Lord of the Runes

Chapter 481 Playing tricks

Yi Han Feng's face was cold, and he stretched out his hand and waved it vigorously, a large light blue watermark flew out, the water vapor was vast, and filled hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, colliding with these thick branches, and dull sounds rang out one after another , one after another, endlessly.

After a while, the Miao watermark exploded, and a strong azure light spread out, transforming into large blue dragons, not only crushing their branches, but also soaring upwards, converging into a giant dragon, viciously It hit the big clock above, but it just shook it endlessly, and a large crack appeared, and then it was repaired by the green brilliance that appeared out of nowhere around it, but it still couldn't completely break the big clock.

Seeing this, Han Feng immediately took out the broken sword, poured the power of the sun into it frantically, turning it red, and with a sound of "嗤", a sharp red glow flew out, slashing fiercely at the sword. Within this big clock, it broke through its defense immediately, penetrated out, and completely blew it up.

The scarlet glow of sword light still had its remaining power, sweeping across large branches and leaves, piercing through the entire canopy of the tree, and finally hitting the cave cellar, making a sharp clanging sound like metal colliding.

Han Feng was lightened all over, and quickly flew out, moving left and right under the canopy, avoiding the successive attacks of large branches and leaves.

Spears, sharp swords, broadswords, heavenly weapons...

Eighteen kinds of weapons flashed out, chopping horizontally and slashing vertically, using all means, but none of them could catch Han Feng, and they were dodged or crushed by him one by one.

"Isn't it okay?!" Han Feng hugged Yan Yanfang tightly, and asked Yan Yanfang while avoiding all kinds of attacks.

"It's constantly changing its position. Most of my soul power has been sealed away, so I can't activate the secret technique to capture its exact position." Yan Yanfang looked around, eyes flickering, and said suddenly.

"Hmph, you mean you want me to help you form a seal?" Han Feng is a smart person, so he didn't understand what she said, so he snorted slightly.

"Of course, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get it." Yan Yanfang nodded calmly.

"It's a pity that you think highly of me. Your soul power seal was set by the princess of the ghost clan. I don't have the ability to break it!" Han Feng sneered.

"I have a technique, which can be performed by relying on the power of the flesh and blood sacrifice, you just need to undo the restriction on me!" Yan Yanfang said slowly, taking the second best.

"You're thinking of wishful thinking. If you take the opportunity to escape, do you think I can rest assured?" Han Feng laughed.

"Whatever you think, if you still want to get the Resurrection Grass, you have to undo the restraint on me!" Yan Yanfang looked indifferent, taking retreat as an advance, and threatened lightly.

"Hey, if that's the case, then let's go, I don't care anyway." Han Feng smiled bluntly, paused for a moment, and then said: "If you really don't want to take me out, I'm not afraid, the worst is we Just live here for a lifetime, and give birth to a bunch of little kids. With the concentration of aura here, they must be able to live well. You and I are so outstanding, and the children born may be talented and brilliant, who can break through the sky. Open this cave!"

Speaking of this, Han Feng once again avoided the large attack from the canopy, freed his hand, and touched Yan Yanfang's delicate face.

"You scoundrel..." Yan Yanfang was about to collapse, seeing that the other party was not invading, she couldn't be steamed or boiled.

"Tell me, should we go back to the bottom of the lake and make good things happen between you and me there, okay?" Han Feng smiled calmly.

"You are shameless!" Yan Yanfang blushed with anger and cursed angrily.

"Come on, spring night is worth a thousand dollars, let's hurry up. A beauty of your level can't get me tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones!" Han Feng said with a smile.

As he said that, he immediately changed his direction and galloped out of the canopy.

"Don't..." Yan Yanfang was afraid, and hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't what? Don't be so slow?" Han Feng said with a smile, "I think so too, but this place is full of dangers, I have to dodge all kinds of attacks here!"

Yan Yanfang almost fainted from the anger, and hurriedly said: "Don't mess around, I've almost confirmed the location of the Resurrection Grass!"

"Almost?" Han Feng frowned, and said lightly, "Then let's come again after you've fully confirmed. Anyway, this big tree demon is not my opponent, and he can come anytime!"

"I'm sure, I promise!" Yan Yanfang said firmly.

"Hey, but I don't want to go now, I'm too tired, let's go to the bottom of the lake to have a rest, chat, talk about love, wouldn't it be better?!" Han Feng sighed and suddenly said with a playful smile.

"Han Feng, don't push yourself too hard, at worst I'll fight you!" Yan Yanfang said angrily.

"In that case, I won't tease you anymore." Han Feng's smile faded, and he said coldly, "It's not too late, you lead the way, I hope you don't play tricks anymore, my patience has a limit!"

"Hmph..." Yan Yanfang snorted slightly, and immediately directed Han Feng to fly to the southeast.


In less than half a cup of tea, under Yan Yanfang's guidance, Han Feng turned around, cut off a large number of branches, avoided countless attacks, and finally came to an open area.

There are only three thick branches intertwined here, the blue light is shining, there are no branches and leaves, and the surroundings seem a bit quiet. Han Feng's arrival did not cause any disturbance here, and suddenly attacked.

At this moment, a gray grass was floating between the branches, with countless roots, hanging down on the branches like radish shreds, continuously absorbing the emerald green light emitted by the branches.

"This is the Resurrection Grass?!" Han Feng hid behind a branch, restrained his breath, looked at the ugly grass in front of him, looked a little dazed, and secretly asked Yan Yanfang.

"Well, that's right, it's the Resurrection Grass." Yan Yanfang nodded and replied in a low voice.

"How to pick?" Han Feng asked.

"It has spirituality and is very cautious. If there is any abnormal noise, it will run away!" Yan Yanfang held her breath and kept her voice very low.

"I have a talisman called soul-suppressing. When deployed, it can block hundreds of feet in radius, so it should be able to subdue it!" Yan Yanfang added after a slight pause.

"You want me to help you lift the restraint in your body?" Han Feng asked, frowning slightly.

"Otherwise, how would I take out this talisman?" Yan Yanfang asked back, "At this point, you still don't believe me? My soul power has been sealed by the ghost princess, what else can I create?!"

"Hey, you reminded me, I almost forgot about this important thing." Han Feng laughed, looking down at her hands.

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