Lord of the Runes

Chapter 506 Dissatisfied

Han Feng's arrival did not attract their attention. Most of them still talked loudly and formed cliques. After all, this trial was not just to fight against the monks in Dachuan City, but to compete with the monks in hundreds of cities in the Baicrocodile River Valley. chance.

At this moment, Luo Sulan was also in the arena, chatting with a tall man, seeing Han Feng approaching, she just glanced at him lightly, and ignored him.

Han Feng didn't mind at all, and walked to the corner in silence, waiting for the person in charge of the Loose Cultivation Alliance to come over.

After a while, the rest of the monks who were qualified to enter the White Crocodile Cave rushed over one after another. To Han Feng's surprise, Hu Shuang also came. Obviously, she no longer hid her strength and passed two levels in a row at the last moment before rushing in. three hundred.

"You came here quite early, do you know any of us?" Hu Shuang walked up to Han Feng and asked in a low voice.

"No, except for Luo Sulan, I don't know anyone else, and they didn't come to look for me." Han Feng swept across the group of people and said calmly.

Hu Shuang rolled her eyes and said angrily, "In that case, let me ask them to come over and get to know you." Then, she released her soul power and transmitted sound transmission to the six monks present.

Not a moment later, these six people came over from different directions one after another, examined Han Feng, and said nothing for a long time.

"Hehe, this is this year's dark horse Han Feng, Fellow Daoist Han. He is very strong and has defeated many opponents in a row. You must have understood it, so I don't need to say more. I hope our team can shine in the White Crocodile Cave. , won the dragon's blood!" Hu Shuang smiled slightly, breaking the silence here, and said with a smile.

Then she introduced the names and rankings of these six people to Han Feng one by one. The highest ranked one was actually at No. 120. His name was Lang Bang, which was much higher than Luo Sulan's previous ranking.

Of course, now Luo Sulan's ranking is only 280th and [-]th, and she was replaced by Han Feng, so she still has a dark face and doesn't give Han Feng a good look.

The other four are between 230th and 250th, which are considered to be in the lower rankings, not outstanding, but they are outstanding in Dachuan City, surpassing countless casual cultivators.

Such a group of rebellious characters like them can form a small group under the convening of Hu Shuang, which shows that Hu Shuang's ability is not ordinary.

"Sister Hu, you suddenly recruited more than one person into the group. This guy is unreliable, so don't drag us down then!" A monk ranked 240th in a light green coat said eccentrically.

Han Feng knew that this person was called Hulan, so he turned his head to look at him immediately, without making a sound, but released a wave of evil spirit, with spiritual pressure like a mountain, covering him alone, causing his complexion to change drastically, and he took two steps back in embarrassment, slightly lowered his voice. He lowered his head, not daring to look up at Han Feng again.

"Who else is not convinced, even if you can stand up, I will write them down one by one. After entering, I will compete with you first, and then discuss cooperation matters, otherwise everything will be useless. I don't want to be with a group of people who don't agree with you." Mixing together is a waste of time!" Han Feng looked around them and said coldly.

"That's a big tone, since that's the case, I'm going to learn a lot, but if I accidentally hurt you seriously, I'm afraid Hu Shuang will be unhappy!" Lang Bang suddenly stepped in front of Hu Lan, blocking him Han Feng said with a serious look on his face.

"If you want to fight, you can fight. Why worry so much? In short, I will accompany you at any time!" Han Feng didn't even look at Hu Shuang's winking expression, and left this sentence naturally, then walked away on his own , not giving them any face.

"What a crazy guy!" Zhuang Lin, who was ranked 230th, cursed in a low voice.

"Can you not be crazy? Even Sister Su Lan has been defeated by him, I hope Brother Lang can suppress him!" A beautiful girl named Luo Shuangshuang looked at Lang Bang expectantly.

"Does it need to be said? He will definitely be defeated. Don't you know that Big Brother Lang is also hiding his strength?!" Zhuang Lin said arrogantly, as if he wanted to defeat Han Feng.

"Speak less, all of you, we'll talk about everything later!" Hu Shuang stared.

The few of them didn't dare to say any more, but Lang Bang stared at Han Feng with piercing eyes, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, obviously he wanted to fight Han Feng.

In fact, he secretly acquiesced in the words of those people just now. The purpose was to pave the way for himself. Otherwise, he might as well challenge Han Feng in front of Hu Shuang. What's the relationship with Feng.

Hu Shuang glanced at Lang Bang, a little helpless, her strength was still not enough, so naturally she couldn't restrain him.What's more, in her heart, she also wanted to use Han Feng's hand to suppress Lang Bang and beat him up, which would be more convenient for her trip.


As more and more monks arrived here, the time was getting closer and closer to noon.

At this moment, [-] monks have gathered here, and they are all looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the remaining monks, and the high-level people of the Loose Cultivation Alliance will open the White Crocodile Cave.

Among them, Zhao Jiagan also came over, walking into Hu Shuang's small team, which really surprised Han Feng.But after thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing wrong. Zhao Jiaqian's strength was already at No. 280 and No. [-], and it was not surprising that he could enter the top [-] again, especially with the help of so many partners.


Not long after, a gust of wind blew by, and hundreds of rays of light flew from a distance, extremely dazzling, especially the first three monks were as blazing as the scorching sun.

"They're finally here!" someone shouted excitedly.

"I didn't expect that even the leaders of the three major gangs came here this time. They are indeed strong men who are infinitely close to the alchemy state. I am afraid that only the top three evildoers can compete with them." A middle-aged man said with emotion .

Han Feng looked up at those people who were slowly descending, and found that the aura of the gang leaders of the three major gangs was only at the level of the fake alchemy realm, but they were much stronger than the fake alchemy monks he encountered before. They are all the leaders of a gang, and the resources they possess are unmatched by those casual cultivators.

As for the top [-] monks standing behind the three of them, they all stood solemnly and expressionlessly.

Han Feng glanced at the group of people briefly. Except for the top ten people who caught his attention, the rest did not catch his attention.Moreover, a pretty girl ranked No.5 made him widen his eyes, and suddenly it was the girl he had met in that mysterious lake before. Her unrestrained behavior at that time really surprised him, and his memory is still fresh!

"It's you!" The girl's nimble eyes suddenly opened wide, she stared fixedly at Han Feng, and said through a voice transmission.

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