Lord of the Runes

Chapter 483 Persecution

The crystal light on Yiyan Yanfang's eyebrows became more and more powerful, bursting out continuously, like a river washing against a bank, repeatedly impacting the seal of the ghost princess, gradually dimming it, it seemed that it would not take long to completely break her seal.

But at this moment, Han Feng exerted all his strength, and the suction of the sky bag reached the strongest, and finally absorbed the rejuvenation grass, flew into the sky bag with a whoosh sound, and disappeared without a trace.

In fact, this is also the reason why Yan Yanfang infiltrated it with her soul power to grab the energy of the soul-returning grass, otherwise, with the power of the soul-returning grass, she should be able to hold on for a little longer.

Han Feng was overjoyed, and while Yan Yanfang was in a daze, he punched one after another formula into the hidden sky bag with two hands, shrunk it down, and pocketed it.

Yan Yanfang snorted, even though she couldn't completely break through the seal of the ghost princess, she didn't show any nervousness on her face. With a wave of her hand, she manipulated the phantom behind her again to reach out and point, and a series of blue beams shot at Han Feng.

Han Feng smiled slightly. At this moment, he was able to completely free his hands. The blood in his body exploded, and he instantly transformed into a giant blood-colored tiger. It expanded rapidly and became seven hundred feet in size. With the sound of creaking, many branches were broken .


With one paw of the blood-colored giant tiger, it was completely unafraid of Yan Yanfang's azure blue light beam. After a few shots, the bloody light surged and wiped them all out!

Yan Yanfang was astonished, and immediately executed a tactic, strands of dark blue light emerged from her body, wrapping her and galloping away, retreating a distance of nearly a thousand feet in an instant, avoiding the capture of the bloody giant claws!

Han Feng's eyes flickered, and he drove the blood-colored giant tiger forward to kill him, but the speed of the opponent was much faster than him, and he disappeared within a few breaths. Even if he was still within the range of his soul power, he couldn't attack. Arrived.

Han Feng's brows were flickering with crystal light, and the colorful light was swaying endlessly. He constantly cast soul power spells from the air, mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to encircle Yan Yanfang, trying to restrain her footsteps, but unfortunately the opponent's secret technique was extremely powerful, even though Han Feng's soul Her strength cultivation had reached the middle stage, but she couldn't stop her, allowing her to completely leave the range of his soul power and run away.

But at this moment, the branches and leaves in the canopy were vertical and horizontal, and the branches and leaves were shining, and a large number of attacks rained down, attacking Han Feng one after another.

Han Feng resisted with brute force, controlling the giant blood-colored tiger to open and close, to slash horizontally and vertically with four claws, tearing a large number of branches and leaves into fine pieces.

"Little thief, I will fight with you!"

The big tree demon was so frightened that the entire canopy of the tree suddenly burst into flames, and the green light was like fire, rushing from all directions, as if it wanted to burn Han Feng to ashes!

Han Feng was as motionless as a mountain, and the blood-colored giant shrank rapidly, until it was only ten feet in size. The blood was dazzling, layer upon layer, resisting the green flames.

He didn't move around, just stayed where he was and resisted.

At the same time, the light between his brows became more intense, and he made a tactic with both hands, a black light flickered above his head, and a black fire mark emerged, quickly compressed, and within eight breaths, an ellipsoidal black talisman appeared above him. The black light is shining, and the momentum is soaring.

"go with!"

Han Feng shouted violently, and the black fire seal in the strongest state flew out, completely ignoring the dense green flames around him, and rushed straight down, aiming at the trunk of the big tree demon!

The big tree demon saw that the most powerful black fire seal was invincible and invincible, so he couldn't help panicking, and quickly flew out a large piece of wood whiskers and roots, desperately trying to stop it.

It's a pity that no matter whether it's roots or wood whiskers, it can't stop the strongest black fire mark, and they are all burned by the black light escaping from the surface of the black fire mark, rushing to the ground as if entering no one's land. before its trunk.


With a loud bang, the strongest black fire mark hit the trunk of the big tree demon, and the black light diffused, drowning it in an instant, and the black fire emerged and burned blazingly.

No matter how the big tree demon resisted and struggled, it was useless. The black fire was violent, burning everything, spreading all the way up, and within three or four breaths, it ignited its entire trunk, burning extremely vigorously, and continuing to spread upwards , began to burn its canopy.

"Puff puff……"

The big tree demon struggled to die, and condensed a large cloud of dark green liquid, which fell on the black flames like a torrential rain, but it didn't extinguish the black flames that were burning more and more.

The big tree demon was not willing to give up, nor did he want to beg for mercy, and continued to resist desperately. Roots emerged from the ground, shining with dazzling light, and kept beating himself, trying to extinguish the black fire with brute force.

But after a while, the black flame did not go out, but became more and more intense. Not only was a large piece of its entire trunk burned, but also its crown was burned, and a large piece was also missing, thick Smoke rose from all directions, and various powders rustled and fell, one after another.

"My lord, please spare me!"

The big tree demon finally couldn't hold it anymore and began to beg for mercy.Under its control, the emerald green flames besieging Han Feng gradually disappeared, revealing Han Feng's intact figure.

Han Feng snorted coldly, and said lightly: "I can save you, but first tell me where is the exit of this cave?"

"What if after I tell you, you don't put out the fire for me and just walk away, what should I do?" The big tree demon hesitated for a while, then asked slowly.

"Hey, I mean what I say, as long as you are sincere, you won't die, otherwise I don't mind adding fire to you!" Han Feng sneered.

"It's just above your head, covered by my branches and leaves." The big tree demon said hastily, a little flustered.


Without further ado, Han Feng passed through the densely packed branches and leaves with a whoosh, unceremoniously waved his hand and chopped off a few branches of the big tree demon. When he exited this area, there was a vast expanse of space.

However, there is nothing on the top except for the uneven stone wall, let alone an exit.

"Little demon, how dare you lie to me?!" Han Feng searched around with his soul power, but he couldn't help but annoyed as he found nothing unusual.

"My lord, don't worry, there is a small formation here, I need to open it, but in my current state, I am powerless." The big tree demon said pitifully.

"Hmph, I'll spare your life first. If you still dare to play tricks, I will serve you with ten of the strongest black fire marks!" Han Feng snorted coldly, and as he said his hands together, azure blue water began to condense above his head. Qi, the Miao watermark emerged, quickly compressed, and within less than eight breaths, it was transformed into an ellipsoid, and the blue light shone like the sun.


With a thought in Han Feng's mind, this most powerful Miao Watermark flew down, passed through the canopy of the tree, and came directly to its main trunk. It suddenly exploded, and a large piece of blue light poured out like a waterfall, submerging its entire trunk. , blending with the black fire, both annihilated and disappeared.

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