Lord of the Runes

Chapter 484 Leaving the Underground Palace

The blue light spread, and soon spread to the canopy of the big tree demon. Together with its own power, it quickly extinguished the black fire around it, successfully saving its own life.

However, after several times of tossing and tossing, it was seriously injured, and it took more than a quarter of an hour before it recovered, and some blackened branches and leaves bloomed buds again, and the blue light shone.

"This guy's vitality is ridiculously strong!" Han Feng watched coldly, muttering inwardly.

After dozens of breaths of work, as a large amount of spiritual energy poured into the body of the big tree demon, new branches and leaves grew out one after another, making it shine, and half of the injury recovered.

"The fire is extinguished, and you have regained your youth. Isn't it time to get down to business?!" During this period, Han Feng also took medicine to adjust his breath and regain his energy, so he said out of nowhere.

"Understood, understood." The big tree demon responded hastily.

After saying this, its main trunk glowed, and then the entire crown of the tree also emitted a bright green light, which slowly condensed and gradually condensed, and in a short while it changed into a talisman with complicated lines, as if it was made of thousands of threads. Outlined by green lines, it looks like jasper, shining like fire.


This sigil flew upwards at a very slow speed, only a few meters away in one breath, as if it was very heavy.

Han Feng staggered his body, allowing the ten-foot-sized talisman to rush to the top of the cave, and with a bang, it was heavily imprinted on it.

Immediately afterwards, the sigil spread out and turned into thousands of silk threads attached to the stone wall, covering the uneven stone surface like a spider web.


There was a sound like a machine was turned on, and the stone surface with a radius of twenty or thirty feet on the top of the cave began to emit gray light, and a striped road was revealed, which gradually coincided with the silk thread of the talisman sacrificed by the big tree demon. On the stone surface, the stones fluctuated up and down, and after a while, the entire stone surface became extremely flat, smooth as a mirror.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, he was a little surprised, he didn't expect such a layout, this underground palace is very likely to be a stone talisman, and every part is engraved with a talisman.

Just as he was thinking secretly, the stone surface above changed again, a burst of brilliance flowed, in the middle, about nine feet in radius, a hole suddenly opened, quickly opened, and in a blink of an eye, it became a hole, empty inside, nothing else , there was a faint cool wind blowing out of it.

"My lord, the entrance of the cave has been opened, please go in as soon as possible, I can't hold it for too long!" The big tree demon said hastily.

"Could it be that you are the guard here?" Han Feng asked without answering.

"I don't know either. This is my innate ability. After living for such a long time, this is the first time I have opened this cave." The big tree demon panted, "Please go in as soon as possible, every breath makes me uncomfortable Extremely, I, I can't hold it anymore!"

Han Feng's soul power spread out and penetrated into the cave entrance. After a careful inspection, he found nothing unusual. Moreover, the passage in the cave suddenly became larger several tens of feet away, as if it had penetrated another horizontal passage.

Without any hesitation, he rushed in immediately, and within a few flashes, he reached the horizontal corridor.

Just at this moment, the hole below began to heal, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Han Feng turned around and stroked the stone wall, and found that the joints were tight, without any trace of healing, and the secret path was miraculous.

Then, he looked back at this corridor, and found that it was glittering with crystals, and there were also dense spars on the walls, which made him feel uneasy, for fear that they would suddenly explode again, forming a terrifying flame.

He didn't dare to stay, and immediately walked to the right, because at the last moment, the big tree demon sent him a sound transmission through the air, saying that he was walking all the way to the right, and he would be able to get out of the underground palace if there were no accidents.

As for the reason, it only said that it was a memory deeply hidden in its soul consciousness, and it didn't know if it was correct.

Han Feng naturally didn't know if it was true or not, but he must not have dared to lie to him, otherwise he would go back to that cave, and it would have died.

Moreover, from Han Feng's point of view, the most important function of this underground palace is to seal the ghost princess. It has no other purpose, and there will be no secret treasures.

Even the reason why he was able to go to the cave and the lake smoothly should be thanks to Yan Yanfang's leading the way, especially that time she broke through the passage, she definitely went through many passages and went directly to the destination up.

At the same time, he secretly guessed that the plants on that island were most likely created by the ghost princess. As for why the resurrection grass was cultivated and what the purpose was, only Yan Yanfang and the ghost princess knew.

In less than half an hour, Han Feng walked out of this horizontal corridor and went to another passage without any surprise or danger.

This passage was even bigger, with a width of three feet. The surroundings were sparkling with crystal lights, and the walls were still inlaid with crystal stones, which dazzled Han Feng.

He didn't think much about it, as soon as he came here, he immediately turned right, and after walking for a while, he was about to turn, and then he meandered upwards, with endless twists and turns.

Time flew by, Han Feng turned right all the way, passed through countless passages, and finally, after half a day, came to the passage he had entered in the first place.

He found that the spar in this passage had disappeared, presumably it was consumed after the self-explosion, making it so dark that the place was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers.

What's even more frightening is that even his soul power can only cover a range of five or six feet.

"It seems that Yan Yanfang was responsible for the eruption of crystal stones before. The purpose was to let me enter that cave. Fortunately, her trick was detected in advance, otherwise, in her full power, she would have absorbed half of the rejuvenation grass. Energy, I am in jeopardy!" Han Feng secretly rejoiced while running fast.

This passage is very long, and it took Han Feng half an hour to reach the end and smoothly enter the entrance passage.

The entrance passage climbed up in a spiral shape, and Han Feng kept going around in circles, and it took him a while to finish walking, and he successfully reached the west entrance of the cave.

The hole is still open at this moment, and there is even a ray of sunlight slanting in, making it look a little warm.

Han Feng took a step forward and finally returned to the outside world.

"Haha, you kid finally came out, hand over everything you got, we brothers can consider letting you live!"

Suddenly, a hearty voice came from mid-air, the tone was arrogant and extremely arrogant.

Han Feng was deeply surprised. He raised his head and followed the sound, only to see Wu Nan suspended in the air, his eyes like eagles, staring at Han Feng gloomyly.

Not far from both sides of Wu Nan, there were two monks whose aura was no weaker than his. One was wearing a light blue Taoist robe embroidered with gold threads, and the other was wearing a fiery red brocade coat.

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