it head-on.


The blood-killing knives combined to chop out pieces of knife light, stopping the fist power all over the sky, and all the voices gathered into a loud bang that shook the sky, and even the void was shaken, splendor again and again.

The strength of the fist dissipated, and the power of the blood tiger also disintegrated, and the blood killing was immediately blown away, revealing its original shape, but the machete was still in his hand, holding it tightly!

"Han Feng, don't force me!" Xue Sha looked up at Han Feng and shouted angrily.

"I will never forgive my enemies, and I always kill them without leaving any hidden dangers!" Han Feng said coldly.

"That's fine, you're ruthless! If that's the case, I'll let you see my blood killing all directions!" After Xue Sha said, he suddenly let go of the machete in his hand, but it didn't fall to the ground, but floated up , The light of the knife flashed, and it turned into a bloody light in an instant. The knife energy in it was permeating, and the killing intent was boiling.

"So this machete is your true essence!" Han Feng suddenly realized, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Hmph, this is its true face. The opponents in the past, those who have seen it in this form are all dead, and you are no exception!" Xuesha coldly snorted.

As he spoke, he made a tactic with both hands, and the magnificent sea of ​​blood and light above his head, which had reached hundreds of feet, suddenly spun at a high speed, and light blades about ten feet long flew out, at an extremely fast speed, in a flash, They went to Han Feng's side, but they were all blocked by Han Feng's externalized blood-colored giant tiger, which only made circles of ripples on its surface.


With Xuesha yelling, he clenched his hands violently, and the sea of ​​blood light above his head immediately spewed out a huge blade with a thickness of [-] feet, turned backwards, and slashed towards Han Feng.

At this moment, even the void is twisting and twisting slightly, and its power can be seen!

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