Lord of the Runes

Chapter 505 Alliance

"It's easy to say, what if you break the contract before the battle? Even stab us in the back, what should we do?" Hu Shuang's eyes flashed with excitement, but his face showed a deeply suspicious expression.

"Sister Hu, do you think that I, Han Feng, are too nasty?" Han Feng asked nonchalantly.

"You slicker, before entering Dachuan City, you injured Zhao Jiabing and a group of people, what are you afraid to do!" Hu Shuang cursed angrily.

"Haha, I was helping the Zhao family to discipline my son. If you meet a strong man with a worse temper, in this cultivation world where the jungle preys on the weak, do you think Zhao Jiabing can come back alive?" Han Feng laughed. We don't know each other anymore, if there is no such thing, would we still sit here drinking tea and talking about cooperation?"

"Whatever you say is justified. I can decide this matter and let it go." Hu Shuang said. Sincerity?"

"Sister Hu, I found that you are really smart. Not only are you beautiful, but you are also quite smart. You obviously wanted to cooperate with me, but you made it look like I was begging you to cooperate." Han Feng smiled. road.

"What do you mean?" Hu Shuang's eyes flickered a bit, but there was a displeased look on his face.

"Hey, don't pretend, can you be more straightforward? I know what you think in your heart. Ming people don't speak code words. It's better for us to be honest with each other. Let me just say, no matter what kind of cooperation, I just need to agree Now, I will definitely do things according to my promise and live up to each other!" Han Feng pointed it out directly, and the last sentence also made his attitude clear.

"Okay, I'm also a straightforward person, so let's talk about specific matters." Hu Shuang stretched out his hand to stroke the hair next to his ear, and said decisively.


When Han Feng left the teahouse, it was already sunset.

He stepped on the glowing red sunset light, went straight to the thousand-story tower, waited for a while, and then teleported to his own floor, the 280th floor.

In less than a stick of incense, there was a crash, and another person was also teleported here.

This person is a woman, her appearance is ordinary and unremarkable, but she is tall and tall, even bigger than ordinary men, which looks a little weird, she is Luo Sulan.

"You are Han Feng?" Luo Sulan asked straight to the point.

"It's right here." Han Feng said with a relaxed look and a faint smile.

"Sister Hu said that you are very strong and invincible. Try not to fight with you. Although she said it tactfully, I know what she means. She wants me to admit defeat." Luo Sulan said, "It's just that this is against my martial arts. It is not my style to fight and lose, no matter what, I will fight today to see how strong you can be!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she kicked her feet back, and the whole person rushed towards Han Feng like a beast, with gray light shining on her body, and an elephant-like real essence appeared behind her. Shooting out, the entire floor is plunged into a vortex of power.

Repress, pull, tear...

Various forces acted on Han Feng's body, as if they wanted to defeat him immediately.

"There is some strength, but it's a pity it's not enough!" Han Feng pretended to be deep and said something, and suddenly raised his hand, blood burst out, and the giant tiger's claws flew into the air, instantly suppressing all the attacking power.

The next moment, he slapped Luo Sulan down with his claws, and directly collided with her real essence. The fire shone, the lightning roared, and there was a crackling sound, and the road of clouds emerged.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, but Luo Sulan lost the match, was slapped flying by Han Feng's claws, and rolled onto the opposite wall, with a "wow", spit out a mouthful of blood.


Han Feng took a step forward, ignoring the several defenses she had put in place when he was in danger, and passed through directly, and came to her, staring at her coldly, feeling as if he would kill him if he disagreed with her.

"You..." Luo Sulan's face turned pale in panic, she never imagined that there was such a huge gap in strength between herself and Han Feng that she would lose in just one round.

She couldn't believe it, she was so out of breath that she opened her mouth and vomited another mouthful of blood.

"Did you understand this time? You still don't admit defeat? Are you still thinking about continuing to be injured and vomiting blood?" Han Feng asked with a calm expression, but pressed on step by step.

"I, I admit defeat." Luo Sulan was serious, she felt the murderous aura on Han Feng's body, she didn't dare to do it again, and said hastily.

Han Feng nodded, took a step back, and said, "He who knows current affairs is a brilliant man, you are still sober, and you haven't been overwhelmed by obsession."

Luo Sulan snorted and didn't speak again, but there was indeed a little more conviction in her eyes.


For the next three days, Han Feng stayed in the "Yun Lai Feng" inn, meditating silently and adjusting his breath, adjusting his state to the best level.

In the early morning of the next day, his messenger jade badge began to beep. When he clicked on it, it turned out that it was the Loose Cultivator Alliance who initiated the assembly notice, asking them, the top [-] monks, to arrive at the No. [-] Lighthouse of Baicrocodile River at noon Up, no expiration date.

"It's finally about to start." With a calm expression, Han Feng stood up, walked out of his room, called Didi, and talked about it.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Han, it is hopeful to form an alchemy in the future!" Didi said respectfully with a heartfelt joy.

As Han Feng's follower, if Han Feng really breaks through to the Alchemy Realm, his status will rise, and he will be able to rely on him in the Baicrocodile River Basin.

"For the alchemy, we can only do our best to see God's will. It doesn't work hard and there will be results." Han Feng smiled slightly.

In fact, this is also the case. There are many heavenly geniuses in the field of returning to the original state, but they all stop at the alchemy state in the end, and they even fail to break through the false alchemy state.

Han Feng chatted with Didi for a few more words, and then rushed to Lighthouse No. [-] alone. Although it was still very early, he felt that he had to go there sooner. It would be a good thing to get to know the top [-] people, after all Among them are the allies that Hu Shuang mentioned.

He must at least distinguish clearly first, and let them see himself clearly, otherwise after entering the White Crocodile Cave, they will really break through the Dragon King Temple when they fight each other.

The No. [-] lighthouse is not far from the "Yunlaifeng" Inn, only forty or fifty miles away, within half a stick of incense, Han Feng came to that area.

Hundreds of feet away, a round tower as tall as a chimney stands on the bank. There seems to be a round bead on the top, shining brightly. Even if it is daytime, the scorching sun can't hide its brilliance.

At this moment, this area was already full of people, each of them was young, with a strong and unrestrained aura, hundreds of them, in groups of three or five, discussing a lot.

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