Lord of the Runes

Chapter 510 Blood Killing Appears

"Bang bang bang..."

A large area of ​​trees collapsed and crumbled, sawdust flew across, and the blood was scattered.

Han Feng drove straight in, destroying all the way, and soon advanced more than ten miles, and came to an open place, which was hundreds of feet wide, and in the middle was a blood pool that was only more than ten feet in size. soaring.

Seeing that the entire open space was dyed red by the pool of blood, Han Feng's face was solemn, and he didn't rush forward. He released his soul power, scanned the pool of blood, and was immediately locked in by a domineering aura. Come, it seems to penetrate into his soul sea through his soul power.

Han Feng was slightly startled, but he didn't panic either. The center of his brows lit up suddenly, his soul power gushed out like a tide, and the seven-colored brilliance was burning like flames. He mobilized the surrounding spiritual energy and quickly condensed into a big dragon. mouth, biting towards the pool of blood.


As bursts of strange sounds spread, the pool of blood turmoiled endlessly, layers of ripples appeared, and the blood light soared. A blood-colored giant dragon emerged out of thin air, majestic, roaring from its mouth, and directly bowed its head down. In a short time, the colorful dragon cast by Han Feng was knocked into the air, and then a bloody beam of light was sprayed out to attack Han Feng.

Han Feng retreated, raised his right hand, and a great scarlet sword appeared, slashing across hundreds of feet in an instant, and collided with the blood-colored beam of light, making a loud bang , Deafening, spread all over the world.

The air waves soared into the sky, and all kinds of force filled the entire open space, but for some reason, the ground was as hard as black iron, leaving no traces.

Han Feng remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai, his body surface glistened with blood, blocking the wind waves and strength that rolled back, but they rubbed against each other to create bright flames and crackling noises.


The blood-colored giant dragon was completely unafraid of the air waves, and rushed in the opposite direction, cutting through the waves of energy in the sky like a big knife. It opened its bloody mouth, emitting a dark red light, with a terrifying breath, as if it wanted to swallow Han Feng in one gulp. .

Han Feng was about to fight back with all his strength, but at this moment, his soul sea swayed slightly, and the brilliant white light from the residual talisman swayed endlessly, as if warning.

He immediately became alert, heeled a little, and moved several hundred feet horizontally.

Just at this moment, two blood-colored sword glows flashed out without warning behind the place where he was originally standing.

Murderous aura filled the air, making people extremely depressing!

The blood-colored dragon just rushed here, and immediately collided head-on with these two sword lights. With two loud bangs, the blood-colored dragon was shaken away by dozens of feet. The blood light was dim, and it felt like it was about to collapse. .

Han Feng's eyes were deep, and he moved his eyes to look at the jungle behind him. After a while, a man in a blood-colored robe came out slowly.

His pupils shrank, he knew this person, he was the blood killer ranked ninth!

"Hey, I have completely merged with this bloody forest. I didn't expect you to notice my existence. It seems that I underestimated you." Xuesha leaned against a broken tree next to him , with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Han Feng and said unhurriedly.

Han Feng glanced at him calmly, muttering in his heart, this guy's ability to hide his breath is also top-notch, especially in such an environment, he is even more at ease, and it is very likely that it has a lot to do with the exercises he practiced. relation.

"You want to kill me?" Han Feng looked at him and asked directly without any nonsense.

"Of course, what I said must be fulfilled, otherwise, how can I hang out on the road. I didn't expect such a coincidence that I met you. Do you think it's my luck or your bad luck? Haha!" Blood Killing looked relaxed and said.

"My life is up to me and not up to you. You are very confident, but unfortunately your vision is not high enough. Can't you see that my strength is also in the state of return to perfection?" Han Feng said lightly without the slightest angry expression on his face road.

"Of course I know that your strength is enough to sweep away ordinary Guiyuan perfect monks, but killing you is still as easy as killing a dog. If you don't believe me, take a look!" Xuesha said arrogantly.

As he spoke, he held forward with one hand, his blood coagulated, and a machete as long as ten feet long appeared in his hand. He slashed forward with all his strength, but the target was not Han Feng, but pointed at The roaring blood dragon rushing to kill it!

The light of the sword is like blood, and the murderous aura is like a mountain!

In an instant, the blood dragon was submerged by the light of the blade, making it unable to break through, and it continued to dissolve in the murderous aura like boiling, like ice and snow being exposed to the scorching sun, which is very strange.

After a while, the blood dragon completely disappeared, turning into spots of blood and spreading away.

Han Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and he saw that the opponent's blow was comparable to the power of a fake pill, but he didn't care at all, and instead looked at the blood pool.

At this time, the waves in the blood pool splashed and rattled, and an even bigger blood dragon condensed out. It was twenty or thirty feet thick, and it was twice as big as the blood pool itself. It roared and rushed over. Attack to kill.

Xuesha sneered, with a flick of his wrist, he slashed out again, the light of the knife gushed out, and blocked the giant dragon again, but this time he failed to kill the opponent instantly. heaven and earth.

The violent energy fluctuations swept across the world, and the void was distorted by it, refracting thousands of colorful lights, which was too beautiful to behold.

With a thought in his mind, Han Feng deliberately retreated hundreds of feet and hid in the jungle to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

"Hehe, I just thought of running away now, but can you run away?" Xue Sha smiled, he thought he could frighten Han Feng and make Han Feng feel like retreating.

After saying this, Xuesha ignored the blood dragon, passed across the sky, and followed Han Feng closely.

I have to admit that Xuesha's strength is very strong, and his speed is also very fast. In just one breath, he can span a distance of nearly two thousand feet, which is infinitely close to the level of a strong person in the fake alchemy realm.

Han Feng didn't start his extreme speed, so he kept at a level of more than [-] feet at a time. After a few breaths, he was chased by Xuesha.


A large swath of saber light emerged, and before it even reached it, it shattered the blood-colored forest with a radius of tens of feet. Turn into powder.

The light of the sword landed in the air, like water like a tide, covering a radius of tens of feet, trying to suppress and strangle Han Feng!

Han Feng snorted, his speed soared, and he moved more than a hundred feet at the moment, successfully avoiding the opponent's saber light, and turned around, stepped forward, surpassing the speed of two thousand feet in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the bloody area. In front of him, he punched out, with infinite dominance!

It's Batian Fist again!

The whole world was filled with fists, and the power of the fists filled all directions, forcing the blood to fight head-to-head!

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